Chapter 4 Training

The innate realm

When arriving to this realm a cultivator has no need to use a flying sword to fly. But some still uses it as weapons.

Joseph felt that he was strong enough to take on a whole country.

which was true. as with his current power he could fight a small country. but not one of those larger countries.

one had to know at the peak of Foundation Establishment his normal punch without energy in it could destroy steel.

Now being many times stronger than before, a pull power blast from him can probably like any martial god destroy a mountain.

'wait even though I'm strong I never tried my power before' Thinking of this Joseph soon ask the system to locate a martial artist who was strong but not in the innate realm.

He does not want to fight someone as strong as him without experience that was basically suicide.

[ host, there is a group of martial Aritist close in the Foundation Realm close by. they are within the host Divin sense range ]

hearing that Joseph remembered that cultivators had divine senses that allows them to sense thing around them from great distances alway.

Without even trying Joseph released his divine sense which shock the system who didn't even know when the host learned how to use his divine sense.

The only reason it told Joseph to use his divine sense is because it wanted him to learn how to. As any great cultivator need their divine sense.

'Just hoe great is my host's talent' thought the system even, it didn't know

"HAHA found them" Jospeh laughed loudly

after his mother who he didn't know was home voice came from the kitchen

"son is everything ok" hearing her son laugh loudly and madly Melisa was ofc worried

without even worrying about his mother Joseph put his hand in his pocket, took out his phone and dropped it on the bed

After he flew out his window in a hurry.

[ "__" ] the system was again shocked

' how did the host learn to fly so fast, even though he just reach the innate realm'

not long as Joseph left his mother entered his room.

"Joseph you've been acting weird lately what's going on tell mommy " Melisa said as she entered the room but to find no one.


in a field not far from Joseph house a group of 11 peoole in black suits were looking for something.

" look all over until you find it " The lead person said.

"Yes, sir" the other 10 people said

If anyone from the martial world look at them they would be dumbfounded to see a 10 martial art general and 1 martial art king in one place.

One had to know in a place like earth with little spiritual energy someone with little aura in them like Mary who by aura would be weaker than everyone here is hard to come by.

So for people like that to be looking for something with worried expression. would make martial artist around the world curious on what they are looking for.

"boss found it" one of the guy said as he picked up a Necklace

" good sigh!" The boss who name is zefer sighed in relief.

The reason they we're trying to find that necklase is because the person the work for daughter lost it here earlier.

This person is kendra. one of the world strongest people along side 9 others.

They are the only Martial gods in this world

Not only is kendra the a martial god she is also the most ruthless of them all.

The only people she cares for is her daughter, this being her daughter's favorite Necklace, her daughter cried when she could not find it.

She ordered them to go find it were her daughter most likely dropped it. Or if they don't she will kill them.

Not wanting to die ofcourse they will try their hardest to find it.

And finally one of them did

"come hand it to me" said zefer

"yes sir" just as his subordinate was about to give him the necklace it flew out of his hand and floated in the air.

'WHAT' Everyone on the feel was dumbfounded as they look at the Necklace which stood still on it own flew to a guy in a school uniform they didn't know.

This person was ofcourse Joseph.

" kid I don't know how, you did it but hand over that Necklace " zefer said without hesitation he did not care about how Joseph did that little trick but he needed that Necklace.

"And if I said no" Joseph taunted he was eager to fight as practice and because he never used his power before and wanted to test it out.

"Then don't blame us if you die" zefer said with an angry expression.

"Near, take that necklas if he resist kill him" zefer ordered.

Hearing his order one of the guy in black suits stepped out and walk to Joseph direction.

Joseph seeing the guy walking to him made him grin.'finally I can test my strength' he thought

"Kid hand it over or else" When Near arrived in front of Joseph he asked him releasing an oppressing aura of a Martial artist release.

"And if I don't" said Joseph with a mocking smile

Feeling this presence Joseph felt like something was wrong.

'Why does it feel so off' Joseph thought

Seeing Joseph smile Near got angry How dear a normal person like you make fun of me"

As someone who before martial arts was nothing Near hated people that looked down on him.

"How dare you" Near out of anger threw a punch with all his power, just the force of the punch mad the air go wild.

seeing this zefer was suprise and disappointed they had to kill a kid but atleast they would get to live.

Joseph didn't seem to notice as he was thinking of something.

Why does

Why does he seem so

And just like that the punch of a martial arts general at full power connected with Joseph chest.

zefer and the rest seeing this seen was suprise of the outcome.

what happen is not what they expected.



They expect Near to kill the teenager with that punch but that didn't happen what did happen was the sound of near arm breaking and his screaming.

"Ahh wha.." and just as Near was about to finish what he had to say. Joseph flicked his finger to Near's forhead which leaved a bloody whole in his head.

After Joseph looked at the body then said with disappointment.

"He was so weak, such a shame" Joseph said not even disgusted by his first kill.

[ "__" ] they system was to stunned to speak