Chapter 2

After the bell rings. She went to the school's café to have her lunch, she hadn't eaten good food for a long time now. Her aim was to get good grades, and be the school monitor, if she's ever granted the opportunity, she would place Isabella on detention if she misbehaves and won, that will be a dream pride come tries. She bought her launch as cheap as three dollars, the tables in the school cafeteria were already fun, there was a seat left, she wanted to go and sit there to eat, until when she saw her sister's friends. They don't seem like good people to hang out with, her friends took the attention she used to deserved. Johanna was simply begging her with those 'I-can't-resist' eyes, but Rhonda ignores her looking for another table to sit on.

Ooh, she managed to find one, at last! And heaved a sigh of relief knowing she still has hope and not going to sit with her sisters and her annoying friends. There were just two seats left, it was the new guy's table, he was already sitting there with his eyes on the screen, it looks like he didn't had food or anything on his table. He doesn't look like someone that was poor, his appearance looked more magnetic. She sat close to him, his eyes were still fixed on his phone, didn't even looked up to see who was sitting.

"Um, hi new boy!" She started. She wasn't too used to starting a conversation with a guy before, but sitting close to him made her emotional and filled with thoughts of why isn't he eating anything? One of his eyeball rolled to look at the damsel before him, she had a pretty soft voice, she looks so cute and young.

"You know, I have a name right?" he said to her a little bit cold. He felt like he wasn't in the mood to talk, but she pressured on

"Um sorry, I don't know yours"

"but I know yours" he added finally putting his cellphone on the table looking directly into her eyes. Rhoda felt uncomfortable about this, and tries not to look him at his face. "You are Rhonda Jones, am I not?" he raised a brow

"Of course, that's my name. How did you?"

"you are in the school's black book, I saw your name there" his words made her want to cry. She can't really believe it, principal Adams put her name there, but she didn't commit anything wrong, but he decided to make her own life a hell too. She wanted to point cases as that of Isabella and her friends who broke the rules, Flynn, other bad boys and girls who were rich that did awful things didn't had their names on the school's black book. Rhonda was just sick and tired of him, no matter what she said or what she does, the selfish principal won't do anything. Her only choice was to report his attitude and Isabella's to the school's board of management. But she feared that the poor man may loose his job. Rhonda looked back at him before taking a look at her sandwich. "Apart from that, I still know you and you know me, I came to this school for you…" he said such words to her, she looked confused about what he was saying. She hasn't seen him before neither has she known him before UNTIL now. She thought maybe he was mistaken her with someone else!

"I don't know you!" was her low reply

"You have probably forgotten about me!"

"Please! Don't mistake me with someone else" Rhonda felt a little tense and annoyed AND even wanted to go

"but you wanted to know my name!" he said stopping her movements from leaving

"yes I do" she replied. She wanted to know his name badly but it felt like he was not really opened about it

"I am Gad!" he replied. "does that now answer your questions?"

"Gad. Don't you have a second name or something?" she asked again taking up the courage to look into his eyes but not for long.

He smirked deadly, he wasn't willing to share information about himself. Rhonda noticed that with the look of his expression, and threw her glare at the sandwich. Is she going to still give it to him? "Maybe I asked too much"

"You did asked too much of my name! You want to know more about me, don't you?" he caught her off guard, she widens her eyes out of surprised

"I am only asking you the questions coz you're new here" was her reply

"Or more than that, as I've said I came here for you… won't you ask me why? Or how?" This made Rhonda a little intense, she wanted to ask him out of curiosity, but she doesn't know if he's going to give a reply or not!

"There is no need!" she said wanting to devour the sandwich right before her. He came closer to her and whispered something secretive in her ears

"I can give you a reply but not here, cameras and annoying humans are watching.."

"Humans?" she said it, not out but in her mind

"Lets talk privately where no one will see or recognize us. Somewhere in the dark.."


"after school!" he said drawing off her ears before sitting back

"I barely know you. Just give me a reply here, right now…"

"No can't do, not here!"

"then forget it. It was good knowing you in school!" she picked up her sandwich and began to eat it. She felt offended by him that she didn't give him one. She saved the last one for later.

"In case you want to change your mind, I'm always around after school" was his last words he only told her. She picked up her bag when she runs into Johanna and her friends


"Mind your steps, glassy!!" they spilled insults on her. It was nothing surprising that Rhonda hates them, including her sister for involving herself with brats like them. Johanna's friends are just low, not compared to Isabella that is filthy rich. They are literally like her and the rest less-poor students there, they supposed to be equal like them coz they aren't richer than Rhonda, they had more money than them BUT they all acted like jerks. Just copying Isabella's lifestyles and ways, using it to impact on others. So Rhonda hated them and not afraid to talk back

"Copycats" Rhonda clapped Back at them, she look at Johanna who didn't say anything than to calm her friends. She sigh at them wanting to go but Johanna drew Rhonda back

"I will catch you girls later!" Johanna told them, one of them intentionally stepped on Rhonda's shoes, she was willing to fight back BUT just ignored them…

"Now curse me, coz that's what you enjoy doing to me!" Rhonda said not willing to have a conversation with her sister

"No, I just wanted to tell you to remind you about our parents memorial day"

"I remember. What do you take me for? Do you think I'm 5?"

