The outcome of a wrong step (1)

Zhan Yanhui ignored the shivers running through her skin due to the piercing cold wind that blew across her face. She gently tucked her hands in the heated pockets of her fur coat as she continued to wait patiently for someone, choosing to watch the bright moon standing among the clouds and hearing the dreadful eerie noises of the night. From a distance, she could see her personal servant's worried face as she helped her keep an eye out for the night guards patrolling the area to make sure they were not caught. Not that she was worried but she still smiled reassuringly to her most trusted servant before she resumed her internal battle with herself about her visitor's arrival.

Before she could end it herself, she saw a glimpse of bodyguards clothes in black pass her eyes before they landed on the ground along with the person she had been waiting for. The very sight of him brought a warm smile to her face as she rushed to hug him but was stopped by the cold warning in his eyes as he said. "Where is your maid?"

She halted, pushing away the disappointment in her heart when she saw that the bodyguards were present before she replied. "I left Xue Li back in the courtyard like you had instructed. It's only me here, no need to worry."

She felt slightly guilty for lying to him but she had no choice. Their meetings were always scheduled in the night and she dreaded the dark atmosphere so after the first few meetings, she decided to bring her maid to accompany her. She knew that he would believe her when she saw his eyes move to the lantern placed at a corner near the tree they were standing under. After a moment, he stretched his hand and said. "Good, now give me the seal."

She didn't hesitate at all to obey his command as she went around the tree and retrieved an object covered with a piece of cloth and placed it in his hands. It wasn't easy for her to get this important item as she had searched almost everywhere in the palace except the emperor's bedroom. It was exactly because of this, she worried a little that this man before her would think she had climbed into the emperor's bed in order to get it. She was about to tell him about how she got it but she never got the chance since he already flew away before she could say anything along with the people that came with him.

His fast disappearance made her sigh. He had always been like this, cold and unapproachable but he never forgot to treat her well. It made her tolerant of his flaws since no one could be perfect. To her, he was still the man she liked so why would she be troubled over such small trifles? This thought made her return back to her courtyard in original good spirits with her maid.

Unknown to her, the man she had been with had not gone yet but hidden in a corner as he watched her depart with her maid with anger in his eyes. One of the bodyguard stepped forward to present him the seal after he had checked for the validity himself. "Master, now that we have this seal, I will make arrangements to get Noble Consort Zhan out of the palace immediately."

"Who said she is going to leave the palace?" The man didn't even bother to turn to face his bodyguard as he continued to watch the giggling women who were returning back to their courtyard. For some reason, it made him even more irritated and annoyed.

His bodyguard's eyes widened in shock, making him sputter. "B-But if we don't get her out of the palace before we kill the emperor...."

This sentence finally made his master turn around, reprimanding him in a low angry voice. "Imprudent! Don't you know the things you should say and what not to say?!"

He quickly dropped to his knees in fear, suppressing the confusion in his heart as he placed two of his hands in form of a bow before him. "I have made a grave mistake, Master. Please punish me."

"Go and get the men so we can go. Now that things are finally moving according to our plans we should strike the iron while it is hot." The bodyguard dared not delay as he rushed quickly to his master's bidding, leaving him alone. However, he couldn't stop the thought that passed his mind as he glanced at his master one final time.

Was his master really planning to abandon the woman he loved? Here in the palace?

The next following days were indeed in chaos as Zhan Yanhui had expected so she locked herself up in her palace. She had heard everything from Xue Li whom she had sent to gather information for her. The whole palace was initially in an uproar over the stolen seal until it had been discovered that a powerful minister had risen in rebellion against the throne. She was aware that the seal she had stolen was not enough to take the throne from the emperor since they still needed to find the Grand Empress Dowager, the king's grandmother and retrieve her own seal. That was why it was said that the emperor had hidden her well in the palace before he left to battle so no one would be able to find her. But all these was no longer her concern since she had done her own part in their great revolution.

She was in great spirits since she was sure that her lover would be able to win the battle after gathering enough troops with the seal she had given him. She didn't care about the empress position even though she was sure it would be hers but she was proud that she had been able to help him achieve his goal and earn his rightful place as the new emperor.

Her past grievances were nothing to her anymore....

She heard a faint noise coming from a eunuch who stood at the door to announce the presence of an incoming person so she quickly arranged herself but her eyes widened in surprise as she greeted the old woman in front of her. "Greetings, Grand Empress Dowager. The weather outside is very hot. There was no need for you to come her personally. You could have gotten a maid to send for me."

The old woman allowed the young consort to lead her to a place to sit as she waved her hand and sighed. "Aiya, you don't know. That stubborn grandson of mine stuffed me into small house with lots of guards just to protect me. How can I tolerate it?"

The Grand Empress Dowager didn't give her a chance to convince her otherwise as she brought out an object and looked around to make sure that no one was looking before she placed it into her hands. "Hui'er, I need you to help this old woman keep this seal for her for the meantime. In this palace, there is nobody I can entrust this task for me. In case anything happens to me, I want to make sure no one can find it."

Zhan Yanhui's eyes widened in shock as her fingers curled around the seal wrapped in a cloth, pushing it back. "Your Highness, I am afraid that this is inappropriate. The Empress..."

At the mention of the empress, the emperor's grandmother frowned. " You know I don't like the empress so how can I entrust her with my most prized possession? Besides, I have watched how well the emperor treats you so I believe he would also agree with my decision."

Zhan Yanhui collected the seal and bowed her head in deep thought, allowing the guilty conscience that had been plaguing her for the past few days spread through her heart. She wondered if she could find a way to convince that person to let this old woman go. This person who trusted her wholeheartedly and took her in as her own granddaughter was bound to suffer from her betrayal and deceit. "I will do my best not to disappoint you, Your Highness."