The outcome of a wrong step (2)

In the middle of the night ...

The whole palace was in a state of utter chaos, the piercing screams and strong stench of blood permeating the air as the sound of swords clashing each other. Most of the concubines had gathered in the emperor's throne room where security was the tightest in hope of survival as they heard guards fighting with each other. Different dead bodies were eventually scattered everywhere as the rebels continued to search the palace.

Zhan Yanhui was waken up by the fearful faces of her servants who wanted her to find a way to escape since they heard that the emperor had already taken the empress away. She wasn't bothered by the commotion in the slightest because she was sure that she would surely come out unharmed no matter what happened. With her here, she would be able to protect her own people in the palace so she warned all her servants. "You all are not allowed to leave this palace until I tell you otherwise. Do not blame me if you disobey my orders."

"Yes, Your Highness." They bowed and left her alone but stayed in the courtyard doing their duties with worried faces. Some of the maids couldn't hide the fear in their hearts and approached Xue Li who continued to pace about in a frenzied manner. She glared at them and managed to cause them away, holding a love token given to her tightly in her hands.

Some rebel guards arrived after a few minutes into the courtyard, marching in with their bloody swords drawn. The sight alone sent some maids fainting to their dear lives while some cowered and hid in order to hid their presence. A handsome man appeared after them, entering the inner palace where Zhan Yanhui was staying alone. He looked around the lavishly furnished room before he was able to locate her sleeping figure on the bed. He wondered if she knew what was happening outside and how brave she was to be able to see through all the commotion. With this thoughts in his mind, he woke her up.

She rubbed her eyes sleepily and saw his figure standing above her own. A small smile blossomed on her face as she stood up. "Ting'er, you are finally here. Has everything been finished?"

"Not yet. We still haven't found the Grand Empress Dowager and her seal. I heard she came to visit you yesterday. What did you two talk about?" He watched her closely to observe her reaction but all he saw was a relaxed expression on her face.

"Nothing important. She just came here to kill some time since she was locked up and had started feeling bored so I entertained her. If I had known that you were looking for her, I would sent someone to follow her." Zhan Yanhui forced herself to keep a confused expression because for some reason, she hesitated giving him the second seal. Internally, she was already rebuking herself for holding back the seal so she decided to speak up. "Actually, I-"

A guard immediately entered the room and whispered something into his ear, making him relax his tense figure. He responded. "Bring her in."

Zhan Yanhui watched them bring in the Grand Empress Dowager who was already looking pale. Her eyes widened in worry when she saw her. "Hui'er, what are you doing here?! Why didn't you escape like the rest of the consorts?"

Seeing the poor woman's worn out appearance, she turned to face her lover. "Is there really a need to do this? I am sure the emperor had already taken the second seal away, we should not bother with her."

He shook his head. "My source has already told me that the emperor is not with the seal so I am sure it is here. I don't care about the methods but that seal must be found at all cost. We cannot delay this any longer."

Zhan Yanhui wondered when he had planted a new spy near the emperor and why he didn't tell her all this while. She realized that he was indeed keeping things from her and it made her uncomfortable. Before she could express her displeasure, the Grand Empress Dowager who had been listening to them looked at her with horror and shock as she pointed at her. "You! You betrayed your husband and your king, ruining the country! How could you do this?!"

Zhan Yanhui watched the old woman slump to the ground out of despair as she glared at her and pointed at her. "I even placed my most prized possession in your hands! The seal is with her!"

She could feel the cold eyes of her lover swiftly turn to her. She clenched her fists in silence and avoided his stare as she raised her head. Seeing her reaction, the man in front of her angrily approached her and grabbed her neck. He said. "Very good, Hui'er. So now, you even dare to lie to me. Where is the seal?"

She wanted to tell him that she never meant to keep the seal from him. She was the one that got him the first seal, why would she hide the second one from him? She struggled to release herself and at the same time breathe when her eyes strayed to the scented pouch at his waist. Her mind blinked at the sight of the embroidered pattern of the Phoenix on the satchel. She imagined all kind of explanations and scenarios in her mind for what she was seeing but the only words she could utter was. "What connection do you have with the Empress? Why do you have her satchel with you?!"

Seeing his indifferent gaze avoiding her, it only confirmed her suspicions. She refused to believe it but how could she deny it seeing it on the most intimate part of his body. She felt like all her beliefs and knowledge about this man had been shattered. The pain from his tight grip on her neck was no longer worth it. She would never forgive him for his betrayal. "So it has always been like this. How long did you think you could hide this from me?"

The man in front didn't show an ounce of regret or guilt to her accusations but instead unconsciously tugged the satchel further into a safe place by his side. He tightened his grip in anger. "Do you really think I won't kill you? After you die, I will tear down this palace for that seal and all your servants will die! Is it truly worth it?"

His words reminded her of Xue Li who had just secretly confided in her about her pregnancy and her hopes that the father of the baby would marry her soon. She naturally had to take a step back when she thought of the promise she made to protect her people. " Do you....promise that you will spare all of them if I give you that seal?"

"Of course. Their deaths will give me no satisfaction." He released her and watched her retrieve the seal. He didn't need to doubt her since he knew he had the upper hand here. She placed it gingerly in his hands, glaring at him with all the hatred she could muster but that was none of his concern. He gave the signal to the guards to start leaving but he stopped feeling the deadly intent coming from behind him and the small whiff of air that grazed through his skin indicating the danger coming at him. He swiftly caught the knife and pulled out his own sword, running it through his attacker.

Zhan Yanhui spat out blood immediately the sword stabbed her stomach but all she felt at the moment was regret and anger that she had somehow failed to kill this treacherous man. But how could her puny self defense skills be compared to a seasoned general from the battlefield? She laughed widely, showing her bloody teeth. "Ah, I missed!"

"Stupid woman!" His eyes flashed with anger as he pulled back his sword, letting some of the blood splash on his face. "You brought this on yourself!"

She had indeed brought this upon herself, letting herself to be used and toyed with. She had married another man and still fought to keep her chastity for the man she had loved! She had even handed the throne and the country to his very own hands! How did things end up like this?

She fell to the ground weakly but felt nothing when she saw him turn away and leave without a second glance. She watched the guards behind him slaughter all her maids not even sparing the Grand Empress Dowager and finally lighting a fire to erase all evidence. She laid there for an indefinite amount of time, feeling her life slowly drain away from her until a pair of arms picked her up, hugging her closely to his chest. She opened her eyes and smiled weakly. "Your Majesty, what are you doing here?"

The emperor's face was stricken with tears running down his cheeks as he hugged her tightly. "I am sorry I came late. This is all my fault."

She wondered what she had done to deserve his tears after what she had done but the pain racking her body made it impossible for her to convey her thoughts. "You don't hate me....after everything I have done?"

He used his sleeve to clean the corner of her mouth as he rocked her slowly in silence for a while before he replied. "Silly woman. Everything you have wanted, I have always given it to you. The throne is meaningless without you."

Tears fell out of her eyes.

He saw it and wiped them away, gently closing her eyes as he whispered. "Sleep now. In the next life, we will surely a carefree couple sharing joy and pain together without any regrets. How nice would that be?"

She smiled faintly with the scene in her mind as she slowly drifted away. If the heavens will be truly merciful to her, she would be a good wife to him in the next life. She won't make the same mistakes again.