Yi Huan's sudden change.

Zhan Yanhui stood up from the emperor's lap in stupor as she went closer it the man. She exclaimed in surprise and happiness. "Jing Guo? You are really alive?!"

Jing Guo who was also happy to see her was about to say something when he looked behind her back to see the emperor's darkened face. He cleared his throat and quickly took a step back as he lowered his eyes to the floor. "Uhm...when the prison exploded, we were already trapped and unconscious when the emperor sent the Dark Raven Guards to rescue through an underground tunnel."

"What about the other people?" Zhan Yanhui didn't seem to understand the underlying situation happening and instead approached him again, this time touching his shoulders. She was truly glad that he was alive and well or else all her meticulous plans would have gone down the drain. "What happened to the prison guards that were with you?"