Prince Chang's intervention.

Meanwhile, in another palace, Consort Feng sat down with her maid embroidering on a screen in the afternoon. She had almost completed the phoenix pattern she had been secretly working on for about a year now so she was already in a pleasant mood until a maid came in to see her. She curtsied and said. "Your Highness, everything has been arranged according to your plan. Prince Yi Huan went to His Majesty's study and made scene there so His Majesty got angry and scolded him. He also said...."

Consort Feng's expressionless face didn't change as she inserted the needle through the cloth gently and pulled it out. "What did he say?"

The maid knelt down. "He said that all the maids serving Prince Yi Huan should be punished for gossiping." She kowtowed and hit her head on the floor as she begged. "Your Highness, please save my sister!"