A Disagreement

Heroes of the martial world wielded their swords and were free and unrestrained!

Some of them drank large bowls of wine and ate large chunks of meat in brotherhood.

When a chance encounter brought them together, they would chat in a carefree manner over a jug of wine.

Logically speaking, Su Mo should not have rejected him.

However… he was very happy to do that.

"I wouldn't dare!"

Why was he asking if I dared to do it?

Who knows who this person is?

What's his motive for coming here?

Is there any mystery about this wine?

Why would I drink it for no reason?

There was a saying in the escort profession that they regarded as a golden rule.

'A little to ensure one's safety!'

It meant… smile a little, reason a little, and drink a little wine!

As for the last one, it was actually to avoid drinking alcohol if possible.

Drinking wine was not a good thing. Unless it was freezing cold and drinking wine was to warm oneself up, one should only drink 30% of it. One had to be wary of the content of the cup.

At this moment, it was already summer. Not only was Su Mo young and strong, he also had the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique protecting him.

He didn't even bring wine to drink, so why would he drink wine from a stranger?


The eyes of the person opposite him narrowed slightly, looking slightly fierce. "Are you afraid that the wine is poisoned?"



That person was silent for a moment, not knowing how to continue.

How could he be so straightforward? he thought.

For a moment, he retracted his hand in embarrassment. "You've failed to recognize good stuff. The treasure in my gourd will be wasted on you."

Su Mo laughed coldly and nibbled on his pancake.

He did not know who this person was, but he was drinking and eating roasted chicken in front of him.

So much so that the bones were strewn all over the floor.

After drinking too much, he started acting crazy. He got up, pointed at the sky, and cursed.

He hated the unfairness of the heavens and the unfairness of the earth. He hated the fact that there were many divergent paths in the world. In an instant, his tongue bloomed like a lotus flower, and Su Mo was flabbergasted.

"Where did this lunatic come from?"

Su Mo did not say that.

The person who spoke was right opposite Su Mo.

He held a sword in his arms.

The sword was very long!

Ordinary people used swords that were more than three feet long, but this person's sword was seven feet long!

The sword was long and straight.

He stood straight.

Just like the sword in his hand.

This person appeared very quickly. When Su Mo heard this person's movement, he was still several miles away, but he had suddenly floated over.

He crossed his arms and mocked the old man.

It was hard for Su Mo to disagree with his words.

The drunkard was indeed a lunatic.

However, even if he was a lunatic, he might not like being called that in front of others.

So, he suddenly stood still and looked at the person holding the sword.

"What did you say?"

"I said you're crazy."

"You're right."

"Good to know."

"If you're right, then take it as a reward!"

"What reward?"

"Wine reward!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wine gourd instantly soared through the sky and whistled as it carried a gale that tore through space and charged towards the person that held the sword.


That person raised his eyebrows slightly. With one hand still holding the sword in his chest, his other hand pressed down.

The wine gourd immediately began to spin around in the air, but it was unable to advance any further.

Su Mo silently hugged his pancake and retreated.

It was a common occurrence in the martial world for people of divergent views and values to cross paths.

It didn't matter if one stayed on the sidelines. The main thing was not to get blood on one's hands.

"I've never liked drinking. Here, take it back!"

The person holding the sword suddenly stomped lightly on the ground with one foot. As his inner breath circulated, his sleeves moved without the wind. The wine gourd that was spinning in mid-air instantly shot in the opposite direction.

However, he saw that the drunk man had already arrived in front of him in a flash. Before the wine gourd could exert any force, he had already grabbed it.

But even so, he was still driven by the force attached to it and spun around on the spot.

He didn't panic. He used the momentum to turn around and raised his rod.

"You refused a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!"

This rod technique was treacherous. Suddenly, the entire sky was filled with shadows of the rod.


The eyes of the person holding the sword lit up. He did not dare to delay and immediately retreated.

He retreated three feet.

All of the rod shadows that filled the sky fell silent in front of him. The distance between them was as far as the horizon.

Right at this moment, the rod shadow suddenly turned and aimed straight for the vital acupoint of the other party's heart.

"Out of the sheath!"

The person holding the sword let out a soft shout. With a burst of internal energy, the sword in his arms emerged from its sheath.

The seven-foot sword spun in midair and the tip of the sword collided with the rod.

With a buzzing sound, the sword energy and inner force shot out at the same time.

"Whoosh!" Su Mo's fire started to flutter and glow.

When he looked up again, the two of them were already locked in a fierce fight.

The person who was wielding the seven-foot sword in his hand had strange and ruthless moves.

On the other hand, the rod in the drunkard's hand was moving up and down, sometimes to the left, and suddenly to the right. His moves seemed to be illusory and treacherous, but they were actually cautious and calculated.

The Purple Sun Sect's martial arts that Su Mo learned were passed down within his family.

However, the original master of the skills was lazy. When it came to Su Mo, although he was diligent, his cultivation time was too short.

As he watched the two people in front of him, he suddenly felt that he had benefited greatly.

However, the benefits did not affect his decision. Without hesitating at all, Su Mo packed his luggage and left.

The background of these two people is unknown, and the fight is also baffling.

If you don't know what's going on, don't be an onlooker. Otherwise, you might end up getting involved.

He withdrew and left in the blink of an eye. When he turned around, he was already several miles away from the flames and the sounds of battle.

He shook his head gently. I wanted to have a good rest and continue on my way tomorrow morning, but I didn't expect to be disturbed by two lunatics. Forget it, forget it, I might as well not sleep. This brocade box is a hot potato. I'll give it to that Wang Xianglin as soon as possible…

After making up his mind, he didn't hesitate to continue on his way.

The next morning, nothing happened.

This surprised Su Mo.

He had a feeling that the two people from last night had something to do with this brocade box.

Initially, he thought that there might be a sequel that night.

Unexpectedly, nothing happened after that.

When he looked up, he sighted a town up ahead. He immediately stopped thinking about what happened last night and headed toward the town to buy some food and drinks.

Nothing eventful happened after that. In the blink of an eye, Su Mo had arrived at the town.

When he raised his head, he saw three big words: 'Grand Village Town.'

As soon as he stepped into the town, he saw a servant looking around. Upon seeing him, the servant sized him up for a moment before walking up to him with a face full of pleasant surprise.

"May I ask if your surname is Su?"