Chapter 8


RHONDA gave Isabella the words she deserved. Isabella's eyes were burning in flames wanting to split her off in twos

"Now Isabella. You think you've everything. Yes you've family, friends, mansions. You think you're wealthy but you can't buy love with money. Those aren't real friends, they're just following because of your money and they want to be popular, Flynn is only your boyfriend because of your money and your sexuality. You oppress others because they're poor and you think maybe I'm the Superior, and they should obey me. You mocked me, insulted me, hated me for no reasons…"

" Don't try to prove yourself honey coz I'm the richest of all. Even more than you?"

"Now there's a problem about you, which you are always blind to see. Now lemme brag about myself. My parents were haunters', they protected Mid West City and I know they did it for money and to keep their children alive. They volunteered because they didn't want those killers to harm us. Which shows my late parents cared about their family, they were stinking rich, richer than you and your fucking parents before they even became the ambassador. Which means that, I was richer than you but despite that I never bragged but you did…"

"Point of correction honey You used to be rich"

"No I wasn't rich, it was my parent's love. They died and they still celebrate their Memorial every year which shows how special they are. Now lemme ask you, did your parents ever loved you? Were you really loved? Did anyone cared about you except your money? And what will happen if the Mayor's sack them? They will lose all their wealth, and you will be poor, mocked forever and who knows, being bullied…"

"You may try to be cleaver, I don't need my parents to make me rich coz I can be rich myself"

"then be a good girl!" That was what Rhonda could only say to Isabella knowing truly well, she was the type that doesn't listen. At last, she got the courage BUT they were pitch of sadness from Isabella's eyes when Rhonda talked to her. But Rhonda just scoffed knowing truly well who Isabella was. After school, Rhonda went to Madame Limbo to collect her dress, when the Madame sighted Rhonda from afar, she quickly calls her ladies to welcome Her like a costumer.

She walked to Madame Limbo asking her about her dress. Madame Limbo showed her the dress, Rhonda had that smile on her face about the beautiful design Gad made about the dress. She didn't test it there, like the way the other ladies were doing. They beautifully wrapped the dress and handed it to Rhonda. She paid again and limbo thanked her with a smile on her face. She took it, took a taxi which stops at Gad's home. She'd just wanted to pay him a visit. She knocks and knocks but got no response. It was locked from outside, so she'd thought maybe Gad wasn't at home, so she went to visit Johanna, she welcomed her, surprised to see Jake there too..

"Lemme guess, this is bro's home not yours?"

"What should I say? They kicked me out!"

"I told you, they were using you but you told me I was just jealous"

" I rather not talk about it Rho" Johanna said letting out frustration.

"we can't stay like this, I'm going home, our home, our parents' home!"

"But uncle Bob's words"

"They are our parents, if we don't go now. Who knows if Uncle Bob is going to sell out our house!"

"I don't know, this is risky sis" that was Jake

"Then I will take the first risk, if you're looking for me, I'll be at home. My real home" Rhonda said. Since that day, she had felt courageous and won't stop till she said her mind. This was probably what Gad told her. She felt worry about him, especially the fact that Mid West City isn't secured anymore like it used to be.


She took a taxi 🚕 to home. She felt a little bit scared about her courage attitude. She got inside the house with a flashlight on her hands, the first thing she wanted to do was to get to her room and take a long nap there. When she got there, it looked the same, no change at all except from the cobwebs and the dust. She brought out broom 🧹 to clean up her childhood room. This took her a hour to get it all done. Now she admires, no cobwebs, no dust. Although, it was some part of the room that remains dusty. Then, that's when her flashback came.

She'd remember the time, anytime she was scared of her own room, Johanna will either sing her a lullaby or dad is going to play his guitar.

"I have something special for you!" Dad calls onto Little Rhonda that was coloring with Johanna. She was 5 years old and Johanna been 8.

"Yes daddy!" little Rhonda replies her father

"I know how scared you are in the dark, so I bought you this!" He gave her a white teddy with the drawing of Love

"wow! A teddy bear" she took it from her father's hands

"With Teddy, you don't need to be afraid of anything including the dark. Anytime you're scared, just give teddy a hug"

"A big hug!"

"Yes Rho! So would you like to give teddy a name?" He asks her, Rhonda looks at her father, then at Johanna who was still with coloring and then at mom scolding Jake. They all looked perfect together and wished nothing could separate them. "Have you decided yet?"

"yes dad. Teddy's new name is Family!"

"Family? Wow, that sounds like a good name!"

"this will always make me to remember everyone. Family Is Teddy's new name and I like it!"

