Chapter 5


As earlier than ever, after her chores and morning routines. She showered up, wore a jean skirt with a black shirt that had flowers on. She decided to leave her hair to fall backwards, some sleeping on her face. Wore her glasses, took her bag for school. Rhonda was shocked to see the Uncle Bob on the TV, the latest news channel which he was watching. She took up the newspaper which states "Our Beloved Mayor's attack". What happened to him? Was the first question she wanted to ask herself but she was going to be late if she sit here asking questions. She took the newspaper and places it in her bag.

When she got outside, the street was crowded, no vehicles around to take her to school. That was weird, even her school bus wasn't there. So she had to trek to school. The distance from home to school was far. When she got there, it was crowded with students. She was late, but no one cares if she was. Everyone was on their cellphones.

"Sis!" That was Johanna's voice coming from behind.

"What's going on?"

"You've gotta watch this!" she brought out her cellphone and she played the news from her phone which everyone was watching…

"Our beloved Mayor has been received a letter from his guards who was said to be imposters, which states it's Game on. His real guards has been killed, thrown away, but their bodies were later found that night when the letter arrived. It was a sign that their throats has been cut ten off… The questions are yet to be answered. Who was the letter meant for? Is it meant for us? Are the killers back again? Our beloved Mayors is yet to give us a reply. The mayor of Mid West city has told us to stay safe while the haunters' and the rest security carries out their paid work. We blame the late haunters' Mr and Mrs Jones for lying to us… who does this blame fall to, is it the Mayor or late Mr and Mrs Jones?" It ended and Johanna switches off her phone

"I can't believe they're blaming our parents, it wasn't their fault!" Johanna Started

"we do not know that coz they never did told us more about this" was Rhonda's reply

"my friends are blaming me because of our parents. Who knows, the school is going to put the blame on us!"

"And I don't care!"

"I need to find a way to convince them…"

"that is one of the reasons, I don't wanna be involved with you, coz you imitate Isabella, follow your fucking friends fucking tasks, they're using you Johanna!" she cut in angrily. Rhonda knows whatever she does, Johanna must still going to find a way to get back with her friends. She looked everywhere, to check if Gad was around and he wasn't there. Right before she wanted to check, principal Adams came right there trying to calm the students.

"Calm down, calm down students. The mayor hasn't given us a sign to stop school. So no commands, get back to class!" he pointed, everyone began to murmur against themselves while they entered into the premises

"We are all gonna die!" Flynn, the jerk exclaimed shouting it out loud for everyone to hear.

"Who said that?" Principal Adams asked the little audience. They didn't say a word, afraid that Flynn was going to cut their head off their bodies if they reveal anything, so they kept shut. This made Adams more angry, wanting to pronounce the words of judgement before Rhonda came to their rescue!

"It was Flynn!" she blurted out. Principal Adams cast an angry look at Rhonda, he dismissed them, thinking he was going to call Flynn to his office but didn't even call his name. He left to his office without saying a word!

"Rhonda Jones" the mailman of HHA called her name from behind

"Oh" She said it out of disappointment. She wasn't expecting the mailman now.

"Delivery package to you!" he stated handing it over to her, and she collected it after signing the sheet giving to her. She wanted to ask if he knows, who sent her the package BUT the mailman has gone.

She carried it to the library, knowing it was a quiet place. She met Isabella and her friends there discussing about their undone designs. They looked at her, as she walks in with the box. Then she could hear them whispering something about her accompany with laughter. But she didn't care, she puts it on the table and read a short note with it. When she saw it was from the board. She screamed happily, everyone turns to her…

"Sorry!" she apologized. The read the sheet which quotes as thus;

From the Board (HHA)

Dear Miss Rhonda Jones,

Yes, we've read your complaint and thank you so much for having the courage, reaching out to us. Our school has rules and we don't attain bullying. Quoting Isabella, she's the richest daughter in Mid West city, half of her parents money is used for sponsoring this school. We can't retaliate now, coz we need the money. As sign for your bravery, we are sending you this goodies and gifts. Hope you enjoy!

Regards, the board.

Rhonda felt highly disappointed reading the letter, she tore the paper out of anger. There was no solution in stopping this! She took the box and gave it out to someone else who needed it. She gave up! Writing complaints letter…

"I read a whole book and this was what I get" she cursed in her breathe. She carries her bag, to her classroom BUT was stopped by Isabella and her friends.

"What do you want now?" Rhonda asks trying to back off from Isabella.

"so you want to be a model now? uh!" Isa drags her hair while Rhonda cries out in pain.

"get off me Isabella" She finally said pushing Isabella off her. Everyone exclaimed in surprise. The shy, weak coward retaliated. They brought out their phones ready to video. Rhonda wanted to back off from the mean one.