"Last year, you came late and it was a real embarrassment. So I don't want you to mess up this year"

"I won't mess it up" Rhonda scoffed

"I was thinking if you stayed with me!"

"What? I should stay with you? With your friends? No way!"

"I am just doing this, so you won't forget…."

"come on Johan, I'm never going to stay with you as long your annoying friends is there around with you. I can handle it myself!" she walked away


After school, Rhonda quickly rushed out of school, she wanted to for once prove Johanna wrong AND yes she must be proved wrong. She rushes back home, when I mean by home, it was Uncle Bob's house coz they weren't allowed to go back to their late parents house. He was with his friends outside smoking, so she entered through the window. She was now getting to know entering through the window not the door, there she didn't bothered to take a shower coz she knows that was going to take her time, she wore black attire, a handless gown, black in color with a black jacket. She did a fishtail hairstyle and didn't even have time to style herself. It was in the midday the main event started, she wore her medical lenses. Uses her Uncle's car, drove herself there.

Uncle Bob never took the event seriously, he came anytime he wanted and even complained back that 'he has supported his brother for a long time, because I'm late doesn't mean I don't care about him!'. He wouldn't mind if she took his car, as long it doesn't have a scratch on it. When she got there, it looked like an expensive event, the main room or hall was already full. Although it was not customary for invitations to request special attire, least of all for a luncheon in the country, the women wore evening gowns and precious jewels and most of the men were dressed in dinner jackets with black ties, and some even wore frock coats. She saw Jake and Johanna sitting together, she walked there. They reserved a seat for her. It was still surprising that Johanna prepares quickly and even looked more cute but she isn't late as that of Rhonda, she took a sit in the midst of her siblings NOT even replying to Johanna's greetings…

"I thought we were over this? You can't keep this forever!" Johanna complained looking disappointed

"Are you two having a beef against each other or what?" That was Jake asking his sisters questions BUT Rhonda folds her arms and gave no reply

"she is angry with me, with us for abandoning her!" Johanna explained

"If it's about uncle, count me out!" Jake said

"I have apologize a lot of time but Rho won't talk to me, is this how you want it to be?" Johanna sounded harsh

"You know what? Your fucking friends are the problems, they are using you Johanna, stop been like Isa!" Rhonda finally gave a reply

"There aren't no problem, I have all right to have fun. You don't need to be jealous!"


"Go and have friends, have more, no one cares…"

"I can't stay here!" Rhonda plans to leave but Jake holds her back, everyone was starting to look at the siblings

"You girls should stop, we are honoring our beloved parents death and this is how you two wants to honor them, do you ever think they are going to be happy with you two if they're alive now! The both of you were the closet things ever but now you've broken that up. This is for mom and dad not you!" Jake sounded teary and wanted to cry but he hold back. Rhonda seeing her sad brother's voice took a deep breath and sat there quietly. Johanna brought out her phone for texting. Then the light were on, the Mayor came in with his ambassadors and many others who accompanied him, while he walked there, everywhere was filled with as quiet than that of the dead not to be disturbed. He walked to the main stage which was decorated with flowers. The frame which had the picture of Mom and Dad with their arrows, they held each other and romantic at the same time…

"I welcome everyone for coming and it's such a honor to have you all. Long ago, the Killers harmed our beloved city but this power couple haunters saved us all NOW no more killers" everyone begin to clap. "They fought well, they gave up their lives to save us and we shall ever be grateful, today lies our city's heroes.. And we honor them on their behalf" he brought out his cup. "A beautiful and remarkable toast to our city's heroes!" then they all drank from the cup accompany with a cheer. Jake felt more emotional, Rhonda puts her hands on his shoulders to comfort him without saying a word 'sorry' but he knew she was using her touch as a sign of telling him that everything is going to be alright. It was a short one actually, they brought the children of the Jones family gifts comforting them. Rhonda collected her share, without saying goodbye she drove off. The city was although cold, everywhere was dark and she could hardly see how to drive but she made it home. It was 6:00pm. She got out of the car quietly coz this was the time Uncle Bob usually has his sleep. As early as ever. She brought out the sandwich she kept and ate it including the goodies sent to her. She was really hungry and needed to eat, she doesn't do little stuffs to make her money more like Johanna who is a stripper. She wanted to sleep as early than ever to get to school on time BUT she couldn't feel the sign of sleep anyway. She took up her cellphone, played a calm music her mom usually sing to her to get to bed. She uses the music as sign of remembrance. It was rather off for her to be working late when everyone is supposed to be asleep. She decided to suspend the work for now, to avoid other neighbors from complaining to Uncle Bob or the landlord. She heaved a sigh of relief and notices something flashed that ran towards her… she locks the gate but still sensed that someone was looking at her, this took her to the next level. She walks slowly, slowly and slowly to the gate to know who was there, she was rather terrified. Held the Torchlight in her hands and began to point at the gate, she couldn't see anyone there BUT she was certain someone was looking at her… She opened the gate slowly to avoid sounds and went outside to have a look.

It was dark, she had her Torchlight and Yes there was also street light also. She looks around but find no one there.

"Im crazy, just look at me… I need a long nap" She said entering back inside, shutting the door and off she went to the porch to sleep