Cat Dad Believes in Himself

Chapter 369 – Cat Dad Believes in Himself

"What the hell is that?!"

"Another event?"

"This damn game company never tells the players what they are doing. It sucks."

"We are milking cash from this game, so we don't have the right to complain."

"Because of that mentality, the game company is scamming us. Don't you watch the news? People died playing this game."

"Shut it, boomer. We are here for money and superpower. You can't tell me what to do! Why are you here in the first place if you don't like the game?"

The players in Yeet City looked up and randomly exchanged their opinions while more airships came out from the large portal in the sky. Everybody was aware of the risks that came with the game, but they were willing to gamble their lives to obtain riches, immortality secrets, and superpowers.

On the airships, over 20,000 immortals looked down upon the players in the city. Some jeered while many spat at the crowd below.