The Grand Empress Dowager discovers Wen Yating's true identity.

The emperor was enjoying the scenery of the lotus pond that had just been built for his noble consort with her as they stayed under a gazebo chatting with each other. They had spent their recent days like that chatting and eating together without any reservations and it was one of the happiest they had ever been in their lives. Yi Wenkui grabbed one to her favorite grapes she had been requesting for since she got pregnant and put it in her mouth as he said. "I was coming out of a court meeting when I received a disturbing news about your palace from Prime Minister Han."

Zhan Yanhui frowned slightly and spat out the seed before she turned to face him in his arms surrounding her. "That old man is spying on me? What did he say?"

The emperor shook his head. "He just warned me subtly about unwanted visitors coming to your palace during the afternoons. Why didn't you tell me that General Teng Cheng is still disturbing you?"