Cat Dad’s Enemy has Plot Armor

Chapter 368 – Cat Dad's Enemy has Plot Armor

Hiiro's arms and legs gradually grew soft and feeble because of the loss of blood and the hole in his heart. Soon, his blood flow ceased, and he collapsed to the ground.

Shepherd panted as the backlash injury that Hiiro had inflicted upon him earlier finally reminded him how painful it was. He fell on his knees, and blood flowed out from his eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth. Moreover, his muscle fibers and blood vessels shattered because of the overloading strength – His body wasn't used to the stress, speed, and power output of the deities that possessed him earlier.

Shepherd's domain ability wasn't fully his. He simply acted as a medium for the archangels. In short, when he activated the domains, an archangel possessed his body and fought in his stead while Shepherd's consciousness became an observer and a shot caller.