Saving Consort Xi from the Empress...

Wen Yating looked at her and for the first time, he just didn't be believe her. He saw how her eyes sparkled when she was with the emperor and how cold she was with him. The comparison was as clear as day. He started been her dressed in a peach pink gown unlike her usual dark colors he was used to seeing her wear. He realized that she was more prettier like this, her aura had also changed from a cold and ruthless person to a mature and calm one.  It was like he was seeing a different person from the one he left to go to war and he was a little helpless on how to deal with her.

"I just want to know how the situation with Consort Xi is going. I haven't heard any news from you these past few days." He said.

"The emperor has recieved news about the barbarians being in the capital so he decided to change the security around the palace. None of our men stayed behind so I didn't know how to reach you. As for Consort Xi, I was just about to visit her before you came." Zhan Yanhui felt her legs cramping from standing so long but she dared not sit to make sure she could see this guest out. There were many eyes on her in the palace and she was sure that one of the consorts must have found out he was here. If one of them brought the emperor here....

They talked for a few minutes more before she told him. "Alright, it's time for you to leave. The court meeting should have ended by now and I still need to visit Consort Xi."

Wen Yating clenched his fists and released them as he commented. "This is the first time I have seen you so eager for me to leave you, Hui'er."

"That's because this is the first time you have visited my palace in broad daylight, Yating. My enemies are still in the palace, do you want to put me in trouble?" Zhan Yanhui quirked an delicate eyebrow at him.

Wen Yating knew he could not argue with her reasoning but how could he not know what was going on? She was literally saying that she didn't want the emperor to see them together. He suddenly felt like a gigolo who was cheating with a wife on her husband and he was extremely unhappy. He stiffly nodded and followed her out of the room.

Zhan Yanhui stopped a few steps out of her palace and told him in the presence of her entourage. "General Wen, I am afraid I won't be able to escort you any further. You surely know your way out of the palace so I won't disturb you. Till we meet again, then."

Wen Yating was slightly surprised to see that she wasn't even planning on getting one of the maids to escort him out. He narrowed his eyes thinking the way she was treating him was too harsh. He had never been treated this way and he was used to being the one being cold and indifferent. He was getting frustrated with her behavior towards him but he merely bowed and left.

Unknown to them, the emperor and Consort Wei stood far away watching them in silence. When the consort noticed how quiet the emperor was, she thought he was brewing in rage so she decided to fan the flames even more. "Aiya! Your Majesty, please don't misunderstand the Noble Consort. I heard that General Wen and the Noble Consort have been childhood friends and they were very close even when she was still single. General Wen is now proclaimed the young God of War and has won many achievements, it's normal for him to visit her since he has returned from war..."

She raised her head and snuck a peek at the emperor before she continued. "But there is one thing I don't understand, Your Majesty. What could they have discussing for so long in her room? She even sent the maids away....."

Yi Wenkui narrowed his eyes after he watched Zhan Yanhui leave and then he turned to face the woman standing beside him. "Consort Wei, do you know what I dislike the most? I hate people who try to use me for their schemes. Guards, lock up Consort Wei in a cell for slandering her superior. This will serve as a lesson for the rest ladies in the harem."

Consort Wei paled when she heard him and immediately knelt down as she saw the guards approach her. "Your Majesty, I was wrong. Please spare me! Do it for Yi Huan! Your Majesty!"

As they dragged Consort Wei away, he told Dai Jie. "Make sure she is released tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile go to the Consort Wei's palace and tell the maids that Yi Huan would be spending the night with me. I don't want him to find out what has happened to his mother."

Meanwhile, Zhan Yanhui entered Consort Xo's palace only to see her about to eat. She had already warned the maids not to announce her presence so the consort wouldn't be alarmed but immediately Consort Xi spotted her, her eyes  widened as she clumsily tried to stand up. "N-No...Noble Consort, you are here...."

"There is no need to rise. I just wanted to visit you so I can check on you and the baby. The emperor sent me." She knew that was a blatant lie but the sight of seeing the consort relax once she mentioned the emperor's name told her she had said the right thing. She glanced around and asked. "Is this your meal?"

Consort Xi panicked when she noticed the Noble Consort had seen the meal on the table. She had lied to everyone that she had been craving sweet things so they would think she was about to give birth to a girl but everything here was full of sour food. "T-The empress sent them here...."

Zhan Yanhui's smile immediately she heard her talk. She looked at her maid as she cautiously dragged the consort away from the table. "Xue Li..."

Consort Xi helplessly said when she saw the maid bring out a silver needle. "Noble Consort, the food has already been tested just now. There is no need...."

Her words died in her mouth as she watched the silver needle turn black after being dipped into the food. She had entered shock, her mind racing to the fact that the only person she had confided in about her craving of sour foods was the same person trying to kill her. Everyone said the empress was benevolent and kind, how could this be happening? She shook her head and muttered. "No, this is not true. This is impossible! This is...."

"Consort Xi!" Zhan Yanhui's eyes widened as she barely managed to catch the unconscious consort before she hit the floor with her heavy tummy. She said. "Xue Li, get the imperial doctor here right now! Make sure this news doesn't leave the room...."