Chapter 3


Within the woods, the dark, the skulls, the coven. Noises been made by one another, the head of the Vampires sitting in the highest seat, as they're often the respected one in the coven. They were murmur words that was still unknown to the others. The Vampires at the other hand doesn't seem happy. Instead they were angry and torn within themselves.

"Silence!" Rufus, one of the head said. "We still have no answer on what to do now" them the murmuring continues…

"But how are we going to survive?"

"There is no blood for us"

"Without blood we can't survive!"

"As I've said, we're doing everything possible to provide you the things we can, for now e drink animal blood, daytime we sleep" Rufus added

"Ye comes him" One of them announced. It was him, another Vampire who has returned from his quest, wanting to deliver the news…

"hope this is good!" Rufus said in his breathe, the known Vampire walked towards the council, the others separated to give way for him. The female blushes, heaves their dreamy hands, male wanting to be like him. Once HE knows he was close enough, he knelt at his feet

"I bestow my greetings to the elders including you Rufus"

"Its so nice to have you"

"I have good news and bad news. Good news I have found the children of the late hunters, and they seem pretty separated from each other"

"That's good to hear!"

"So what do we do?" The killers cut in

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" they were chanting

"we can't" HE rose up from his feet.

"But we need blood Rimac, you supposed to know that, it's been years now" One of the Killers said

"The bad news is that, the city is full of security, other haunters always come prepared to us down AND if we strike now, many of us is going to die!" Rimac explained

"He do have a point!" one of the Elders said

"It's a good thing the children of the haunters are still alive. We kill from the haunter's family, not only them. The whole of the haunters family, kill them all, drink as many blood your appetite can take you…" That was Rufus talking

"So does that mean, we're going to strike now? It's a good plan, but a lot of us is going to die!" Styles, the son of Rufus added

"This is our way of killing and taking revenge. We are the killers and that is what we do. Firstly, we must alert the Mayor. Once he knows, we start killing from the haunter's family"

"Why not from anybody?" Styles asked

"coz they are haunters and they're been paid to kill us. If we kill their families which is their loved ones, the mayor may not care. The haunters will try to flee or attack the Mayor AND that's when we come in" Rufus replied, and then turn to address them. "We have a brilliant plan and this is going to help us with our revenge… For now, we work According to it!" Rufus said

"It's over, you can now Return to your coffin!" he added, everyone murmured to themselves before taking their leave. Rufus went back to his seat to address the plan with the other elders and the advisers…


"I can't believe your father is choosing that plan, he's already discussing it with the Elders and he's really the convincing type" Rimac said

"You can't blame him for his attitude, he lost his wife, the haunters killed her, we mourn her death every year coz she was a good leader" Stiles replied

"Those haunters back there could be clever than we are BUT who am I to oppose your father's plan!"

"Rimac!" then they began to laugh

"Hey, hey, hey Rimac" A vampirina said coming from behind, she had those smiles on. She ran towards Rimac, holding his hands. He tried to loose away from her but she held him tightly. "So when are you going to claim me? Make me your mate!" She insisted

"Mate with someone else!"

"But I want it with you!"

"Im not ready, and even if I am. It can't be you" Rimac blurted out, she went red and began to cry. Rimac didn't bother to calm her

"Im going to make sure you mate me or I will die without been mated for life!" she sobbed the more, Stiles came to comfort her..

"Come on sis, it's daylight. Let's get to the coffin"

"I don't feel like"

"Then your skin is going to get burnt" Stiles replied almost walking away, he turns to Rimac. "What about you?"

"I will, oh I will"


It was a beautiful morning, the whistling of birds, chopping down of trees. It sounds pleasant! The soothing air rolling across her body, never to be waken up UNTIL she remembers the calling her neighbor was using to wake the children. It's time for school! And this eventually woke her up, she quickly did her chores in a rough nor perfect way. Headed straight to the bathroom, shower up. Picked up jeans and a crop top green shirt and had her fishtail hairstyle on. Took her bag and off she went to school.

She was happy for herself that she's going to school early. She waited for the school bus and when it did, she hop right in. She felt like a little kid wearing a casual smile on her face. And off they went with the others. Johanna and her friends were there talking about the school's fashion week, asking Johanna if she was going to come! And she replied them yes. The fashion winner, will be given $6000 dollars.

The amount of the money made Rhonda mouth to pop open, of she can have their money, she could surely use it to cater for herself instead of relying on Uncle Bob. Worst of all, she isn't no model, don't have an idea about it, But she loved been creative about dresses AND she had no money for her to win, she was totally broke, she can't ask her uncle for money or else he's going to tell her to have sex with him for the exchange of the money, she wasn't willing to do that.

Who is she going to borrow the money from? Not from Uncle Bob, he is totally out of the list, she can't ask Isabella, nor Johanna. It was getting kinda annoying for her. It was only Jake that was in the list, maybe he will be able to borrow her some money. And promises to lend him back. She was so looking into this and hoping Jake gives her coz he was her only hope.

The sound of the bus 'ppssss' informing the students that they've arrived at their destination. One by one, they all begin to evacuate the bus until it was empty. Isabella car was already there, she walks out like a model, the others did the same holding her books for her. Her catwalk steps made Johanna and her friends to do the same, such copycats! Rhonda Aaarrgh when she saw this, carried her bag and off she went into the school.

