Chapter 9


A Week Later,

Rhonda, having flashed visions of him, Gad turning to a killer, him knocking down trees, runs fast. It kept replaying and recurring till she screams … The light rays affected her eyes. She was in the bed, she got up from the bed a little tensed and weak. She took up her glasses to wear THEN that was when the miracle started.

When she wore her lens, it made visions blur. She thought maybe it was because she hadn't cleaned it. So when she removes it, everything within her was clear. "like what the fuck!" She tests it again, putting on the glasses made things even worst, affecting her eyes. Then she removes it!

She quickly rushes to the bathroom to clean her face. She couldn't believe it, she can now actually sees like a normal being. Then Jake and Johanna rushes in, terrified.

"Rho!" Johanna exclaimed

"You are finally awake." Jake said

"You need to rest, you may be tired!" Johanna tries to support her sister to the bed

"But I don't feel tired!" Rhonda could even talk well AS if she had just woken up from a ten minutes sleep.

"But how?" Johanna questioned looking more worried, so she lay back on her bed

"for how long have I be asleep?"

"For a week now!" Johanna replied and Rhonda was pretty surprised. She had sleep for a week without waking up and kept the siblings worried. She wanted to tell Johanna what happened BUT not yet..

"Where did you find my body?" Rhonda questioned

"It was Uncle Bob that found your body. I don't know how, he told us not to tell anyone and we did."

"Did he said any other thing else?"

"He didn't say much. You can ask him yourself. Do you remembered what happened?"

"I can't remember right now!" Rhonda lied, lying across her bed

"Ooh I understand, I shouldn't be bothering you much with questions. If you have anything at all troubling you. Please do not hesitate to tell me! I'm always there for you!" Johanna said

"I need to go to school!"

"No you are staying home. Promise me, you're not going anywhere till you recover?"

"Fine!" was Rhonda's reply. She actually felt fine and felt like going out, but waited for Johanna and Jake to go. Johanna pecks her little sister's forehead before leaving for school. Although, Jake did nothing. He left before Johanna.

Rhonda felt bad and guilty for not telling Johanna the whole truth, but she felt like she was been stopped from saying the truth. She got up from her bed, to shower up, putting on a blue coat, then that was when she felt a sharp pain radiating from her neck.

"ow!" She cried out when she knew she could take it anymore. She'd looked at herself in the mirror, the deep cut from her skin. Then she had a little flashback, his fangs drilling into her neck back in the woods. The pain was too much, that she started hearing things from afar. Everything around her felt slow, the fact that she could hear the bee buzzing. The rats at Miss Cullen's Backyard. She could hear the private conversation of everyone. Even the moans. She held her ears, it was so thick! She wanted it to stop. She screamed as it turns worst, collapsing at the side of the bed.


Back in the coven, where the Elders sitter, discussing about their plans. Rufus was in a tough mood, angry and more disappointed with what Rimac did.

"Why do he did this? Why did he did this?..." The murmurings of the elders to one another during the meeting was heard.

"She was our rival, our meat! And you bite her!" Rufus criticized

"look, I wasn't myself back then.. So what do you expect me to do?" Rimac asked

"There is one way. Kill her!" Rufus replied

"Kill her?" Rimac was out of words to the fact that he was totally confused. He was already in love with her, this really haunt him AND Rufus could already see it in his eyes that Rimac was hesitating!

"You know the rules Rimac, my rules! She deserves to die!"

"Give me a reason?" Rimac attacked back

"Number one, she's our meat and Number two, it's my way of showing my revenge on her parents'. Every humans there must die. We are going to feast tonight. So, I want you to kill her. You don't want you to go contrary with what I'm saying, coz if you do! You and Her die!" Rufus said to Rimac who was just speechless THEN he turns to address the others. "She is not going to be one of us, she isn't no Vampire! She's gonna die like the other humans" He said and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Rimac walked out of the council, thinking about what Rufus said, was he really going to kill her? He had passion and love for Rhonda, she made him see things, wanting him to share her secrets. His time to think was limited. Stiles spying on him from behind knows Rimac was growing passionate feelings for Rhonda and he isn't going to kill her that easily.

Meanwhile, Rhonda could already feel the side effects of his bite, she was getting worried about herself. Afraid to visit him, BUT she took it upon herself to do it. She got up from the short dose walking downtown. She walks out of her house without her glasses, she let her hair fall down to cover the mark of the Vampire's bite. She could feel them staring at her from a distance, some not even recognizing her. Without her glasses, she looks more like the younger version of her mother, so while she walked, they whispered among themselves saying the haunters' are back, she looks more like the dead haunters! AND yes she could hear what they were saying.

She walked passed them not even talking or saying hi to them. After the long walk, she got to Gad's house hearing shattered things, she knocked out loud, and this time he didn't hesitate. She heard the word "come in!" AND she did. The fact that Gad didn't delayed opening the door. He was messed up, his hair was rough, had no shirt on. It still looks like he wasn't himself too!

"I know you were going to come." He said. "You know it's dangerous for you coming here!"

"All this while you were the killer! And I didn't know that till now!"

"You don't expect me to reveal my identity like that!"

"if you never wanted to reveal your identity to me and keep me hanging in suspense, we shouldn't have met, we shouldn't have been friends, we shouldn't have talk, I shouldn't have fallen in love with you you should have just killed me when you had the chance!"

"But I didn't!"

