Consort Feng's secret is discovered

In the Grand Empress Dowager's palace...

The Grand Empress Dowager was getting ready to visit the Noble Consort the next day to bring her some of the clothes she had ordered the Embroidery Department to make. She would have done it herself but her eyesight was no longer good and her fingers did tremble from time to time in her old age. She was eating her breakfast when her maid came into the room with a very worried expression. "Your Highness! This..."

She put down her chopsticks and scolded the woman who had accompanied her for so many years. Now that she knew she was going to expect a new grandson, she wanted to live a little longer just to see the baby. "What is it now? Don't you know that an old woman like me can't face too much surprises now?"

"Your Highness, please take a look." She brought out a baby's clothes and showed it to the Grand Empress Dowager with heavy worry on her face. "Isn't this..."