"If it makes you happy, then it makes us Happy!" little Rhonda hugs her father and took the teddy to show Johanna, Jake and mom. Rhonda thought she was going to keep being her parents favorite, until they all changed! Since they were haunters' they paid no attention to HER anymore, they comes home with magnificent awards, they made Jake and Johanna feel special, forgotten about their daughter, Rhonda. When little Rhonda finds out the reason why are parents changed was because Their Neighbors Mocked The Couples Of having A blind kid who wore glasses. Sometimes, they will take Jake and Johanna out and abandons her in school.

This always made Rhonda to hate herself, having sex doubt. She usually locks herself in her room, crying! Holding 'Family' in her arms. Sometimes she even pretends Teddy was a human being, assuming they are humans she could have fun with, play her childish games with. With this, she wasn't easily discouraged.

Rhonda was the only one who had fault in the family, she will usually ask mom and dad crying and asking them what has she done, they told her to act as a rich kid but she played with her identity, making everyone to look down at the couples', telling them they couldn't educate Rhonda with manners. She was the playful type. Mom and dad will lock her home, and she will cry all day.

Except from Johanna! She was the only one who came back with goodies to share with her. Rhonda would always ask;

"I know why mom and dad doesn't want me! It's my eyesight isn't it!"

Johanna gave no reply to Rhonda.

"Are you embarrassed with me? Don't lie to me?"

"Rhonda, you're my sister and I love you!" Johanna replied hugging her little sister. This made HER a little more better. It was that night that Mom and Dad got killed, their bodies were lost in the woods. Did this hurt little Rhonda? It hurts her but she didn't cry like a baby more than her older brother, Jake. Jake was mostly petted like a baby by their parents. That was when uncle Bob took over, claim to be a better uncle to the little ones. But lied, all he did wanted was the money.

Rhonda cleared her mind back to reality, accepting some of the facts that her parents did not value her that much. She'd blamed her eyesight, and hated why she wore glasses.

She laid on her bed, then she saw a torn paper besides the pillow, she took it immediately. It was rather old and dirty. She adjusted the glasses to read the writings, which states from the heading as thus;

Rhonda Stella Jones.

You may think you're the illegitimate one, you may think down. But you haven't cleared your eyes yet. We loved you from the start you were born. Although, they're serious birth reasons that did damaged your eyesight. But don't hate it, instead I want you to love it.

We regretted every single actions why we rejected you as our daughter, we were just blinded by money, wanting others to love us more WHEN we already know, we've 3 beautiful amazing children that loves us.

None of our words can be used to express how deeply sorry we are, Again SORRY we didn't came to apologize, we knew the Work (haunters') we signed up for the Mayor will soon cost us our lives. We are doing our best to withdraw, once we do, we're moving out of this city AND far away to a new one when no supernatural creatures is going to exist or harm us.

We promise to always support you at all times. Be a good girl, okay! We are writing this coz we don't know what may happen to us in the nearest future, we do suspect that other haunters' wants us dead, Bob is among of this. But we Promise to quit and be alive!

If anything suspicious happens to us, this are the little clues we have. And if we are alive, we can finally start a new home together just the 5 of us. Be confident! Don't let anyone ruin your life

Letter Written By Mom and Dad

Mr and Mrs Jones…


Rhonda didn't know when she was already in tears. The letter was really addressed to her for more than 5 years. She couldn't stop crying, all this why they wanted to come back? Rhonda asks herself, about why wasn't her own in a scroll format like that of Jake and Johanna. And why was mom and dad revealing to her what they were doing/planning? But they revealed nothing in Jake and Johanna's letter.

She quickly use her cellphone's camera to take a picture and sends it over to Johanna and Jake. It didn't took Johanna a minute, before she checked the message, she was always on her phone. Then her big sister replied back in a text thus; "I will be there right now!" Accompany with a running emoji. Jake hasn't viewed her message yet, He should probably be with his Gay's friends.

After 10 Minutes, Johanna came into the house using a passage way AS she was the only one that knows the ins and outs of the house.

"Rhonda! I read the message. Was it really true?"

"Why don't you check it out yourself?" Rhonda hands over the letter to Johanna. Johanna took it and began to read.. When she was done reading every single word, she gave Rhonda a hug.

"Finally a letter to you from Mom and Dad!"

"Yes. Didn't you read it all in details?"

"Yes I did!"

"The reasons why Mom and Dad wrote letters to us, is to let us know how much they miss out. In the letter to wrote to me, I think they resigned or something."

"Something happened Behind the scenes!"