Principal Adams was the first one to sight her from his office, surprised about how early she was. Rhonda took a deep breath of courage before stepping into the his office. He was attending to one of the students before she came in. She sat down there looking at Principal Adams with hatred until he was true with his boring speech with the students… When they had left, he looked at her with the let-this-be-good look.

"I saw the negative results you've been writing about me, sir!" She started crossing her legs

"You need to be more specific Rhonda!"

"Yes, I am more specific. Lemme break it down for you. You wrote my name in the black book" she exposed then his eyes popped right open at her

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't try to play like you don't know what I'm talking about coz you know what I'm talking about."

"I have no idea!" He tried to hide it, this frustrated Rhonda. She hit the table with her hands out of frustration

"Don't lie to me! You hated me for no good reason and put my name in the black book, you weren't be fair… And I'm going to report you to the school's board!" she threatens


"Yes Principal Adams"

"Its to the fact, you checked it without …."

"stop covering up with your lies, no more of this. They're other naughty students which you haven't put in that book and now it's me!" She got up to take her leave

"do your worst Rhonda and I will be waiting for you in case you failed" he said to her which sends fear and self doubt all over her. She kept asking questions about "what if the board didn't gave her a reply? What will that oldie do to her?" She gave no response, left the office and closes the door. She walked to her locker to clean her glasses BUT found him there… He stood there like trying to access it!

"This isn't yours!" She told him

"I know" was his reply

"So why are you still standing here?"

"I didn't see you yesterday, did anything happened?" He asked with no smirk on his face

"Its none of your business!" She answered, using the key to open her locker

"I really waited for you, my dear!" He holds her hands. It didn't take a second before she removes her hands off his

"Its Rhonda!" she corrected. "As I've said, I do not know you!"

"You can know me more, I can tell you everything BUT you chose not to meet me!"

"See Gad! I have lots of things to do"

"Or you're just scared about what others will think of you" he exposed. Rhonda looked at him as if he already knows her from the beginning

"Look, I don't…"

"I understand, you went to your parents memorial… ooh! I hope that doesn't make you to feel sad"

"It only makes me to feel sad, if you keep talking!"

"So I should stop talking?"

"Yea" she replied cleaning the glasses before putting it back on

"I know a lot about you. You took your uncle's car, abandoned house, sleep in the porch, reporting Principal Adams, dreams of taking revenge on Isabella, has a blood feud with your sister…"

"Have you been spying on me?"

"I just observed!"

"What else do you know about me?"

"A lot!" He answered. She got annoyed about this, she was afraid he knows everything including her secrets…

"You do have spies spying on me!"

"I will love to know more about you and you can know more about me to make it even!"

"But you already know much about me"

"Not yet, not all of it…"

"So where do you want to meet!"

"The park, after school"

"sounds fair. But its still crowded with people too"

"Not everyone will recognize us!"

"So you want it to be a secret? Why? Are you hiding anything?"

"The park would be fine, I'll see you there after school or do you have anything to do after school"

"Maybe!" she closed her locker. "Im going to the library to compile some notes or essays…"

"May I ask why?"

"I wanna write a perfect formal letter to submit to the school board, I hope they accept it!"

"will you need any help with that?"

"Are you volunteering to help me?" She raised a brow


"I can do it myself but if you're a fast reader, you can help me"

"Its fine by me!"

"So what are we waiting for? Lets go!"


Isabella, the hottest and richest girl in High Hopes Academy (HHA) all she ever does is to brag about herself about how good, sexy and beautiful she is. Everyone wants to be her friends, some jealous of her, some wants to act like her. They took her like a goddess, Rhonda hated her, always been bullied, stepped by Rhonda. She was in the library, not studying but with friends talking about the Fashion Show the school is hosting, thinking of the sexiest and fashionable dress that can take the Wow out of someone. She did it for herself, the media fans and the money. While their discussion went on. Rita, one of her friends spotted Gad and Rhonda in the library, they were looking for books. The both of them looked happily together. She used the opportunity to twist the Fashion Show Talk into Gad and Rhonda talk. As Isabella hated Rhonda, this will be a great way to make her jealous.

"Oh look Isa,"

"what Rita?"

"Look at Rhonda and the guy of yesterday that disrespected you" Rita pointed to them picking up the books together. Isabella face turned red, to the fact she was angry about yesterday and the fact she's angry to see Rhonda with a handsome guy, like Gad.

"Ooh, they look so cute together!" one of them said admiring the both of them

"Don't say that" Isabella snapped. "How dare her date? She supposed to be lonely forever" Isabella sounded tense

"And happy too Isa,"

"No! I don't like her to be happy. I want him too!"


"You heard me, She isn't meant to date a handsome guy like him, not on my watch"

"But you have other guys Isa, you have Flynn, don't you think it's enough?"

"How dare you Rita?"

"Im sorry Isabella, I'm just stating what may go wrong. I don't think he's the type of guy for you… just speaking for experience and sorry if what I said hurts!"

"So are you trying to say he's going to reject me? I'm hot, sexy and rich!" now there she goes with her bragging habits

"yes you're my dear. Let's focus on our dress designs"

"You mean MY dress designs!"

"Oh yes, Isa. I can still see she's picking up a book of fashion, is she still interested in joining the school's fashion show!" Rita alerted

"What? That glass girl can't outsmart me. I'm going to win, I won last year SO yes, I'm going to win. I don't need to worry about that thing taking the spotlight" Jealous Isabella said, her voice sounded tense and afraid of what Rhonda was going to do. She's probably going to be spying on her.