Another encounter with General Teng Cheng.

Zhan Yanhui learnt to spend her days strolling or resting in her palace since she was isolated from the rest consorts now and was constantly on being protected by the Dark Raven Guards. A month had passed and she could still feel the emperor's subtle worry about her and the baby's safety growing day by day so she tried her best to follow his words and only came out to visit the Grand Empress Dowager when she came out in order not to make him think about her so much.

She was already coming out of the palace when she saw General Teng Cheng passing with a few soldiers. He halted his steps and talked to the guards to move on while he approached her. "Greetings, Your Highness."

"General Teng Cheng." She looked at her maids behind her, making them take several steps back so they could talk briefly. She knew he wanted to talk to her so she wanted to get it over it as soon as possible in order to prevent any unwanted rumours. "How have you been?"