"Yes. And our first clue mentioned is Bob"

"I hate him so much!"

"Are we going to walk just straight to him asking him about our parents? He's surely going to demand for sex"

"You are so right sister"

"So we are going to compel him, in our sister's compelling way"

"I think I like where this is going. I'm in!"

"Good. We should surely involve Jake!"

"We probably should not, he's still battling Mom and Dad's death, he hasn't moved on yet. So it's just up to us?"

"Yes! We've got this"


The both of them discussed their plans. The door was locked. As Uncle Bob has locked the Ins and outs. They were left with one choice, they combined hands and began to knock on the door with force. The sound were disturbing the neighbors and from the point of view, it sounded more annoying than ever.

A grumbling voice was coming from the inside, it was angry uncle Bob shouting who is it? He's Coming! Then once he opened the door, and saw them standing there. He wanted to close the door back BUT Johanna's foot held him from closing it.

"We need to talk!" Rhonda said. Her calm voice soon change to a cold one. He could see they wasn't ready for his attitude, Johanna drags him inside closing the door behind them. Pushes him to the chair.

"I thought I made it clear that you shouldn't come back here OR are you here to apologize?" He was referring to Johanna

"Shut it, old man!" Johanna attacked and continues. "We have questions to you and it's a must for you to answer it!"

"Its about our parents, the result of their death!" Rhonda added

"You want to know about your parents death? And what are you willing to give me in return for an answer?" Uncle Bob said in lust. Johanna at the other hand felt irritated with this and brought out a gun, pointing it on his forehead. "Whoa, whoa!" He exclaimed terrified

"You better talk or you take a bullet!" Johanna commands

"You know there are neighbors around" Bob said

"We will pay you!" Rhonda suggested

"how much?" Bob asked. Then Rhonda brought out a huge sum of money from the wallet and drops it on the table. With this, his mouth drops.

"Deal!" He replied wanting to collect the money from the table but Johanna drags it away from him.

"You can only take the money IF you give us what we want!" Johanna said with no smile. Bob hated Johanna and was kinda afraid of her so he had no choice.

"What's your question?" He asked

"Firstly, What really happened between Mom and Dad with the Mayor. Tell me everything!" Rhonda said

"Well as you insist. It all started when I got a rare call from your father, asking me to escort them. It was although a rare opportunity and I was really a big fan of the mayor, I wanted to see his house so I had…"

"We don't care about your boring story. Go to the main point about what really happened?" Johanna said out of frustration

"Alright! So I escorted them. When we got to his house, your parents wrote a sign out letter. They didn't wanted to be haunters' anymore. When the mayor read this, he got sad, defeated and angry at the same time. Mid West city wanted them. That was when the plot started, I overheard one of the haunters' plotting with one of the Ambassadors. I wanted to warn them, but they easily discovered that I overheard their conversation. They gave me millions of dollars if I promise to keep shut, I couldn't resist MAYBE that was when your parents must I've think I was walking for them. They told them the Mayor need their help to set up traps in the woods and he promises no more disturbance after that. They weren't in for it, after the fact that they were warned not to enter the Woods BUT they did. The jealous haunters pretended to escort them in the forest, when they knew they were in the territory, they ran away. That was when your parents discovered they were tricked, they tried to escape then they were never heard of again…" He narrated

" So you knew all this and you didn't warn them. He's your brother! How could you?" that was Rhonda asking in tears and in anger

"I really wanted to warn them, I do! But I foolishly chose their money, when I tried to decline, they said they would take my life one way or the other. I was trying to reach to your parents, but they blocked me thinking I was working with them"

"Who was the ambassador?"

"His name is Lux Carl!" He replied.

"Wait? What? That's Isabella's father!" Johanna said

"So he did this?"

"Yes. They were 5 of them, but 4 died. The killers killed them!"

"so why do they insist celebrating their memorial?"

"Because they were heroes. But I will warn you dare, taking revenge on him is a dangerous task. Even the haunters' are scared to fight back the killers, some regret killing your parents coz they need them!"

"So they're crying?"

"The death rank came from one of the Haunter's family. His wife and children including the mailman was killed"

"So it was them?"

"They are having revenge on their family before killing the others"

"Those that includes us?" It was Johanna

"Yes. You're the children to the haunters', so yes"

"Ooh! Now I'm scared" Rhonda said between her thoughts not willing to say it out.

"take your fucking money!" Johanna threw the money on Uncle Bob's face, scattering everywhere within him. Johanna was highly troubled, While Rhonda scared! She hasn't met a Vampire before.