His private island

*Li Haoyu's POV*

I've already overcome so many hurdles to get this far.

I'm not letting myself get caught again.

All my efforts can't end up in vain.

I will never let that happen.

I ran and ran till my head became all giddy.

Half an hour ago, I was resting under the cool shade of that tree and accidentally nodded off for a couple of minutes. It really was just a few minutes but how come everything came to this?

He is catching up already. Noises of footsteps behind me got closer and closer even though I'm already running with all my might and energy.

I hate how small and short my legs are, compared to that alpha's. I hate how fragile they are. I hate how my heel is throbbing in unbearable pain and dragging me so far despite this emergency situation.


All of a sudden, I tripped over a small stone and collapsed onto the forest floor, earning some scratches and cuts on my knees and palms. But, I got no time to be bothered by these injuries.

Ignoring the pain, I rose to my feet and continued running. I can feel my heart pounding so hard in my chest. The reason should be either my fear or fatigue.

Or maybe both.

Noises that sound like rumbles of surf entered my ears all of a sudden. But, I'm pretty much convinced that it was just me hearing things again.

As the sounds of the alpha's foot steps got enveloped by deafening noises of rumbling waves or something, I took a quick glance back, wanting to find a reassurance that the alpha is still not catching up.

Unfortunately, at that moment while running and glancing back, I tripped and fell over again. As I crushed onto the ground, I closed my eyes scared. But, the pain never came.

Confused, I slowly opened my eyes only to see grains of soft sand under my body. As I was wondering where these sand came from, a whiff of refreshing cool air brushed past my pearl white cheeks.

Somehow, this breeze almost smells like the sea.

'The sea?!..... '

Almost immediately, my pair of light blue eyes raised their line of gaze. And, the sight in front of me immediately freaked me out.

Greenish-blue waves are crawling gently to the shore. The clear blue sky is floating above the sea horizon that seems to have no ends. The soothing cool breeze brushed past the sides of my face yet again. But, I was too stunned to appreciate the benefit.

Where... where am I?

I frantically looked behind me and there is this forest.

Does it mean, all these days, I've been trapped in a mansion in the middle of a forest that exists just by the coast of a sea or an ocean?

Well.... it's not still that bad.

I mean....it's not like I'm trapped in an island or something, isn't it?

Wait!.... An island?....

A nervous laughter slipped out of my tongue as this funny question occurred to me.

This shouldn't be an island though..... right?

"Are you surprised by this scene? "

All of a sudden, this low, deep voice resounded behind me just as I felt his big and warm palm touching my left shoulder.

I flinched at his touch. Mustering up some courage, I took a glance back. And I see him there, crouching down behind me, a vague smile of mischief hanging at the corner of his lips. Deep inside his cold hazel eyes is the reflection of my frightened self.

"I never thought the day to break this news to you would be coming so early. But here we are... "

His callused fingers slowly approached me before dusting sand off my maid uniform.

It's such a relief that the first words from this alpha are not mingled with anger. But, I can sense he doesn't like the idea of me trying to make an escape from his hands.

The alpha is pretty calm as if he had already predicted this outcome.The look in his cold eyes are telling me that I am pathetic. His eyes are mocking me for my meaningless effort. In that pair of hazel brown eyes are sarcasm, amusement, curiosity and.... even vague hints of..... lust.....

I didn't even realize how daringly I've been staring into his hazel eyes while at the same time, examining all emotions in them.

Faced with my daring gaze, his lips curved into a handsome arrogant grin.

I immediately lowered my gaze as my absent mind was instantly brought back to earth by that creepy grin.

But then, his rough fingers suddenly pinched my chin, forcing me to raise my head and look into his hazel eyes once again.

"Do you know where exactly you are right now?"

I wasn't expecting this alpha to want me to ask such a daring question. Nonetheless, I can't pretend not to be curious as my heart is throbbing so hard and wishing to know the answer.

"Wh-where?.... "

A gasp slipped out of my lips as I feel the alpha's callused fingers kneading scent glands on my neck.

A short yet magnetic chuckle left his lips. A second later, the man finally uttered the very answer to my desperate question.

"On my private island....

you are now on my private island, little omega..... "

As those words fell, my heart instantly dropped into a pitch black abyss.

An island?.....

Does it mean I am now trapped in an island with this alpha?

But hold on a second...a private island?

What does he mean by that? An alpha who owes an entire island...

Not even every royal family member possess such special privilege....

If he isn't lying me about this island being his, then...

who is he?

But, the most important question of all right now is.....

why did he bring me here?.....

" You have no where to run anymore, my little toy.... "

As the alpha leaned in closer and whispered those words into my ears, a chill went down my spine.

His little toy?...


Only by now, I finally realized in which situation I truly am.

As an omega who is somehow kidnapped to the island of an alpha..... what's gonna happen to me?

All this bad news is just too much for me to process that at this point, I was literally frozen on the spot.

I feel helpless..... maybe even hopeless.

The shock at the discovery of my current situation is simply too big that I don't even have any energy left to resist when the alpha drew me closer with his strong hand behind the back of my head.

Is this really my fate? To be taken by force by a dangerous alpha whose identity I have no clue about.....

Overwhelmed by the fear of my own unknown future, my whole body just grew numb. At this point, I could only allow the alpha do as he wished as his cold lips aggressively pressed against mine.