Chapter 5 devil

Ofcourse as an innate realm Joseph expected to be stronger than him but not by this much.

[ Host you are a freak ]

'well system it's all thanks to you I am getting the power to finally be my self' Joseph responded to the system.

Seeing Near die so suddenly the group was stunned. They way Joseph killed Near so effortlessly was shocking to them. what shock them more Joseph being a teenager had no disgusted killing someone. this unknowingly scared them.

But perhaps the most shocked was Zefer.

'with a flick of a finger, is he a martial god' seeing kendra's power first hand he knew only martial gods are capable of killing a Martial general so easily.

'this is bad we need to escape' Not worrying about the Necklace Zefer was about to tell his group to run but a sword decapitated his head, fresh blood painted the grass on the field red.

A martial king a realm second to martial god died easily.

'Dammit even the strongest one here was weak' thought Joseph as he killed the leader easily.

"huh" the 8 martial generals that were alive seeing their leader and die so easily and in such a way panicked.

and just as they were all about to run the sword killed them the same way their leader died.

The field that was great earlier had a massive red spot filled with decapitated bodies.

Joseph the one responsible did not even bat an eye but just sighed in disappointment.

The leader was not even strong enough to see his sword coming no way he could have a good fighting experience fighting him.

'looks like I have to fight someone with the same realm as me to have fun' Joseph thought as he walked away.

Not long later it was reported in horror tha several bodies was found in wake field.

This shocked local residents and even the government.


Arriving home threw his window Joseph decided to see what his reward is for breaking through to the innate realms

' System open reward ' asked Joseph

[ Reward for reaching the early Innate Realm: Fire of heaven Bead

If eaten host will get the ability to control the fire of heaven. A sacred fire that even gods are afraid of.

The stronger ther host the stronger the fire.

Bonus reward host gets a earth level body defence cultivation technique]

Seeing the rewards the original depressed Joseph became happy.

then the bead appeared in his hand it was red in color.

Not processing it Joseph swallowed the bead after doing this he felt pain as his body felt like it was burning.

but he did not scream he just sat cross-Leg and let his body get used to the bead.

Not long the burning sensation stop. And without thing it Joseph stretch his hand out only for a red flame to appear the heat was hotter than any normal flame.

After playing with the fire for while Joseph put it away and glanced at the defence cultivation technique.

But just by taking a glance Joseph learned it. It's called the golden cow technique By learning it his defence can increase 3 times for a short period of time a day.

Joseph did not cultivate, he decided to say 'hi' to his parents and talk to them about quitting school.


In the Kitchen Malissa and Henry were talking. Mostly it was Malissa

"Dear, we have to talk to him, I'm really worried about " Melissa said

"he is a teenage boy, ofcourse he will be locked up in his rooms for hours"

The both of them met each other in college. they fell in love but decided that they weren't going to be in a serious relationship until after college.

But just like that college ended for them, both not doing to bad but they weren't that great in academics so their achievements weren't the best.

One could see where Joseph got his being average thing from.

After college they got married. a few years after marriage they had Joseph. There jobs at the moment is not bad being. His mother is a secretary at a small make up production company and his father is an electrician.

So even though they were not rich money was never an issue for them.

"But dear that is not just it he. earlier I heard him laughing like crazy and when I went up there no one was their. But he left his phone home, what kind of teenager leaves their phone home" Malissa said in worry. She was very worried about her son hoping he don't have some sort of problem

"Weird but nothing to worry about he probably just forgot it but I'll talk to him when he gets down stairs" Henry said as he went to the fridge to get a bear.

"Hi mom and dad" suddenly Joseph came to the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Hi dear, are you better" Melisa couldn't help but asking

"Son you look kind of different, have you been working out?" Henry said as he looked at Joseph who was more muscular that before.

Remember Joseph before cultivating was not skinny or fat but he for sure was not fit.

But the Joseph in front of him had a muscular body even though he was not buff even more on the slim side. you can still see his muscles.

"No that I have something to tell you and mom" Joseph said he was going to tell them he wanted to quite school. 'cultivation needs time and to me school is a waste of time' thought Joseph.

" What is it Son? " both parents asked as they say Joseph face they had a feeling they wouldn't like what he is about to say.

"I want to quite school and move out" Joseph said without hesitation.

"WHAT" both parents said together.

Melisa new something was up with Joseph and she new she was not going to like that had to ask but never would she thought it would be him quiting school.