Business at the Doorstep

The Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique was a secret sect's supreme technique.

It was said that the power of one dragon and one elephant could be obtained every time one cultivated a level. Once one cultivated to the 10th level, one would have the power of 10 dragons and 10 elephants!

However, Su Mo's reward was the great perfection at the 13th level!

This realm was not something that could be attained through human power.

This was because the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique was not too difficult to cultivate. The only thing was… time!

Ordinary people would need two years to cultivate to the first level, whereas cultivating to the second level would require four years, the third level would require eight years… and so on and so forth. Who would have a lifespan of a few thousand years to cultivate to the 13th level of perfection?

Even an extremely talented individual who cultivated much faster than ordinary people could only reach the 10th level after a lifetime of hard work.

Only Su Mo had relied on the system's reward to leap through the dragon's gate in a single day and entered this unprecedented realm.

Even so, Su Mo spent an entire night before he managed to gather all of his inner qi.

From now on, he would be able to receive and transmit his qi as he wished.

He let out a long breath, but it was continuous. Su Mo suddenly opened his eyes, causing the empty room to turn white.

Fortunately, this extraordinary scene only lasted for a moment and was not seen by anyone. Otherwise, his name would be known throughout the martial world.

This is the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique!

Su Mo got up and felt the inner force in his body. He was satisfied.

With this martial arts technique, it will only be a matter of time before my escort company becomes big. Yes, but this martial world is dangerous and sinister. Since the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique is at the Perfection Stage, I don't have to worry about facing the enemy head-on. However, I have to be careful of sneak attacks and such.

During this period of time, he had flipped through the letters of his ancestors, which left a rather deep impression of this treacherous world described within.

In the martial world, there were people from all walks of life.

Some people could not defeat their opponents on the surface, but they were scheming in secret. It was really impossible to guard against them.

In the letters, there were many records of experts being ambushed by treacherous villains, resulting in their deaths.

There was not much one could do!

Su Mo was only pleased for a moment, but he already warned himself not to let his guard down.

After packing his things, he took a sip of the tea that was cold from the entire night before heading downstairs to eat something.

He had nothing else to do in Bright Sun City. After escorting Li Yishu to the place, he could have returned directly to Sunset City.

However, because the system had not settled the wages and it was his first time receiving a reward, he had to make some preparations. That was why he was delayed for the night.

Now that he had received the reward, he had to return to the city.

However, traveling would incur food expenses. On their way to Bright Sun City, he and Li Yishu relied on their legs to walk the mountain roads. He had no intention of riding a horse on his return trip.

How expensive a horse is!

Getting started is always the hardest part, save as much as I can.

Su Mo left the city in a roundabout manner and headed towards Sunset City.

The sun was shining brightly. Su Mo found a comfortable spot by the side of a boulevard and leaned against a tree trunk to eat his rations.

After traveling for an entire morning, Su Mo finally understood the benefits of the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique.

Previously, his internal energy was weak and traveling tired him out. Fortunately, Li Yishu was a scholar who was unaccustomed to physical work and could not sense his weakness.

However, with his mastery of the Dragon Elephant of Wisdom Technique, he was full of energy and his stamina seemed to be endless after a whole morning of traveling.

If not for the fact that he was hungry, he felt that he would be able to return to Sunset City in one go.

He took a bite of the pancake in his hand and gulped it down with fresh water. Although it wasn't very delicious, it filled his stomach.

Just as he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, his ears twitched. He heard movement coming from the forest and could not help but turn his head to look back.

After waiting for a full three minutes and eating more than half a pancake, he finally saw a man dressed in black.

This person had a thin face and was in a sorry state. He had an ominous glint in his eyes.

As his eyes moved, he saw Su Mo. The corner of his eyes twitched slightly. He was quite shocked as he did not expect someone else to be here.

However, after a while, the person suddenly heaved a sigh of relief and walked towards Su Mo.

Su Mo frowned slightly. He could smell the scent of blood on this person when he got close.

Such people often meant trouble.

It was best to stay away from trouble in the martial world.

Unexpectedly, before Su Mo could get up and leave, this person had already knelt on the ground.

Su Mo was shocked. "Why are you showing me such respect?"

The corner of that man in black's mouth twitched. Before he could speak, he spat out a mouthful of blood and was already on the verge of death. "You are from the Purple Sun Escort Company?"

Su Mo lowered his head to look at the two words 'Purple Sun' on his sleeve and came to a sudden realization.

Before he could speak, the man in black suddenly took out a brocade box from his chest pocket and threw it to Su Mo. "Please send this to the Jade Spring Inn at Chicken's Crow Pass Station and give it to someone called Wang Xianglin. After this matter is done, you will definitely be rewarded handsomely!!"

[Mission: Send the box to Wang Xianglin of the Jade Spring Inn at Chicken's Crow Pass Station!]

[Do you accept?]

This second mission came so quickly.

Su Mo was in a dilemma.

The Chicken's Crow Pass Station wasn't too far away. Although it wasn't on the way, it would only take a few days to get there.

What troubled Su Mo was that this trip was obviously very dangerous!

Although it was tempting to think of the reward, if he got involved in some trouble without knowing anything, he would be in danger.

Although Su Mo was new to the martial world, he knew that it was better to be safe than sorry. For a moment, he was hesitant.

Before he could make a decision, that man in black's body suddenly went limp and he died on the spot!

"Ah, this…"

Su Mo was dumbfounded. "Why did he die so quickly?"

After muttering to himself for a moment, he stood up and put the pancake into his bag. Then, he carried the brocade box to the corpse of the man in black and put on a pair of deerskin gloves as a precautionary measure as the dead person might have been poisoned. Only then did he turn the corpse around.

After a brief examination, he felt that this person had died a wrongful death.

Not only were there countless saber and sword wounds all over his body, but there was also a hole in his chest. It was obvious that he had been seriously injured by someone.

It was already a miracle that this person could persevere and not die before appearing in front of him.

"Saber users, sword users, and pugilistic experts—there are many adversaries… This deal is indeed troublesome, and there isn't even a security deposit. It's better not to accept it…"

As Su Mo muttered to himself, he heard footsteps coming from the side.

A voice laughed mockingly and said, "That's right, that's right. I'm afraid that this sort of business will go nowhere. If it were me, I wouldn't take it either."