Cathulhu Uses Ninjutsu?

Chapter 408 – Cathulhu Uses Ninjutsu?

The dragons were in dismay. They asked each other what to do next as their leader suddenly submitted to Xiaomao, whom they were supposed to either capture or kill.

While every dragon was confused and panicked, a massive 9-headed hydra arrived. It was over two kilometers tall and five kilometers long, and every head was over 200 meters in diameter. All heads came in a different color – Black, chrome, pink, grey, purple, red, blue, yellow, and green.

The black dragon head furrowed his brows when he saw the adultery scene below. He glanced at the chrome head, which was the leader of them all.

"Clem. It seems the demon general has betrayed us. What to do next?"

Clem, the Chrome-Head Hydra, aka the second Yamato no Orochi, dully stared at Amon. Then, she scanned through Xiaomao's status menu with her exclusive system abilities.