"No, you speared me to just frustrate my life." She shouted back at him, that was when he revealed his true self in the shadow coming closer to her, within a single moment, he grabs her onto him

"Now tell me, if you discovered I was the killer, will you ever stop loving me? Everyone knows the killers kill, But I chose not to kill you.. "

"You made me different, this isn't me!" Rhonda attacks his speech

"No. I gifted you like me, I told you not to follow me but out of stubbornness, you did." He holds her hands. "I loved you so much, I didn't want anything to happen to you, I didn't want you to stop loving me."

"So you were scared to tell me?"

"I was at risk, my only intentions were to kill until I met you. You changed me, even to the point I was hurting you"

"So tell me what's going on with you now?" She questioned him, he wanted to back out of the question but he worried about her feelings…

"The elders of the Vampire's council knows what I did. They told me to kill you?" He answered

"and do you wanna kill me?"

"I don't know"

"You should know" She took his hands and puts them on her neck. "You should kill me coz it's what the elders want!" She told him. Gad was confused on what to do, she wanted him to kill her.

"No! I can't kill you. You're more precious to me, I don't know what I will ever be without you and I'm gonna prove it to you!" He starts with a soothing kiss on her lips, claiming her mouth, their tongues played at each other, savoring her mouth. Her scent was quite bewitching, his lips sucks deeper, claiming her mouth even the more, then that was when the urge to taste her finally came. He slid away from the kiss…

"You really need to go!" He quavers like he was trying to restrain himself.

"Gad, what's wrong?"

"Just go"

"You don't want me!"

"I don't wanna hurt you like I did before"

"I know you can fight this Gad!" She came closer to give him a kiss. But he was hesitating.. "Go for it! I know you want it Gad!"

"You know how dangerous this it, you know how dangerous I am!" She claims his mouth before he could say any more words…

"As long you promise me you're not going to drain me completely" she asked then he came closer

"I promise, there is no going back on your word!" He could smell her, the luring scent of hers which he couldn't off his mind His fangs found her flesh and pierced into it, the soft warmth giving way like a ripe melon, filling his mouth with thick, delicious blood. She shuddered in his hands as he drew deep, gulping mouthful after mouthful, reveling in the strength and life that filled his veins, jolted his limbs, granted him his semblance of life.

His victim began to moan softly, even if she could feel the pain, her body growing limp as his strong arms supported more of her weight. He could pick up the traces of her desire and satiation in her sweat; taste the endorphins in her blood that turned her death from terrifying and painful to the most pleasurable experience of her life.

The human in him got some small sense of comfort in knowing that she was dying peacefully, happily. The monster in him simply could not care less, not as long as the sweet crimson fluid continued to flow into him, pumping him full of stolen life and vitality. He drank and drank, sucked at her neck until there was nothing left to suck, and then he dropped her to the ground, where she fell in a crumpled heap. Smirking, he blew her a kiss.

And with that, he releases from HER, she touches her neck feeling a bit weird, but at the same time found pleasure in what ever he was doing. He carries her to the bed opposite them, putting her on it and began to full her mouth with more kisses, which he couldn't get enough of!

"I want you.." He grips her closer to him. "I want to claim you!" He brought out a knife, Rhonda looking at this, terrified and scared, what is he doing? She watches him in his dark room, blowing candles as he uses the knife to cut his palm, blood rushes from it. "Drink!" He told her, Rhonda understanding more than he was willing to claim her FOREVER. She opens her mouth wide and began to suck the blood off his bleeding palm. Even though, this was her first time and she found it gross. She drinks his blood, she could hear him say. "You are all mine Rhonda" and then never ceases confessing their love at each other.

The Next Morning!!!

Beautiful Rhonda woke up, feeling different from her normal self. She had continuous questions. She has always been scared of the Killers' herself and now she has become one! The fact that this inflated her like a contagious blood. She rolled her heads over and over the pillow having a day mare, she saw one of the killers' actually different from Gad self! It was running after her and someone very close to her that she couldn't see too clearly! She screamed in fear, coz the dream almost looked feel, she felt it, it was so real! She remembered that she had promised Johanna not to leave the house, she must be worried by now. She took up her cellphone, more than ten missed calls from Johanna, text messages thus;

"Where are you?"

"Im scared, please pick up!"

"Im having a day. Respond!"

She read the messages for once, so she had to reply back that She's fine,

"Meet you in school sis Johanna!"

She typed with a smiling face emoji. Johanna definitely reading this will think something's going on, because Rhonda hasn't acted all nice to her. Her thoughts was about the day mare! It seems to scare her the most THAT was when Gad came in, Rhonda has to pretend nothing's happening, but he has already sensed that something's wrong.

"Don't be afraid!" He said to her coming towards her to give her a hug

"It feels so real!" she replied back holding him tight

"You are now my mate, you are safe with me!" He kisses her forehead

"Does that makes me a vampire too, I see weird stuffs…" Gad chuckles. This was going to be hard for Rhonda. "Does that makes me part of you now?" She questioned, he gave no reply…

"I know you were trying to seduce me!" Gad whispered into her ears, she was a bit embarrassed and tries to look away. He smirked, saying "Do not look away, I heard everything your sister was saying, now say something!"

" it's nothing too important!"

"You wanted to have sex with me!"

"Don't say it like that" Rhonda felt so shy discussing this with him. "I was only planning it with my sister coz you weren't telling me what's wrong with you then"

"and seduction was the only plan you could think of!"

"Um!" she thought drifting off the bed. "lets just pretend that any of this never took place!"

"My questions are still pending!" He said