Hiding secrets from the Emperor.

A few minutes later, Consort Xi managed to wake up after a diagnosis with the imperial doctor. She opened her eyes to see Zhan Yanhui dozing peacefully at her bedside and her hands immediately went to cover her bulging belly that was hidden under the covers. She was filled with complicated emotions and relief that her baby was safe and unharmed. She wondered what would have happened if the Noble Consort had not arrived.....

Her heart went cold when she thought of how the Empress had tried to kill her and her unborn baby, she knew that she had trusted the wrong person this time. She had nearly risked everything on mere rumours, which meant the Noble Consort was probably not as bad as everyone was saying, she pondered.

Her tossing and turning in silence finally woke up the Noble Consort as she rubbed her eyes sleepily and said. "Consort Xi, you are awake? Go back to sleep, the imperial doctor said that you must be in complete bed rest from now."