Get caught by the alpha

*Li Haoyu's POV*

Who is that alpha?

What is his real identity?

What's his intention of bringing me to such a mansion in the middle of a forest?

The words he said last night... are they even true?

Did he really find me collapsing in the middle of a road and happen to save me just like that?

There are several unanswered questions and doubts flooding in my head. Now, I'm even more determined to find my way home. That alpha definitely had some kind of malicious intent when he saved me.

An alpha with such wealth....

There's no way he won't have any other villas or mansions in the city.

He could have just brought me to his dwelling in the city. He could have just send me to the nearest hospital if he didn't have any other intent.

Now, this only show there's something off and the alpha's intents are not innocent at all to begin with.

I sat down and leaned against the trunk of a giant tree, the species of which I can't even tell.

I'm now completely worn out. All I know is that I need a good shade to rest and recuperate.

From all the tiring walk, I have become extremely dehydrated. My whole body feels like it's collapsing anytime soon. My legs are aching. And, the injury on my heel only gets more painful.

With my clothes drenched in sweat and dirt, I feel really uncomfortable.

Speaking of my clothes, guess in what condition the maid dress I've been wearing right now is.

I would just say its condition is even worse than that of Cinderella's pink gown when it had been spoiled by Anastasia and Drizella.

The original long maid dress that could perfectly cover my ankle, has now turned into a short dress which can barely cover my knee. It looks really hideous.

Though I'm afraid if it's an alpha who witnessed this condition of mine, they would have a different opinion.

As I close my eyes and rest my head against the trunk, a low pitched irregular noise, like that of thunder or a hungry stomach entered my ears.

I'm not so sure if I'm just hearing things. But those noises sound like rumbles of surf or something.


*Third person's POV*

"That newbie guy surely is an expert. How did he even finish laundering all ten thousand grands just in a short amount of time? You should have given him some bonus."

"I did. "

Digging out a small gold-colored metal box from his pants' pocket, Wang Mingze leisurely took out a cigarette as he walked alongside a brunette haired man with crystal framed glasses.

This other man is the doctor who has been in charge of Li Haoyu's health. Nonetheless, it's obvious that he's not just a normal doctor, considering the fact that he has such a special privilege to talk to the great mafia boss so casually.

Wang Mingze put the filter end between his lips before lighting a silvery lighter ring on his finger and casually holded it to the tip of his cigarette.

"By the way, I'm going back tomorrow. If I stay here for a few more days, I can already imagine myself getting fired by the CEO of Xiwang hospital. "

Liu Hong is both an old comrade and underling of Wang Mingze. He's a renowned surgeon in B city, working at Xiwang hospital while in fact, he is a secret agent from Mogui mafia gang.

Removing the cigarette from his mouth, the alpha with cold hazel eyes slowly took a deep breath of the smoke with heavy smell of pungent herbs.

"Since you still have matters to handle there, just go....

It's not a problem to summon another physician for the omega. "

These words prompted Liu Hong to burst out laughing, something that instantly attracted a cold frown from Wang Mingze.

"You mean kidnapping?....hahaha.....your omega is already recovering a lot. He doesn't need a doctor anymore....though it will be a different case if you're thinking of inhumanely torturing him yet again. "

Wang Mingze didn't even bother to roll his eyes at Liu Hong's dark joke as he indifferently put the cigarette back to between his lips.

However, in the next second, he paused, his casual footsteps sauntering along the forest floor suddenly coming to a halt.

"What's wrong? "

The confused Liu Hong asked. The man with cold hazel eyes took a scan at the forest on his left without saying anything. Only after a second later, Wang Mingze removed the cigarette from his lips before giving a solemn response to the baffled beta.

"There's someone else's pheromones in the air."

As soon as these words fell, Liu Hong immediately put his right hand under his flannel shirt. Hidden under that shirt is a pistol gun- a concealed equipment he's been carrying around in his waistband holster.

As a beta, Liu Hong doesn't have any special sense for pheromones like alphas or omegas.

The alarmed doctor tried focusing his acute hearing on the surrounding. It's quite strange though. Normally, his sixth sense is always there to automatically spot all bastard thugs in his surrounding. He simply had such kind of special perception towards danger. But right now, it's not working at all.

There are only two possiblities for this situation. First, his bro is not telling the truth which probably doesn't seem to be the case. Second, that person doesn't have any killing intent towards them at all.

"But they belong to an omega."

" What?! omega? But, there's only one omega in this island. Boss, by any chance, is that your... "

Without waiting for Liu Hong to finish his sentence, the alpha slowly walked over to his left.

As a noble alpha, he possessed super sharp sense to pheromones. Right now, Wang Mingze clearly knows whom this familiar pheromone scent belongs to-

that vague creamy fragrance, warm and comforting yet at the same time somewhat exotic. If these pheromones don't belong to that one person, then who else's are they?

The slow pace of his steps got faster and faster as he walked over there. No doubts anymore. Wang Mingze was already sure that the person hiding behind that trunk was him.

Just as he was at a metre away from that tree....just as he was about to catch that person hiding behind the trunk...the omega suddenly came out from his hiding spot and fantically ran away.

The two met eyes just for a second before the scared omega swifty dashed away, leaving only dust and the stunned alpha behind.

Wang Mingze is only finding it hard to believe.

' It was just last night that naive omega is trapped in my arms, capable of doing nothing but plead for mercy not to violate him.

I was pretty much convinced he is the naivest of the naivest omegas I've ever seen.

But now.....

How did he even manage to make an escape from my mansion under the eyes of all alpha maids and butlers.

Seeing him in the forest means he has also found a way out of the hedge maze which cover several acres in area. '

Dropping the half smoked cigarette onto the ground, the alpha stepped on it with the outsole of his black leather shoes.

A small mischievous smile formed at the corner of his lips as vague amusement flashed across his cold hazel eyes.

"Don't follow me. I want to have a little fun with him. "