Cat Dad Collects Chicken Meat

Chapter 233 – Cat Dad Collects Chicken Meat

"How is this possible?!"

Vermilion and his teammates couldn't believe what they were witnessing. The mascot of the guild had used every strongest spell and skill, but Xiaomao came out unharmed.

Moreover, the phoenix was a level-500 mythical creature. Although it hadn't matured yet, its destructive power and stats were comparable to an elite immortal.

"Xiaomao is hacking! GM, DO SOMETHING!"

Vermilion bellowed, but he got no response from the game's admins or moderators. While he was shouting, his subordinates began recording this event as proof.

Because they got tunnel vision, they didn't notice that the obelisk towers were already gone as more than five minutes had passed. Moreover, they forgot to build guild structures and manage their resources.


"That's about it!"