"So this is how you want to play it?" Isabella said with clenched teeth, pulling off her jacket, revealing her inners. Rhonda doesn't want to fight her, so all she was doing was dodging Isabella's punches. Until Johanna came to her rescue, beating the hell out of Isabella… She cried like a baby. Unfairly, Johanna was given 3 days suspension for fighting While the mean Isabella that started it, was taken care of in the school's clinic. Everyone rushes and attends to her . .

"She isn't dead you know!" Rhonda shouted, but the gathering were just too much. She felt so emotional for Johanna and the unfair treatment she was given to. Johanna has never in her life, came to save her or defend her. She always usually works by, when Isabella starts bullying her. She promised to thank Johanna after school. The school lessons were short, not long like before… Once the bell rang, she took her bag, adjusted the glasses and off she went out to meet Johanna.

"Hey sis!" Rhonda started in a low voice

"There is no need to appreciate or apologize to me!" She took the word off her mouth

"I thought, maybe you're just going to walk me by!"

"I was thinking about what you said to me and you've a point. I can't be like Isabella or anyone. I'm me and I'm really sorry for everything I did to hurt you, I promise to be a better big sister" Johanna said emotionally, Rhonda hugs her passionately

"And I'm sorry too. I missed you so much!"

"me too. Now let's get you to the tailor for the dress"

"What dress?"

"I know you signed up for the fashion show"

"How did you?"

"I know much about you, I know you always loved fashion than me when you were little"

"Yea, yes. You aren't supposed to be helping me coz this is a competition, you're my rival!"

"Not anymore. They kicked me out too… I rather not talk about that one either. I know the perfect tailor"

"Thanks, but I can do it myself. You've been helping me for a long time and I want for once do it myself"

"Ooh, I understand"

"You are just this way coz you're not with your friends anymore!" Rhonda exposed before giving her a hug. It's been so long! Then she sighted Gad at the opposite direction, he looked really charming with his pants and shirt on. She ran towards his direction like a baby, that wanted to embrace it's father. When she got to him, he was with someone like him. She hasn't seen him talk with anyone else until now. Some way or the other, Gad's expression wasn't happy, his face appeared dark.

She thought that he doesn't want to see her. But she didn't just let a thing discourage her from saying hi to him.

"Hey Gad!" she started wearing a smile on. "Hope you're doing good? Coz I didn't see you in school today" She said but he just smiled and pretended he doesn't know her. She thought maybe he doesn't want to answer that question. So she changed it to something else. She turned to the blonde guy who had been staring at her.

"Well, you must also be Gad's friend"

"Yes I am" the blonde replied

"well, it's so nice to meet you… I'm Rhonda" she said bringing out her hands, they both shook hands. Gad at the other hand, frustrated pulls them out.

"I guess we will be going now!" Gad finally said

"Are we going to met?" she questioned.

"I will be busy!"

"what of school?"

"Might not!" he replied finally backing off along with his friend. She felt sad, Gad wasn't himself today? Firstly, he wasn't in school and now he's talking different. She spanks her head, blaming herself for even trying to make him as a friend, she cursed herself saying she's an idiot! She walked along in her sad path. One way or the other she felt affected by Gad's actions. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She went to Madame Limbo, the professional stylist. The most popular in the whole of Mid West. She was going to be expensive though, because her fashion career is. She had to run to her because she was rejected by other tailors. It was because of the viral news. They began to blame the haunters', it wasn't their faults. They've been killing the Vampires, Saving their lives. Even though, they did it for money and fame, lost of their lives were still seen… Rhonda doesn't blame them coz they were being ungrateful. She'd just wanted to step up, and say what is going on in her mind. Even though she may get criticized, she doesn't care. As long she knows what she's saying is the truth.

When she entered into the shop, she got a displeasing welcome. Sellers recognizing her as one of the haunters', the resemblance could be seen in those blue eyes of hers. Everyone gasps, pulling their kids together, shifting away from her, giving her own passage way! Their thoughts maybe why is she here? She needs to get out! Instead of being afraid, she gathered the heart and courage from Johanna, walking majestically to Madame Limbo who was advertising her latest trends … She stopped when she noticed the girl, Rhonda. She was out of place, everyone there wore expensive dresses, jewelries and makeup but she had none.

"Little girl, what are you doing here?"

"I have a task for you and your team!" She said with courage

Everyone in the room burst into laughter, she doesn't found what she said funny. "This is not meant for someone like you, meet someone else!"

