Cathulhu is a Fisherman!

Chapter 409 – Cathulhu is a Fisherman!

While Clem was in space, an invisible hand seized her body and pulled her and her comrades to the ground. Without the ability to resist, she fell and slammed into the planet below.


All heads coughed and were stunned. The impact caused a 100 kilometers wide crater and a massive shockwave, which expulsed the cloud and trees in a radius of 1,000 kilometers. As if the world was being destroyed, the ground turned red because of the impact and collective heat.

Although the apocalypse-like scene seemed terrifying, Xiaomao and Amon levitated in the sky, ignoring the collapsed ground. Xiaomao blankly stared at his prey while Amon raised her arms to protect her face from the small pebbles and black dust.