Chapter 4


While Isabella and her friends kept gossiping behind. Rhonda, at the other hand could hear what they're saying. The rest girls talk in a low voice so no one will be able to hear them BUT Isabella kept saying the words out loud. It was a library and everyone were reading. No one dare told her to keep quiet. Rhonda took the books and places them on the table, they were three ginormous books. The first book about 'Writing A Formal Complaint', the second one was about 'The World Of Fashion' and the third one was about 'Essays'. This was going to be a big work for her but despite that, she had to complete them at once.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Gad started the conversation

"Yea, I want you to complete this book" she gave him the second one

"You want me to read it?"

"Yes please, read it all. Hope I'm not asking too much?"

"No, no, no. I volunteered to help you and I must without complaining!"

"You sure? Well thank you, this means a lot to me"

"You are into fashion?"

"Yes, I'm looking for a blow-up-your-mind designs that will leave you speechless. This is going to be competitive but I need the money"

"Oh I see, you're doing it for the money!"

"My uncle wants me to beg him or who knows cry for him AND I'm not ready for that. If I can just win, it will be the happiest day of my life. So that's why I need new designs, not stolen, not repeated that no one has used!"

"Its going to be time consuming if you're doing it. Are you sure you don't wanna drop one?"

"All of them are important. That's why I need you to help me! So let's get back to business sidekick" She said opening the book, chapter by chapter to write a perfect letter to the School's board. Her thought was to submit it and wait for them to call her once decided. When it was done, she wrote the letter, stating thus;

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Rhonda Jones, the letter was written by me. I'm writing to state my complaint about the unfair treatment Principal Adams, the one you placed in charge is totally been unfair to me.

I have been bullied in the school for years now, he said nothing about it. Although, I agree I'm sometimes late to school for some family reasons but I've done my best to follow the school's rules and guidelines.

But despite what I did, all of my efforts, he wrote my name into the school's black book and this is unfair. I told him this, but instead he dared me. I wish you respond, I will be so grateful to get a response from y'all.

Regards Rhonda Jones


Once she knew she was done, she wrapped the letter into a silver sheet envelope and had a school stamp on it. Sending letters to the school's board takes time and a lot of gradual processes. Which was getting annoying to Rhonda. After the time wasted for just sending a letter, she pays the school mailman to deliver it. As no student were allowed to visit the school's board without proper invitation. It appears to be a shock when she discovered the school had a mailman. She'd just hope that they will be a positive response and finally prove Principal Adams wrong. Now that was over, she went further for the dress designs.

"I have a surprise for you!" Gad started leaving her in a climax

"Yes I'm listening, hope it isn't…"

"I made the perfect design for you!" He brought out a neat sketching designs, she took it in surprise. Gad has just saved her life, the drawing was perfect

"are you sure this is made by you, I don't want it to be a stolen piece of art!"


"Are you sure Gad?"

"Yes I am sure." Was his reply. For some reason, she chose to believe him hugging the sheet tightly

"thank you" She appreciated him. The last thing was for her to find money, the little amount she has is for feeding AND she wasn't the entitled type to beg someone else for money. Once classes was over, she picked up her cellphone, dialed Jake number and it rang

"Hello. Hi Jake! Bra!" She started

"yes sis. Is there a problem?"

"Yea there is a problem…"

"with Johanna!"

"no, no, no, no… it's not with her. I really need your help!"

"What's your point, Rhonda?"

"I need you to borrow me some cash and I promise to pay you back. I really promise"

"I really do want to help you BUT I gave it all to Johanna who still promised to pay me back, I'm sorry I don't have anything to give you sis" Rhonda was disappointed by his answer. " But you can beg Johanna for some…" She quickly hang up. She wasn't Willing to hear what he wanted to say. Although, she knows what he was about to say…

She felt disappointed, now everything is crushed, doesn't know who to run to. Her smiley face turned to the sad one. Once the bell rang, school was over, meaning it was dismissed. While everyone took their bag to leave. She read the poster one last time, the event was going to filled with judges. So took her bag…

"I will see you in the park!" Gad reminded her

"Maybe I can just follow you there" Sad Rhonda said trying to hide the sadness from him. He cast a look at her, those eyes explained everything that she wasn't in her correct state.

