Chapter 6


Johanna was just confused and scared, thinking of Rhonda feelings. She didn't know the scroll were only two, now the poor girl is going to feel left out and put the blame on her big sister. Rhonda discovered the confusion in Johanna's eyes, she quickly took the box from her hands to check BUT nothing was there. She didn't feel anything, her heart broken in two pieces. She stood there without moving an inch dropping the empty box, down to the ground.

"Rho, Rho!" Jake called first. He was pressured by Johanna to say something first coz if she said anything, another scene will probably begin. She said no word, her hands stood firm, stood there like a robot.

She whispered to herself and no one in particular, but Johanna that was close to her will surely understand what she was saying. "I knew it, I'd just knew it. From the point of it, Mom and Dad never wanted me, who knows they regretted having me!"

"Are you okay Rho?" Jake tapped on her shoulders

"No, I'm not okay!" Was Rhonda reply

"Im so sorry. I didn't know!" Johanna begs

"There is no need for the apology. I wasn't the special one after all. Well, they're gone…" She said surprising Johanna. It was the first time, she never blamed her for everything NOW she's accepting the fact that she isn't the lucky one. A tear escaped from her eyes wetting the glasses underneath it. She walks to the door to leave

"Where are you going?" Johanna asked running after her

"where I usually am, Uncle Bob's porch not home COZ I never slept in his fucking roof" She shouted

"Please lower your voice, others might hear us!" Jake told Rhonda

"I need to be going. School stuffs awaits me!" she finally said walking out of the house secretly. She couldn't stop, she couldn't control her tears. It just came pouring down from her eyes. She trekked without calling a taxi. When she got to Uncle Bob's house, she laid on the porch crying and weeping like a baby with no control.


Inside the woods, Stiles and Rimac were called by the elders. Rimac explained he had delivered the notes to the Mayor of Mud West city. J

"Good job!" Rufus said

"So when do we attack father?" Stiles asked

"I want to creep the Mayor before my main scheme is been carried out And as for you Stiles, you disobeyed Me by going there…" Rufus said

"I was just trying to help and keep watch of Rimac for any mistakes!" Stiles defended himself

"Rimac is fine and he could do it alone without you. Not only did you disobeyed me, you lied to me and ruin my plans"

"I made it better by killing…"

"that is the point, you're not supposed to kill them yet"

"Im a Vampire, we supposed to kill"

"Killing wasn't part of my plan son. Now listen to me Stiles, I'm doing all this for your safety. We will handle the rest"

"So what I'm a supposed to do then?"

"Nothing or you can just take a sleep in the coffin"

"Im no longer a child anymore dad, I can handle myself just fine. You're not the only one grieving. I'm still grieving for my mother's death, all the killings are on her behalf not you!"

"Don't tempt my son. I don't want to have this conversation again. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes father" Stiles replied walking out angrily by his father's actions. Rimac followed him to calm his friend down…

"let just pretend none of this ever happened, go back to your coffin…"

" No Rimac, there's no way I'm missing this opportunity. We found the haunters' girl. She's all mine!" he said in a creepy smile

"Remember what your father said, no killing yet"

"I don't care what he said"

"So does that mean you're going to disobey him?"

"If I kill her and bring her body here. I prove to my father that I am responsible. So are you helping me or not?" Stiles asked but all Rimac did was turned him down. "Part of me is saying you don't want to kill her, why?"

"She doesn't deserve death yet!"

"What? She is the daughter of the hunter that killed my mom, the queen vampirina. They killed your family, no one is left of you except yourself…" those words Stiles said hunt him and made him angry, Rimac retaliated, holding Stiles neck with his strong hand while he battles for air..

"You better don't bring my family into this!" He said with his eyes changing to red

"what are you doing?" Stiles kept battling. Rimac finally discovered what he was doing, throwing him to the ground. "I thought we were friends and you wanted to kill me"

"I can kill you. You better stay away from her!" Rimac warned

"Not on my watch!" Stiles replied angrily walking away from Rimac with blood all over his mouth. Even Rimac hands was capable of ending anyone including Stiles, especially when he's angry.


Beautiful morning. It's a new day, a new dawn. She woke up feeling so tired and week, encouraging her weak body to get up. When she does get up to freshen up. She felt not herself, the fact that she cried all night before going to sleep. She couldn't do her chores, that was when the thought of her been sick came up BUT despite that, she gathered all the strengths she had to do her chores. When she was all done, she put on blue pants and a thick sweater, she left her hair to fall behind her bag, wore her glasses, took her bag and off she went.

