

They actually forgot about the children of the 'haunters' that died in the woods. The children were left alone. Uncle Bob decided to take them as his kids, he helped them by catering for them, they were lucky through the money their parents left for them, they were being able to use it to continue high school. They were three, two girls and a boy. Jake Jones was the eldest of the two, he was highly addicted to cocaine and drugs , no one was there to tell him to stop. He lived most of his lives with friends, not interested in woman, he later came out as a gay. Johanna Jones the first daughter and the second born was a stripper, loves partying and drinking with friends, she used been a stripper to survive In the unlucky world she finds herself in. Rhonda Jones, the last daughter and the last born, she was mostly the quiet type, something was different about her, the fact that she doesn't exhibit the characters of her siblings. She always felt left out, even when their mom and dad were still alive, she was still out of place. She never won the chance of being the favorite, she felt abandoned by them but Johanna will always be there to cheer her up.

The Lost of their parents were hard to bare, Uncle Bob took their parents money, put them in tasks. Although, he took them as children coz his were already dead same with his wife who suffered from brain disease. He spent the money lavishly, although he gave little of his love BUT they weren't fond of him. He was always full of lust for Rhonda who was just the quiet one, he although had the same for Johanna. When she (Johanna) discovered this, the lust in his eyes anytime she passes or doing the chores made her uncomfortable, she gave Uncle Bob the slap he deserved when he touches her boobs and this led to a fight, Jake came to her sister's rescue and he kicked the both of them from his house Until Rhonda pleaded for her siblings' behalf. She wasn't willing to do it, but one way or the other she had too and he actually gave it, accepted!!!

Uncle Bob made the siblings' life a living hell. Because of this, Johanna and Jake will usually spend the night at their friend's house. Rhonda wasn't comfortable about this, she will had to sleep outside on the porch. Well as I've said he doesn't care, anytime she's there alone with him. That's when he usually strike, wanting to claim her but she refused not in a harsh way, she got a calm gentle voice but he never took it seriously. All he wanted was her body, when she usually rejects him, he gets angry for no reason and will throw anything at her.

So to rather avoid this, she stays outdoors, sleeping in the porch. He has bound them from going to their parents' house. And usually made this clear for them, she doesn't have more trustworthy friends like that of Johanna and Jake, so this makes her feel left out… Especially the fact, that she was often bullied by bullies and she has no gut to fight back or retaliate. There was usually one that gets to her nerves, it was the 'savage crook' the name that Rhonda usually calls her, not outer but to her innermost mind.

One Blissful morning… which she has never had in her life was when 'she was rejected'. Rhonda got up from the porch not from the bed, did her daily chores as usual. She did triple of her usual coz that was meant for Jake and Johanna and they refused to come back home. It took her a hour to get it all done, took her bath and put on her dress ready for school with her bag… she knew she was late, so she had to find a way to get to the school without anyone finding out, but she had to get in through the window and that worked out well but in a messy way. When she entered the through the window, she had to take a bath in the mud, her hair covered with leaves, as long she wasn't caught this time by anyone. But who was she kidding, she was been called to the principal's office. Isabella Crook the girl that usually bullies her recorded the whole scene and taped it for the whole school to watch. It was embarrassing and this was why the principal called her coz one he must have watched it…

"I can explain Principal Adams" She snapped in

"This better be good young lady"

"Well, I did it never to get caught"

"but you were caught on the video" he tries to find something funny about it

"Yes I know I may be getting a detention or a punishment but won't you tell Isabella to stop taping me, she has probably post it in her social media platform and it's not fair too"

"so you want me to punish her too?" he raised a brow, it looks like he wasn't willing to call Isabella out, probably because her parents is wealthy that's why she brags about it

"Now Miss Rhonda, you can't compare Isabella to you, she's is wealthy and you're just…"

"my parents were haunters too, so they were wealthy too…"

"I know, but to my point of correction. Your parents used to be Wealthy but not anymore, they used to be haunters but not anymore… But I don't wanna stay here been disrespectful about them and their work coz they did save this town"

"What's your point Principal Adams?" Rhonda was point in yelling at him but she decided to say it in her low soft voice. It was already getting too annoying to her

"okay, I'm going to let you off with a warning dear,.." then his words were slightly interrupted when a knock on the door was been heard. "Come in!" he told the voice, the someone Knocking on the door opened it and entered and behold it was a guy wearing a black skinny jeans, boots and Black jacket. He was on black and had no smile on. Principal Adams must have felt happy having him, the first thought that came to Rhonda that maybe he was a teacher, but he doesn't look nor dress like one… "ooh, you must be Gad! Please have a seat let's talk" Principal Adams posters him to seat and he sit

"Maybe I should go" Rhonda said, Adams was already opening the blue book stating the school logo, maybe he's a student too… the principal seem not to pay attention to her

"Im having a conversation with him, thank you"

"But you were about to tell me my punishment before he came in!" she pointed to the guy on black

"you are rudely interrupting my conversation, don't you have manners young lady" Principal Adams shouted at her, Rhonda took her bag and headed out of the door without him stopping her.