"Is anything the problem? Today you were childish and happy Now you're sad!" They talked walking out of the school halls

"its just complicated!" After a while she stopped. "I don't think I need this!" she handed the sheet back to him

"What? Don't you like the designs?"

"I do like them but there is no need!"

"okay I get it. You don't have enough cash to win the competition!" he revealed. She felt annoyed again, walking faster to the school's main beautiful gate were everyone was there.

"yes you're right again. I don't have enough money, nobody is fair to me and my hope is to meet my sister for money" She was talking to herself this time, and felt irritated when she calls Isabella's name. That Isa, has been looking at them for a long time, Always wearing a scornful look… She increases her pace, with her eyes glued to the ground not up, her hands roaming in the air. Someone definitely looking at her, would opposed she's out of her mind. Gad runs towards her go claim Rhonda by holding her hands to his.

"I am fair to you!" He answered her looking at each other straight in the eyes. "I will lend you some money!" he volunteered again BUT Rhonda replied with a scoff

"yeah right!" she did it again

"You said you didn't have enough cash with you, so I'm suggesting to help you out" he explained

"I really do appreciate your heroic deed, but why should I trust you? I just met you and you're willing to help me. That's too much for me" in a kind of way, Rhonda was still trying to refuse his money

"As I've said, I'm helping you!" He brought out his wallet from his pocket and places them on Rhonda's palm. She opens it and holy moly! That looks like a lot of money, this could help her with everything she need, it was just too much for her.

"I appreciate this, but this is also too much"

"They are all for you. It's your dream to win that competition SO look for the best shop or whatever you ladies calls it… Win the competition!" He said trying to comfort her

"you sound more of my late father before he died. Thank you for trying to believe in me Gad, I will never forget to heroic character that was never portrayed to me by anyone except my sister of course but not anymore AND I promise to pay you back if I win or lose"

"You don't need to bother!"

"Im still gonna pay you back, I don't deserve it…"

"that is always your problem, you're always doubting yourself, you are still lucky you know…"

" I won't accept that either" Out of shyness, Rhonda realizes her hands from his and they both walk out of the gate. She had been smiling the whole time as they discussed. They took a taxi instead of a school bus, this was all Gad's idea. When the taxi stopped, they went out of the car.

The arena they stopped doesn't look like a park at all, it sounded a little bit peaceful with the rushing of water coming from the beautiful fountains, they were butterflies of colors, birds whistling, the woodpecker drilling the woods in the trees with holes.

"This is beautiful!" Rhonda admires. "But you told me we are going to the park?" her face changes

"what a baby! I love a quietness. That's one of the things that describe me, come on let's get in" He said showing her the way. There was a bench there, he gestures her to sit and she did. "do you like to have anything?" he questioned

"Im good"

"You are my guest here, so I'm going to order you something" he went inside one of the painted buildings, he took a while before coming back bringing two cups with him. He gave one to Rhonda and keep the other to himself. "Be careful, it's hot!" he warns her… She nods her head in affirmation, and begins to sip like that of royalties. There was total silent for a while except the creatures doing what they're supposed to do…

Rhonda not used to leaving in a quiet environment, but rather a noisy one, broke the dead silence "do you live here?" she started still taking a sip

"No, I don't live here" was his response but she wasn't satisfied quite yet.

"So where are you based then?" she questioned

"I live not too far from here, my home is dark!" he quoted

"Ooh spooky!"

"Are you asking to visit me?"

"um, well I just wanted to ask as you know much about me and YEA how do you know about me?" She asked curiously wishing to have a reply. He smirked looking at her

"You want to know?"


"I will just have to say… well, it's something complicated, something a secret"

"so you are not going to tell me?"

"Not yet! When it's right I will"

"What are you trying to imply? Are you trying to treat me little?"

"You don't need to get angry over my response. My life story would scare you for life"

"Why? Are your parents gone too?"

"The haunters' killed them!" Gad blurted out, he looks the other way coz he wasn't willing to share it with her yet. She got confused with his response, he was talking dark now with his sudden change of tune. She notices he was angry, clenching his fists. She thought maybe he wasn't willing to share his life story yet. She was smart to change it to another topic instead,

"My uncle usually sexually harass me at home!" she said changing it to about her life story now. His body calm down, eyes were on her now. "He tried to do the same to my sister, but she cursed him AND now he's doing the same to me. At night, arrgh I usually hear sounds of moans coming from his bedroom, he's really lust for me… Always moaning my name! This is so awkward!" she puts her hands on her face, covering it. She felt irritated while she said it.

