Great Perfection of the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique

Bright Sun City!

It was noon and the large city was bustling with people. There were people shouting and hawking along the streets, and there were all kinds of bargaining going on. The atmosphere was extremely lively.

Under the city gate, a young scholar was cupping his hands and bowing to a youth.

"Many thanks to Brother Su for escorting me all the way to Bright Sun City."

However, the youth's expression was blank, as if he hadn't heard the scholar's words.

The scholar thought for a moment and came to a sudden realization. He took out a handful of silver taels and handed them over.

"Brother Su, this is your escort fee. Please accept it."


The young man seemed to have woken up from a dream. He laughed and took the silver. He counted them one by one. After confirming that the amount was correct, he smiled.

"Good, good, good. Money and goods have been settled. I wish Brother Li a bright future."

Scholar Li laughed bitterly, as if he had a thousand things to say, but in the end, he only let out a long sigh.

"Let's part ways here then."


The young man gave a solemn bow, and the scholar turned around to bid farewell. He blended into the crowd and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The young man watched him disappear into the sea of people in Bright Sun City. Only then did he jolt the silver in his hand and gently sigh.

All the way from Sunset City to this Bright Sun City, I braved the hardships of the journey. Only then did I earn five taels of silver… Sigh, nowadays, it's hard to do business.

But forget it. Getting started is always the hardest part. With this beginning, I might be able to live much better in the future.

He wanted to turn around, leave Bright Sun City, and return to Sunset City.

However, he seemed to have thought of something and stopped in his tracks. Then, he entered the big Bright Sun City and booked a room in a small inn to rest for the time being.

After sending off the waiter, he sat on the bed. With a thought, a panel popped up in front of him.

[Escort System]

[Host: Su Mo]

[Escort Company: Purple Sun Escort Company]

[Mission: Escort Li Yishu to Bright Sun City (Completed)]

[Reward: Being settled…]

The corner of Su Mo's mouth twitched. "The settlement started when I entered Bright Sun City. I've been searching for an inn all this while and the settlement is still not completed. This system doesn't seem to work too well."

After complaining, Su Mo got up and opened the window.

He had wanted to see the bustling scene of people rushing about on the streets of Bright Sun City.

However, he forgot that he had only requested an Earth-class room. Although it was a single room, there was simple furniture in the room.

From a Heaven-class room, one would be able to see the scenery outside if one opened the window.

When Su Mo opened his room window, he happened to see the stable behind the inn. A strange smell of horse manure mixed with grass wafted over.

He quickly closed the window and shook his head in exasperation.

He wanted to pour himself a cup of tea to moisten his throat, but when he lifted the teapot, it was empty.

He put down the teapot in embarrassment and picked up a teacup to play with. However, his gaze was slightly blank.

He was originally a young man of the modern times, but somehow, he had transmigrated to this martial arts world.

Furthermore, he had inherited an escort company.

The escort company was called the Purple Sun Escort Company, the ancestral property of the Su family.

A few generations ago, Su Mo's great-grandfather, Su Chengyu, coincidentally entered the Purple Sun Sect and learned all the martial arts of the sect.

After he mastered the martial arts, he used the sect's name, 'Purple Sun,' and set up the Purple Sun Escort Company.

This Purple Sun Escort Company was extraordinary.

Back then, it had a glorious past.

At its peak, both government officials and underworld organizations gave Su Chengyu face as he traversed the remote corners of the Eastern World.

Although the Purple Sun Escort Company was not the number one escort company in the Eastern World, it was still one of the few large escort companies.

However, that was all because of the glory of his predecessors. Later on, the family declined.

In short, each generation was worse than the previous one. Su Mo's father died tragically during an escort mission.

Su Mo's mother passed away not long after her husband passed on.

At that time, Su Mo was still young and inexperienced. Although his parents left behind quite a lot of money, the company was undermined by him.

In addition, because of his weak martial arts and vices, he was unable to hold down the fort.

As a result, the employees of the escort company dispersed. Only he and a loyal old servant were left to maintain the huge escort company.

In that period of time, Su Mo transmigrated and replaced the original owner, becoming the head of the Purple Sun Escort Company.

Of course, he was more like a general without an army rather than the head of an escort company.

According to Su Mo's original plan, he wanted to devise other plans while there was still some money left. With his experience and abilities as a transmigrator, it was not difficult for him to earn decent wages.

Unexpectedly, a system suddenly popped up.

After struggling with it for a few days, Su Mo finally decided to restore the declining family business.

The day he made his decision, the old servant was so emotional that tears streamed down his face. He sighed with emotion that his young master had finally grown up.

However, Su Mo knew that the path of the martial world was not that easy.

Since the reputation of the escort company had already been destroyed, it wouldn't be easy to restore it to its former glory.

As a result, every day, he would either diligently practice his family's martial arts, or flip through the handwritten letters left behind by his ancestors. He would increase his knowledge of the martial world, learn some jargon, and quietly wait for opportunity to come.

For a while, no mission came his way and he was once badly beaten up by two or three thieves.

Perhaps his hard work paid off. In the end, someone actually came to this Purple Sun Escort Company which had already declined.

This was also Su Mo's first shot.

Protect Li Yishu and head to Bright Sun City.

As he pondered, he was startled by a knock on the door.

He got up to ask who it was, but it was only the waiter who brought some hot water.

After sending the waiter away, he made himself a pot of hot tea. Just as he was about to take a sip, he heard a voice by his side.

[First settlement complete!]


Su Mo was delighted. The martial world was full of trials and treachery.

The only thing he could rely on to survive in the martial world in the future was not his half-baked martial arts, but this company.

He immediately put down his teacup and heard another voice.

[Reward: Great Perfection of Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique!]


Su Mo's entire body shook. Before he could regain his senses, he felt a surge of internal energy suddenly rise from his Dantian. It was continuous and endless, flowing into his limbs and bones through his meridians.

At the same time, vast amounts of script came rushing over. It was precisely the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique's chant.

He immediately moved to the head of the bed and sat cross-legged, following the steps.

With his inner qi as the foundation, he walked up the 12 levels and switched to the 12 standards… He could hear continuous explosions in his body, and his temples were throbbing!

After walking through all 12 acupuncture points, his inner force naturally flowed into the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.


In that instant, without any effort, he suddenly understood the complicated martial arts concepts!