Cathulhu's Next Battlefield

Chapter 436 – Cathulhu's Next Battlefield 

"Is it over?"

Mao Miaomiao sensed the death of Solomon. He wondered if there was any more fighting left.

Meng Xin looked up and stopped the karma purgatory rain. He closed his eyes and read the universal trend, calculating the future.

It took Meng Xin only 10 seconds for him to finish. His expression was ugly.

"Not yet. The Olympus is raiding the game worlds and Divine Theocracy Earth. They're still fighting."

Hearing Olympus's name, Mao Miaomiao cackled. He thought of Poseidon and Zeus, whom he had once tricked into killing each other.

"What's the deal with those small fries? We are sages, but they are merely deities. We can just squash them."

"Not anymore. Calculate your karma, Mao Miaomiao."