"Does that explains why you sleep in the porch?" He asked

"Yes! Yes… it's so painful right now. Like I am all on my own, he practice incest with his daughters before they passed away" she blurted. "I have no choice, I can't leave with him in his dirty house at night." She said

"Whoa! I'm so sorry for you!" he said emotionally wrapping his hands around her

"Thank you for making my day" She appreciated. He gave no reply coz part of her wasn't Happy, she was sad she didn't tell her part of his life stories.. "I need to go now Gad, it's getting kinda late now" She told him, as she doesn't like night movement

"Okay, yes, yes" he looses his hands from hers wearing a smile on his face, just a gentle one.

"So does this makes us friends?" Rhonda questioned, she has been willing to ask him this

"yes we are!" was his response. "And you need this!" he handed the sheet to her, she quickly collected it putting it in her bag

"Yes I do! Goodbye, see you in school, friend!" she waves her hands…


There was a calling which he had missed for a hour now. He could hear the rest pack trying to reach him, which was getting frustrating now.

"Im here!" said Rimac

"Its about time!" Stiles replied.

"Stiles?" Rimac Said out of surprise. He wasn't expecting him here

"What are you doing here? You supposed to be in the coffin!"

"Yes, but it's dark… I said let me roam around in this city for a while"

"Did your dad knows?"

"He doesn't! But I'm not little, I have all Rights to come"

"But it is dangerous coming here, he's just looking out for you Stiles"

"I don't see anything dangerous! Although, you're right about the security stuffs…"

"please get back!"

"I wanna stay. You don't just like me, why don't you want me to stay here? Or are you hiding something away from me?"

"Stiles, listen to me! You can't stay here, I can give you reasons why you can't stay here. Firstly, You're a Vampire. Secondly, you have a lethal appetite that you can't control"

"Sounds true, but I can't control mine like you!"

"Stiles?" he raised a brow

"alright I will go, if I join you to deliver the news to the mayor and then I promise to go"

"fine, but follow my lead" He told him. This was going to be a hard task for him, especially when Stiles is around, it was going to be a distraction coz he had to watch him like his own son. When they got to the Mayor's house, they weren't allowed to go in. Rimac, in his way tries to convince them. But Stiles, out of frustration and tiredness uses his claw-like nails to cut their throats off. He was the one of action. "You aren't supposed to kill them!" He scolded

"I know, but they are annoying" Was Stiles reply

"come on, help me hide their body" He told Stiles. It took them half a hour to do so, they threw it in the garbage and as punishment to Stiles, he didn't drink their blood coz that will make to kill more. They put on disguises as the house guard. Soon after when that was over, they headed straight inside his house, it was pretty big like that of a mansion… They Walked to his room, he was already with his wives. They opened the door as it the house belonged to them. No knocking! They were shocked, the wives trying to hide their naked bodies in the sheets

"What the fuck, and you out of your mind?" He barked like a dog angrily.

"We have a bloody letter for you Mr. Mayor sir" Stiles started

"Are you mad? You came in without my permission! Aren't you supposed to be guiding the gate and my house. Don't make me to arrest you, and remove you out of post… Get out!"

"we will, but this letter is addressed to you" Stiles insisted

"Don't make me to throw you out!" he threatens

"Its from the killers" Rimac added which send gasp fears into his wives. He got up with sheets tied across him

"I will handle this" he comforted his wives before walking out of the room to talk to the imposters, which he doesn't know of. "What are you talking about?" the Mayor asked them

"Its all in the here!" Rimac said handing the letter to him. The Mayor took it, removes the envelope and opened it. The handwriting was bloody, it's smells like blood, the words written in a blood format. It was just a sentence which stated as thus;

"GAME ON! Your city is about to turn to s bloody hell. Sermon your best and try to stop us!"

He dropped the letter in fear, thinking the late haunters' killed him. He wanted to ask the imposters who gave them the letter BUT no sight of them! Then a loud scream was heard outside. An echoing of laughter saying 'Game On Mid-West'. He closes his ears to avoid more sounds, but that doesn't stopped the repeated laughter