
*Wang Mingze's POV*

I thought this omega would instantly be on verge of tears once he learnt about his true condition.

Last night, I had so much fun bullying him.

But, I didn't get to see him cry.

Since this morning, I had this strange urge to see him in tears.

However, at this point, the omega is completely unresponsive as if his soul has left his own physical body already, let alone crying.

My playful tongue found its way towards his chapped lips and licked them for a couple of times.

I remember this pair of lips being in perfect condition just last night. They were moisturous and full of vigor, almost tempting me to take a bite and see if I can squeeze water out of them.

But now, they are nothing but just a pair of pale chapped lips. It's such a shame that I didn't get to taste them last night.

Getting no reaction from the omega even after smooching and licking his lips, I instinctively bit his bottom lip out of mild irritation.

"Mnn.... "

Only by then, I got to hear his quiet whimper.

Letting the omega frantically shift himself away from me, I watched him wipe blood off his lips with a slight frown.

The entire time, he didn't shoot a glance at me, focusing his gaze only on the ground. Pathetic whimpers and complaints I was expecting from him never came.

Rattled by his boring reaction, I immediately reached out and grabbed his chin.

Yeah..... I just forcefully grabbed his chin and cheeks in my palm, not being in the mood to act gentle anymore since my patience is already running out.

Only after forcing him to meet eyes with me, I got to witness what was actually going wrong with the omega. He's crying.

Tears are welling up in that pair of light blue eyes- a pathetic yet bewitching sight indeed if I have to describe it.

He seems to be holding back so much not to let those tears fall down his soft cheeks. Letting go of my hand that is forcefully grabbing his chin, I smiled a mischievous grin at this sight.

I finally got to see his tearful expression. And much to my surprise, I was finding this sight extremely arousing. I gotta say this is literally such an unhealthy reaction though.

Enjoying his pitiful sight, I extended my hand and wipe tears off the corner of his eyes. Strange enough, that mischievous smile is still on my face.

In a calm voice, I asked him what's wrong though it's obvious that I've already known the source of the problem.

".... sob.... mister, please..... let me.... go home..."

His trembling voice came out with deep sobs in between, something which instantly wiped that grin of my face.

Right now, am I feeling sympathy for him?

How strange.....this completely just doesn't sound like me.

No matter how people beg for mercy or no matter how pitiful others act, I never felt like even showing a little bit of kindness.

Empathy is something which has vanished from within me since a long time ago.

"Fine.... I will let you go. "

My sudden words had those beautiful light blue eyes shrouded in palpable surprise.

Despite his pleas, the omega didn't even seem to have expected such a response from me.

It was as if he was sobbing just because he felt so helpless.

It was as if he was simply begging but never dared to expect my mercy to begin with.

Am I letting him go simply because I felt a little bit of sympathy towards him?

"But not right now.... "

Of course not.

My lips automatically curved into an evil smile right after those words left.

Old habits are hard to break.

It's impossible to change my twisted mind just with some little pleas.

Besides, he is such a cute omega. As an alpha with normal carnal desires, how can I let this seemingly delicious prey go without getting to have at least a taste of him?

Light in those sparkly eyes eventually went dim. Tears almost starting to well up in them yet again.

"How many days have you been staying in my mansion? "

Sitting down on the sand with crossed legs right next to the omega, I casually asked him a question.

He seemed confused by the query I made out of nowhere. The omega sniffled and held back his tears before giving me a quick reply.

"It's two weeks.... mister.... "

"Two weeks and a day to be exact.

It's already half a month that you've been living in my mansion.

During these days, my servants always provide you with daily meals and snacks.

And there are also some outfits I bought for you.

I hired a nurse to take care of you and arranged daily appointments with the doctor for the sake of your health.

Guess how many cents that doctor charges for every single appointment? "

Honestly, those appointments costed me not even a cent. All it took was just an order of mine for Liu Hong to help the omega recover. And, even if those appointments did cost, money is never in my list of things to be worried about. But, sometimes, it's just fun to tell lies like right now.

With a sideways glance, I took a peek at the omega's reaction. He was fidgeting with the hem of his maid dress, his head lowering pathetically. But a second later, he raised his head and looked at me, nervousness and fear in his eyes as he asked.

"Mister wants.... compensation?..... "

This question had me laughed out loud immediately. This naive omega seemed to be thinking that I'm screwing money out of him. This is the first time I see someone think I need money. But, I think I know why he is quick to make such a question.

He's a son of Mr. Li after all. Of course, it wouldn't be a bother for him to give somebody a million dollars out of gratitude.

It seemed like he easily understood the meaning of my laughter is 'no' though. His shoulders drooped visibly. His alluring eyes refused to lighten with rays of hope. I can see anxiety in his eyes getting more and more intensified. He appeared to be afraid to find out what is that thing I want from him if it's not money.

Without hindering another second, I simply broke it to him.

"Do you think I'm short of money?


What I want is something else.

The compensation I'll be taking from you is your service.

Be my personal slave and serve me well.

If I'm satisfied with your hard work, I'll let you go after 15 days. "