She took a taxi to school, as the bus never came. When she got there, she literally sat in her classroom all day. Half of her, paying attention to the teacher while the other half begging the teacher to fuck the shit up and get out. She was in one spot, when Gad came in.. He looked different, on black like an hot guy, and more handsome each day. The way he always had to put his hands in his pocket, not smile made it all dark, but despite that he looked the hottest.

"Oh Gad! You can join the rest of the class" The teacher told him and he did. He didn't greet her, all hands were in his pocket. The students in the class couldn't put their mind on what the teacher was saying. Even the female teacher, wasn't paying attention to herself. She too, was filtering with Gad.

"Oh brother!" Rhonda exclaimed, she couldn't keep on with their acts and the urge to throw up came. When she looked at him, he doesn't seem to talk to anyone or finds anything to amuse him. "Look who finally decided to show up!" she whispered it to herself. They were just opposite each other. Him sitting behind her at the same row. Once class was dismissed, she calls Rhonda asking about her.

"Are you doing okay? Coz you don't look or sound fine!" the teacher asked, pressuring on.

"Its just a cold and a fever" Rhonda replied

"You need to visit the school's first aid. They can attend to you there. Please take care of yourself okay?"

"Thanks, I will" was Rhonda's response. She tried to make sure no one should knows she's sick. She sat in her classroom all day reading from her textbooks. Gad sat there with his headphones pinned down to his ears, while his other hands playing the phone's buttons. It was only the both of them in the classroom and he couldn't say a thing.

"So is this how you want to play it now?" She broke the silence removing the headphones from his ears…

"oh, you're hot! Are you sick?" he deviated the topic

"don't fucking ask Me about my health. You just pretend like you don't know me, acted sus. You just use me, I thought maybe we were friends"

"Of course we are still friends!"

"You're a faker, I hate you for even pretending to be my friend. You're just like everybody else" She sat back

"Look Rhonda, I really do have an explanation for all this" He said, leaving his seat to hers. "I really want to explain but it's just so weird! I don't know if I can" He came closer, seducing Rhonda with his eyes

"Look, I'm not trying to compel you, to tell me all your secrets. I understand you're still battling with your family loss." She replied trying to resist those eyes of his

"but I can tell you I can be violent sometimes!"

"What makes you violent?"

"Anger and jealousy!" he replied coming closer and closer till their lips came closer to hers, he intimately kissed her as if battling a venom. Their lips parted ways. He craves her as his own AND then Rhonda stopped the kissing. "You really need to see the doctor!" He told her. Rhonda looked at Gad who was still willing to kiss her more

"I don't think I should be doing this with you, Gad!" She took her bag to leave. "Do you ever think that kissing me is going to resolve it, you probably going to repeat it again…" She walks to leave but Gad pulls her back

"Rhonda Jones, you're right! I can repeat my habits again because that is who I am. But if I'm not myself, please do me the favor and stay away" he told her. She looked at him with even more disappointed, wanting to kiss her more, trying to seduce Rhonda. But she didn't fell for it

"have a nice day!" was her response, unlocking herself from Gad. She headed straight to the School's first aid, telling them about her health. After her test, she was been prescribed medicines to go with her condition. She thanked them. Finally for once, she wasn't persecuted or Insulted. She took the drugs, following the instructions of the dose. It was to last her for three days.

Isabella, who had been staring at her all day wanted to bully her this time but she didn't, afraid that Gad might show up. But she didn't care, while Rhonda was using the girl's bathroom watching her face that was when Isabella and her group gang showed up

"What do you want now?" She tries to get out of the way but that wasn't too easy

"oh, do you ever think I've forgotten about what you did, you're so lucky your fucking messy sis saved your ass But now she isn't here, I'm going to beat the hell out of you!" She started by giving Rhonda a slap on the face, pushing her to the wall

"Please stop!" Rhonda begged

"Looks like someone isn't too good, sicko!" Isabella mocked, taking the glasses off Rhonda's eyes

"Please give me back my lens. I can't see without them!" she struggles to get it

"Oh, you mean this lens. Oops!" she threw it to the ground and it broke into pieces

"No… Why do you so hate me? I never did anything to you"

"I know, I just love seeing you sad and in pain. That what makes me happy. I'm the hot boss queen and never forget it" Isabella wanted to give her, that was when he'd came in.