"He is the rude one!" She insulted in her mind heading straight to the school's restroom for girls to get herself cleaned up, she was delighted to see Johanna there with her boyfriend, they were having a conversation when she entered. They both stopped and looked at her, maybe surprised why she's all dirty and messy OR surprised why she interrupt their conversation. "Or am I still interrupting?" Rhonda raised a brow

"I will see you later babe!" he kisses her cheek and left. Rhonda took a look of disgust, walking straight to the sink to remove the leaves on her hair…

"so is it how you're playing it? You don't wanna talk to me, your sister" Johanna started breaking the long silence but Rhonda gave no reply, but instead continued what she was doing. This was frustrating! Johanna walks to her sister, removing the tree branches from her hair, but Rhonda gave no word… "why are you angry with me?" she asked

"because you and bra left me in that fucking house all by myself for a month, and you expect me to be happy" when she was done, she changes to another pair of blue jeans as she always kept extra in her bag and put it on…

"I am sorry, we are sorry"

"and do you think that's enough, I have been stuck with Uncle Bob and you don't know that's nightmare. You left me as if you were dead, no one to tell me jokes or tell my secrets too…"

"I did that because Uncle Bob threw us out, you were there when he did and he's not going to take us back"

"That's not true, he's afraid of you and Jake, he probably respect you more than me, that's why he treats me like I'm nobody"

"Rhonda, you don't expect me to come back to his fucking house, he's an asshole and I'm not coming back" Johanna made it clear, when Rhonda was all done, she took her bag and left the restroom not willing to face her sister anymore, so Johanna ran after her. "Im sorry, I am…"

"Just go and hang out with your friends not me, I'm not the right one!"

"Stop that Rho!!! Stop saying that, you're the closet and most luckiest sister I've ever hard, I can't treat you unfairly…"

"well have fun!" Rhonda left her after she discovered her sister's friends were already waiting for her. Rhonda went to her looker to grab few books for class. Isabella's locker was just opposite to hers and as usual that was when she came in looking all cute and pretty hot. She was created with a well defined body, sexy enough to lure men and even her uncles. Some girls envied her, some wants to be like her while others wants to be her friend BUT not Rhonda.

Isabella parents were filthy rich, they work with the Mayor as their ambassadors and she brags about her parents, her house, her clothes, herself and this was usually annoying, she bullies others and calls them 'dirt poor'. ALWAYS complains why she's going to 'High Hopes Academy', the school is both fit for the rich and poor, no racial discrimination were allowed, everyone was loved equally and a lot more rules that Isabella broke but principal Adams never said a word about her attitude.

She has always hated Isabella and tries all possible way to avoid her, but she was like a ghost almost everywhere. Everyone were she goes, her friends are allowing parodying with her like a goddess, she even have boys that did her homework and scores high. But how? She didn't even study. Johanna was always jealous of Isabella and even tries to be like her, Rhonda at the other side just stayed away from them… There comes Isabella on her sexy dresses with friends following her around! Rhonda closes her locker, ready to go to her class

"Hey smelly!" Isabella mocks, Rhonda ignores as usual making Isabella to make a fool out of herself and tries to go the other way around.. "Remember, I got your videos on my cellphone and I'm likely to upload it" she laughs at her

"do your worst" Rhonda finally took the courage to talk, but she didn't say it out, she'd just imagined if she said it and gave Isabella a slap and began to laugh at her own thoughts, everyone looking at her including Isabella thought she'd (Rhonda) was making a gesture out of her. Isabella tries to retaliate when She saw a handsome angelic being just walked passed her without saying HI. It was the guy that Rhonda saw at the Principal's office. Maybe he was a student after all… Isabella felt embarrassed, coz she's highly recognizable in the school and outside the school. Everyone that usually sees or walk pass her greets her or lay praises to her BUT this guy said nothing… Everyone watching this began to murmur among themselves. Isabella walked to him who was still busy with his cellphone

"hey you!" she calls out, he had a headset on… so she alert him using her fingers

"what?" he said it in a cold rather interrupted tone

"You supposed to address me as my lady!" Isabella said out of frustration

"But you aren't no lady to me"

"Woo" Rhonda screamed that one out in her mind

"You should rather know, you're talking to the richest girl in this city, so correct your words and apologize"

"I don't know you, so I think you should rather go" He rejected her like that, about to leave. Isabella felt disappointed and sad, everyone could see that all written all over her face. Flynn, one of her boyfriend came out to fight this new guy because he rejected Isabella in a hurtful disgraceful way. Flynn the muscular of them all, his parents were wealthy too but not as stinky rich than that of Isabella's parents and also the hottest of all the guys that's why Isabella choose him. Because of his love for his Isabella, he went there to beat up the guy that hurt his girlfriend's feelings.

"hey you, who do you think you are?" Flynn walls closer ready to start a dangerous fight and it looks like even the guy himself was really ready to fight Flynn. Everyone knew what this was going on, brought out their cellphone to tape, that was when Rhonda came into the scene

"don't you think principal Adams is going to put the both of you in detention" she said but Flynn didn't took her words seriously, still willing to fight.

"suspension? Detention? Expelled!" she added those three words to at least terrify him but Flynn didn't move a bit, sill willing to fight him

"And if any of those things happen, you will be pretty sure Isabella is going to leave you and replace you with another guy…" She mumbled the words to Flynn and he was able to get few of her sentence before backing out

"phew!" She heaved a sigh of relief

"don't think I'm done with you yet, after school you're going to taste blood" Flynn threatens. "No one hurts my girlfriend" he added

"And I'll be waiting for you" the new guy put on his headphones, heading to the class

"Now the fight is over!" Rhonda sub conscious said to her and she smiled, well everyone wasn't happy, they wanted to watch a fight scene in school and Rhonda ruin it for them, they began to boo at her, this was a usual thing for HER, so she picked up her bag and headed to class…