Chapter 7


She was calm, not even complaining or why she should complain? He hugs her like someone he doesn't want to let go. His hugs were warmth, she could feel his heart pounding lol someone who has just run a marathon, but she loves what he does and doesn't want it to be over yet. She could hear him mumbling some unknown words to himself. After a few seconds, his body were trembling then it stopped, it kept repeating itself and Rhonda, had to ask.

" Gad, are you okay?"

" Yes I'm fine!" was his response

"but you don't sound fine!"

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm the one that supposed to be worry for you!"

"first thing Gad, you talk weird, you say weird stuffs and you act weird!" She blurted out

"Im not saying I do not like you. Something's different about you AND you aren't telling me, but I'm not compelling you to tell me what's going in your mind!" She said in a sad tone

"So you want to know my secret?"

"If you put it that way, then YES! We must have known each other for a short time but as you've said AND I want to say, I'm Interested to know more about you? What's going on in your mind?"

He chuckles. "Where is this leading us to?"

"That I …" she was shy and embarrass to continue, so she'd backed off.

"come on, tell me… don't Leave me on suspense!" Gad urges on

"Its nothing, just forget about it!"

"How do you expect me to forget? Tell me?" He insisted giving her those enchanted looks. He looked really handsome, but one way or the other, his looks didn't charmed her like the first one that happened, they kiss… When she remembers the kiss they had, she could help but blush

"I was just thinking if we can maybe extend our friendship" She blurted


"Yes. I thought if maybe will tend to know each other more better, we won't be embarrass telling a secret … " She said as she was already referring to him.

"So you want us to be close?"

"yea, very close!"

"like how close?" He questioned smirking

"Close friends?" She replied. Gas smirk turns to a cold one, he wasn't expecting that answer from her. He thought like the 'close friends stuffs' is going to be boyfriend and girlfriend. His hands roam around her body, he could smell the blood out of her. His intentions were to lick and bite and all this while he has been controlling himself, his face changes WHEN Rhonda notices this, from his movements. "Gad are you cool?"

"Yes I am but I don't think I will be coming home this night" He quickly got up as if someone was chasing him

"Where are you going?"

"Its somewhere Private, do me a favor. Don't leave till k come Tomorrow"

"What? Tomorrow? Are you spending the night somewhere else?"

"Maybe but don't ask me questions. Promise me, you won't leave till I come back?"

"I-I do not know Gad!" She sounded confused

"You said you want to be us to be close friends, stay here."

"As long you promise to be back and your house is a nightmare" she complained, especially to the blood her blurry eyes could only see red and black light as the room background. She felt a scared!

"Nothing will happen to you!" He replies walking out of the house. She could feel he was gone, he was fast though. She hasn't slept in a boy's house. This was her first time, she lied down at the bed, carrying the pillow as a baby, hugging it tight as if she doesn't wanted to let go.


Immediately he left the house, his places his hands on his head, vibrating to the fact that it was more painful than death itself. His head spinning around, with clenched teeth. Fighting the fact of his transformation. Quickly he ran into the woods, pulling down trees, smacking his head onto the trees. Was he crazy or what? He hasn't had blood for years now, thinking the fact he was capable of controlling it, wasn't walking out well for him. He can't, he can't hold it anymore. Sniffing those body of hers, cleaning her blood instead of licking it felt like a big test for him which he knows he's going to fail. It's a good thing he left quickly, coz no one knows if he was going to kill her to drink her appealing blood.

He holds his head, NO! He said to himself, he wasn't going to transform yet coz if he does. He is capable of killing anyone he's eyes laid on…

"I know you want it Rimac, go for it!" his friend, Stiles said coming down from one of the trees in the wood

"No, no!" He struggled the more

"You know you can't control it for a long time, it's your chance, why don't you do it?"

"Any more words from you, I'm going to cut your throat off"

"whoa, whoa. I know you're keeping her Rimac. Don't tell me you're having other feelings for her rather than to kill?"

"And what if I have?" He pulled down another tree

"You vowed never to fall in love. We mate with Vampires only and we kill humans"

"There are a lot that broke the rules AND I don't care about rules. I'm doing my own way!"

"Wait! What? You're betraying us"

"Not yet."

"I need blood…" Rimac said. "Yes, humans!" He whispered to himself running like an animal, his eyes turned black dark, which means he hasn't had blood for years now. When he knew, he couldn't control it anymore. He transforms to a full Vampire ready to feed off the lives of humans.

