Cathulhu's Party VS Solomon (3)

Chapter 435 – Cathulhu's Party VS Solomon (3)

"Payback time, scum!"

A hundred purple strings came out from Meng Xin's purple wings. The death karma strands spread out and pierced every karma snake and karma centipede in the air.

Both Solomon and Mao Miaomiao coughed blood. Because these creatures were a part of their souls, they suffered internal injuries.

Mao Miaomiao yelled at Meng Xin, "Friendly fired! Friendly fired! Don't kill my freaking centipedes!"

Meng Xin sneered, "Those karma creatures look the same. It's impossible to differentiate."

"Bastard! You did it on purpose!"

Despite being hit directly to the soul, Mao Miaomiao instantly recovered. He turned his attention to Solomon and put more force into his katana.


He hacked at the sword wing of Solomon. However, it didn't put a dent on it. Moreover, Killer Queen screamed.