"A hot boss queen huh!" He interrupted, then a punch landed at Isabella's face. He kicked her wanting to beat the hell out of her. Watching how Rhonda was bleeding and in pain made him more angry, wanting to kill her but had to control his temper

"You will regret this!" Isabella cried while her friends led her out of the girl's restroom. The worst of all, was that her friends couldn't save her from Gad, they only watched the scene where he beat her up.

Rhonda who could only see blurry images was crawling on the ground, tapping to see if she could find her glasses.

"Are you okay?"

"I need my glasses" was her response

"Its broken!"

"I can't afford another one" Her face looked sad. He carries her in his arms together with her bag out. It didn't took Isabella a minute before she lied that Gad attacked her for no reason. Maybe they were planning to place him on detention like the way they did to Johanna BUT seeing his handsome hot status, they did not say a word. He walks out of the school with Rhonda on his arms. Everyone looking at them, gave the awn sound and criticized Isabella. No questions asked. He was so damn hot, even the board paid no attention to Isabella's lied complaints.

"What the fuck?" it was now a taste of her own medicine. How it feels like been rejected.


He didn't bother taking her to the school's first aid. He wanted to attend to Rhonda himself as if he was a doctor or healer himself. He took her to his dark home. And started, by cleaning the blood off her body, giving her liquid medicine to drink which tested biter.

"I really need my glasses on!" she said struggling

"I love you like this, now I can see those blue eyes of yours clearly without those lens covering them from me" Gad gave his reply

"Where am I?" she questioned

"Well Rhonda, you're at my home, the darkest and coldest of all"

"I wish I could see that" Rhonda gave her response still battling with her eyesight. She'd tried to sit upright BUT those legs of hers was hurting! Her whole body hurts and she was sore! She hated Isabella for this and swore to find a way to do her revenge…

"So you can't see me now?" Gad asked creepily

"As I've said I can't see things clearly without my glasses. Oh I hate that girl!" She finally let out

"Why can't you just stand up for yourself?" Gad asked

"I really want to, I really do but I don't know how?"

"if you don't stand up for yourself, nobody won't. You've to let her know you're not going to tolerate your behavior…"

"No I can't. She's the daughter of…"

"who cares who she is? She's has been the one in your way" he explained. She heaved a sigh, then she remembered Madame Limbo told her to come tomorrow evening which was this evening. "Oh I'm so weak!" she let out her yawn falling down to the bed. Then she could feel he joined her, his hands meeting hers, she could feel his fast breathe on her neck.

"What are you doing?" Rhonda asked curiously

"blood!" he whispers to her but she was confused with what he was saying. "You are bleeding!" He said, she touches her neck and could see she was bleeding from the fight

"what?" she questioned and this made her more angry

"so don't tell me you're not going to say anything? Isabella deserves to pay for everything she has did to you, punish her. Place her in your shoes, kill…"

"Kill!" she exclaimed. "That is too much" Rhonda replied trying to find a way not to fight Isabella. He then holds her neck,

"If you don't, I will"

"You are totally out of your mind"


"Maybe some way or the other, she's going to change…" she holds back. "I need to be going, Gad!"

"But you can't see!"

"Im not totally blind Gad, I can see few but not all. I want to get myself new lenses and collect my dress from Madame Limbo…"

"Why must you've to overstress yourself? You're a pretty lady you know?" He compliments her. Rhonda hasn't gotten any cute compliments about herself before, so she secretly blushed

"Um, it's getting dark and I can't stay here!"

"You are injured, how many times am I going to say that?"

"As long as you want!" Rhonda got up from the bed, walking in a crooked manner, almost falling down at her feet, his room was dark, only few candles was placed to give little light. The room wasn't bright enough so she couldn't see her steps. She kept falling while walking. Gad watching this, quickly rushes to support her.

"Stay!" He told Her

"I really need to go back home!"

"No. You're not leaving here, you're out there in the cold and you think it's something okay to live with!" He carries her at his shoulders, dropping her on the bed.

"Gad, I have all rights to go."


"What? Are you kidding me?"

He holds her jaw. "You won't like to see the dark side of me!" he whispers. "Stay here while you recover!" he commands in his dark tone. Rhonda was surprised again about his sudden behavior, she said nothing more… "Good girl!" he said holding her on his arms. "I love loyal humans! You don't have to be angry with me, I'm treating you nice! Just stay here" he said placing a peck on her forehead