He came to Mid West city, as it was dark. He was looking for whom to feed. He looked around, everywhere was quite. His main plan was breaking into the home to kill, then he saw a mailman delivering packages AND that was the time for Rimac to strike. He calls out the mailman. He looked around to see who it was But was held captive by Rimac. Cutting him into pieces and begins to drink…

"Aaaah!!!" A loud scream of pain, fear accompany with death were heard from a far distance. Everyone could hear it, the young lady whom the mailman has delivered her package to, came in to check what was going on BUT was soon claimed by Rimac with his sharp elongated fangs splitting her in halves. He threw their bodies away…

The Killer was capable to kill more than ten of them, he wasn't satisfied yet, he wanted more. When the 911 came in, he also killed them all. Knowing who they was, and what they could do. This brought chaos in Mid West City. When he was satisfied with his killing. He transforms back to him normal human self, seizing his black eyes to a red one which meant he had drink more blood of humans. He was a poor shame he had to kill them…

The Next Morning…

Gad came home looking more filled than ever, him watching the gatherings of people, the screaming and death were somehow music to his ears. He did that to satisfy himself. Meanwhile, Rhonda has woken up from the shouts and screaming coming outside, she got up from the bed, still battling with her eyesight. The room was still dark, despite the fact that it was morning. He came towards her, placing her on the couch…

"I have something for you!" he whispered in her ear, so she smiled


"Close your eyes and promise not to open them until I tell you to And I really mean it!"

"O-kay" She replied him closing her eyes happily, Gad brought out new lens from the drawer and wore it in her eyes. Rhonda could feel the fact that he bought her new lenses. Finally she would be able to see things clearly again

"You can now open them!" he said to her and she did opens her eyes seeing the clear handsome figure right before her eyes

"It's about time!" she heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you Gad. How did you get it?"

"I bought it for my girlfriend" He replied. Rhonda looks curious at his response.


"Im referring to the prettiest damsel with me right now" then she blushes. "I can't really believe you stayed!"

"Well I did" She looks at the room, it was painted red and black, curtains were shut, the candles were the ones supplying light to the house. "You really need to open the curtains for light!"

"I don't like light"

"I mean sunlight"

"They are the same. You're my sunlight only!" He said in a seductive manner moving his face closer to kiss her and Rhonda could see this

"Where were you last night?" Rhonda questioned. She asked this question from stopping him from kissing her, she wasn't sure if to have a relationship with Gad yet coz he still hides things with her. He gave no reply to her question as always but his eyes looks seducing including those pink plump lips of his that was tempting Rhonda to kiss. With her glasses on, she entered the bathroom to freshen up. "We need to prepare for school!" She told Gad but he instead gave a sigh. She felt shy, using his bathroom things but had no other option than to use it. When she was done, she came out from the bathroom with a towel tied around her body

"Do you have spare clothes for me to wear for today only?" She asked him. He looks at the beautiful woman right in front of him and he couldn't help but smile AND that was the first time she has ever seen a smile on his face.

"You can check there" he pointed to his wall rope and she went there to select some dress that fits her. All she could find was a short skirt and an oversized shirt that wouldn't fit her at all

"I don't think this will fit me" she told him.

"I do have one that is going to fit you!" his smile turns to a cold one informing Rhonda this wasn't going to be good…

"I will love to see it!" was her reply

"In one condition" he said and YES she was right

"what condition?" she said. He got up from the couch, walking towards her. She felt like he was up to something no good for her, when he was close enough, he pulls her closer to him, putting one of his hands on her waist. His lips moves towards her neck placing wet kisses on her injured spot which sent chills to her, it feels good and wanted no. But not now, she has to be in school.. "Gad what are you doing?" She asked out of surprise

"This is my condition!" he gave his reply wanting to take off the towel then she withdraw herself from him

"Gad, let it don't be this!" she checked the time and oh my goodness! She was late. "Just give me the dress and I will do anything"

"Anything you say?"

"Except from this!" it looks like Gad wasn't Willing to give her the dress yet, she could see his eyes were full of lust. What is he lust about? She isn't that sexy to take the breathe out of a man. Then she remembers a little flashbacks about her bending down while she checks for the dress. "Oh my!" does that mean he saw what was underneath her, "ooh!" and she had no panties on. That what made him lust, he wants it from her. Rhonda felt a bit disgusted. "Please!" She begs him with those eyes of hers.

"Remove the towel!" he said to her. Rhonda wanted to refuse but his voice felt a bit compelling. Looking into his seductive eyes, made her took off the towel from her body. He looks at her naked body wanting to get a hold of her breasts, her pink nipples looks fresh and sweet like a lollipop to suck and lick. His eyes moves to her shaved pussy, this made him go crazy. Seeing the way she bends exposes her pussy, the shape of a woman made him go crazy. Her buttocks were sexy and good looking. When she saw him coming closer, she took the towel to cover herself

"Now you've seen, can you give It to me now?" She questioned

"Its over there!" he pointed to the other couch, then she walks there to collect it from the couch. Gad was still staring at her and this made Rhonda uncomfortable, especially to the fact that she is still new to all this. She wore the boyfriend jeans and a off the shoulder crop top. She fell her hair over her shoulders.

"Are you coming?" she asked him

"I can come whenever I like" was his response. It was a true fact, they wasn't going to punish him because of his attractiveness. She took her bag and off she went to school. When she checked her time, it was late, really late. A hour late from school and classes should be in section.