"I'm paying"

Madam Limbo's eyes widened in surprise. "we charge a lot, someone like you can't afford what we are going to charge!" she mocked BUT despite that, she unzipped her bag, bringing out the sheet. She showed her the design. Madam Limbo's eyes dropped In amazement, the designs were quite looking professional and stunning. "Did you do this?" She questioned in a soft tone

"It doesn't matter, I want your best stylists to Make it look good. I'm presenting it. No errors should be made!" Rhonda said in a commanding tone. She brought out $600 dollars from the wallet given to her by Gad. She dropped it on the table. "Im not here to negotiate, So when am I receiving my dress?"

Madame Limbo looked at the money, it was too much from a high school girl, she thought maybe it was from her late parents money, despite they were rich hunters when they lived. Limbo, knows the designs were unique and she could earn more profits BUT Rhonda wasn't willing to negotiate. All she wanted was to get the dress, that was then she regretted her actions.

"Tomorrow evening" Madame Limbo promised BUT it was impossible to get a dress like hers ready for tomorrow coz it's going to be a lot of work, Madame Limbo's eyes looks very promising

"I want it to be good! And are you sure it will be ready tomorrow evening?"

"Yes I'm certain, my team is going to work day and night to perfect it" Madame Limbo told her passing the sheet to her workers, their mouths widened in surprise including the money.

"Okay then, I will check on it tomorrow evening" was Rhonda's reply. She took her leave out of the shop, suspecting Madame Limbo's actions. She'd received a call from Johanna. She heaved a sigh before answering.

"what is it now?" Rhonda snapped

"Oh, oh calm down. Is this how you talk to your big sister, you can't even say hi or hello!"

" Get to the point Johan"

"Well, as you insist, rudey. I need you to come home!"

"Home, like uncle Bob's…"

" No… I mean our house, our abandoned house"

"What? What are you doing there?"

"well before you criticize me. You really need to see this, I've called Jake and he's coming. Hurry and make sure no one sees you"

"just explain what's going on?"

"Come and check it out yourself!" was Johanna's reply before she hanged up. Rhonda sighed, rushing to her old home, it was far away… she took a taxi down there, paid the driver. The building looked the same, but old in a way.

"Don't just stand there, come in!" she heard Johanna said, she walks inside, closes the door behind her…

"Its dark in here!" Rhonda complained

"You gotta manage it sis!" Johanna said carrying a lantern. Rhonda could remember the part of the room they were in. Although, their house were the biggest in the neighborhood, no neighbors just them.

"So why are we here?" Jake started

"I found something, come over here" Johanna directed, the both siblings follows her.. it was in complete darkness, giving them a hard time to see. The little light they had (lantern) Johanna was just pointing her own directions. Rhonda holds Jake's shoulders for balance. She couldn't see too well in the dark because of her eyesight. When they had stopped walking, Johanna brought out a box. When she opened it, it was filled with cobwebs and dust. So she had to blow the dusts away!

Rhonda looks around the room like a visitor. She doesn't remembers their parents had another extra room!

"I don't remember here!" Rhonda said

"This is mom and dad's collections or something like that like their awards, trophies and dead Vampires…"


"Yes. Their bodies are not in here. It's just their bones"

"What if the bones comes to life?"

"No way!" Johanna brought out a scroll from the box with old writings.

"What is it?" Jake questioned

"That was what I was telling you about. Each of the scroll belongs to us" She gave Jake his own. He opened it, it was a secret message mom and dad wrote about him. Which stated thus;

From Father To Jake,

Jake my boy, you had always been the best son I'd ever had. So brave, so strong. It was a poor shame our work and pride took away the time for me to tell you how proud I am to have you as my son…

From Mother to Jake,

Since I laid my eyes on you. I know by your name, you're going to make us proud. Mommy hasn't been saying nice words to her children lately. She loves you with all her heart, and she promised to spend her years with you.

The last one made Jake teary, Mom wanted to spend her years with him including their children but they passed away. He wanted to cry, but fought out the urge to cry. Jake didn't read his own out, because he knows he will be so emotional. And that was embarrassing to him, men aren't supposed to cry instead they should be hard as the rock. Johanna opens her own scroll and read out loud, not ashamed as her brother which state thus;

From Father to Johanna,

Johanna Jones, the cutest angelic being I've ever set my eyes on. Always love to try new ideas, Always Willing to help. Your assistance is more needed and we will never forget about you.

From Mother to Johanna,

Johanna my beautiful daughter, my starlight! You're going to make mommy proud. She loves you and will always support you in everything you do, every step you make, every success you achieve. We are always there for you.

She finished closing back her scroll. She didn't cry maybe coz she has read it a lot of times but her eyes looked swollen.

"Where is mine?" Rhonda asked, Johanna checked the box to check if she could maybe find another scroll but the box was empty. Nothing left than the dust, causing her to cough. Oh boy!!!