Something was different about her, oh yes!!! She remembers, she looks fine and no more weak BUT how? Her cold was gone, her temperature was back to normal. She wanted to ask Gad how he did it? But she already knows he's not going to give an answer. When she got to school, class weren't in section. The school was filled like before, everyone staring at her phone.

"Breaking News!!! The killers are back, when I said back, they're back for real, this time. Forty eight bodies were found dead at Mid West district. Some of this dead bodies belongs to family, children and even workers from 911… Mayor hasn't given us a reply, our haunters' are confused on what to do right now? Our city is in great danger y'all…" The Newscaster said coming from the school's hallway television. Today, some teachers didn't came to school, some resigned and thought about their lives.

"So does that mean no boring lectures?" Someone from the Audience asked. Then everyone began to shout, they were happy that they could do whatever they like SO no teaching, we can do anything! Were what the voices were saying. Rhonda saw Johanna, so she ran towards her talk to her…

"Rhonda are you okay? I heard what happened to you!" Johanna started

"I feel good now!" Rhonda replied

"The fashion show is tomorrow, so are you prepared?"

"maybe! Well, yes I am"

"I know you're afraid that you are not going to win. It's just a normal to be like that sometimes. Tomorrow is going to be good, I can't wait to see your dress."

"Um, I was just thinking if you could maybe help me out!"

"Of course, I'm honored to help you"

"Oh thank you so much Johan" Rhonda appreciated. "Um, well I want to ask you something about, uh! It's so embarrassing if I say this"

"I am your sister, there is nothing to embarrass about!" Johanna said holding her sister's hands

"Well, um… have you had sex?" Rhonda questioned. Johanna surprised about her sister's question.

"Yes, so? Why are you asking? Wait! There may only be a reason why you are asking?" Johanna thought. "Are you seeing anybody?" she questioned whispering

"Well yes! But the case it's that.. he's hiding something away from me!"

"And what do you think it is?"

"Don't you understand? He's hiding something from me, like a secret!"

"Ooh!! He has a secret. Does that makes it personal?"

"I know, I know but this is something I know he's not going to tell me. No matter how hard I try to ask, he won't disclose his secret…"

" And those that makes you worried?"

"I think so!"

"Well if you insist, so what are your plans?"

"Well Johanna, I was thinking of seducing him.." Rhonda replied and this made Johanna's mouth to pop open. She can't really believe her little sister is telling her all this! "I don't know how seducing stuffs work, so I was thinking if you could teach me!"

"that's not a hard task for me! I can't really believe it! My little sister is going to seduce her man!" Johanna squink

"Just tell me and stop acting like a baby!"

"Well sis, you met the right one. Seducing a guy just comes from you. You need to be sexy, who knows half naked, make sure your skin sparkles, loose your hair, give yourself new amazing looks and then you're all set to go"

"Okay got it, what's next?"

"If you're seductive, he isn't supposed to know. He should be the only lusting for you, he should come to you and you must be able to entertain him"

"In what exactly?"

"Sex, duhh!"

"What? Sex? Isn't there anything else apart from the S word?"



"Look sister, if you don't want it to fail. You've to do at least those two, make him feel more and then you can ask with the questions, but ask him in a smooth calming way"


"Or maybe you can just wait for him to tell you his secrets!"

"I will think about it before I start"

"Its so sweet to see how much you've grown, loosing your virginity. You're going to love it. Remember, if you have it, you can get horny for more"

"Okay I hope. So I will see you tomorrow at your spare room or not!"

"I will be delighted to see you there!" The both sisters exchanged hugs, and off Rhonda left to sign her name up, she was so happy that tomorrow was the Fashion Show, everyone is going to be in there. The fact that she even wanted to look her best. After the short lessons, Gad didn't showed up, one way or the other, he won't come or give a reply.

The fact that everyone was talking about her and Gad's relationship, it became a trend of how Gad beat up Isabella, the fact that no one paid attention to her or what she was even about to say. The news spread that Gad and Rhonda was now nicknamed to be the Hottest Couple ever exceeding Isabella and Flynn.

Rhonda could hear Isabella shouting at Flynn from not saving her from Gad, calling him the worst boyfriend ever, as punishment she broke up with Flynn. That was now another trending topics that Flynn, who used to be High Hopes Academy HHA is no longer with Isabella. This made his friends to mock him. Flynn couldn't move on, Isabella has probably replaced Flynn with another guy, although she doesn't like him.

Isabella saw Rhonda collecting her books from her locker walking towards her direction, this time not with her friends. Rhonda sighting Isabella quickly closed her locker to go but Isa stopped her.

"I am not going to fight with you Isabella. You can't keep bullying me all you want but I will give no reply to you" Said Rhonda.

"I know bitch! I am here to let you know that I'm gonna kick your ass off tomorrow. Oh and it looks you bought new glasses"

"Get lost Isabella!" Rhonda finally said

"Don't think it's over yet. Isabella never gives up!"

"You know! You need to work on yourself. You changed ever since I lost my parents. You can act wealthy all you like and I don't care coz you're can't find true love In wealth.