Night Encounter

In the rugged and treacherous mountains, a young man leaped and moved quickly over the mountain paths as though he was on flat ground.

As long as my internal strength is deep enough, I will be able to achieve twice the results with half the effort. In the past, I was only able to unleash some of the profoundness of Purple Sun Sect's Lightness Skill. Now, with the support of my internal strength, I have been transformed!

This person was none other than Su Mo.

After accepting the mission, he naturally had to rush to the station.

He had pretended to leave earlier to deceive others, but in reality, he had returned and was secretly investigating the people hiding in the dark.

However, this going back and forth had caused him to fall behind this group of people.

In order to avoid being seen through by the other party, Su Mo found an alternative way. He used his Lightness Skill to overtake this group of people. Only then could he truly go about his business without anyone knowing.

In a situation where both parties were known to each other but the information they had was not equal, no matter what methods the other party used, Su Mo could easily resolve the problem.

He had to send this thing to a person called Wang Xianglin right under their nose.

After that, this matter would have nothing to do with him.

No matter how many disputes there were in the future, it would be Wang Xianglin and these people's problems.

As for himself, if he had missions, he would earn some silver. If he did not have missions, he would still have the system's mission rewards. Either way, he would definitely benefit!

This is the way to protect oneself in the martial world. Otherwise, just killing these few people… Let's not talk about whether it's easy or not. Even if I really kill them, it might not ensure my safety.

Subsequent troubles might still come knocking on my door.

The best strategy is to get rid of this problem!

After pausing for a moment, he roughly sized up his surroundings and estimated. I've walked forty to fifty miles this time. I should have already gotten ahead of them…

He immediately identified the path, and in an instant, he had arrived at a desolate ancient path in the forest.

If I follow this path and travel day and night according to my original footpath, I should be able to arrive at the station after another four days.

Su Mo exhaled lightly and continued on his way.

Time passed by in a flash. The sun was about to set in the west, and the shadows of the trees swayed and lengthened. There was a red sunset glow in the sky. Although it was not yet autumn, there was a faint sense of bleakness.

Not long after, a small teahouse suddenly appeared by the roadside.

Su Mo's eyebrows twitched. Are they here already?

Ancient roads and wild places were never peaceful or safe.

Just think about it, who would open a teahouse in such a deserted place?

People coming and going might harbor evil intentions and kill others to rob them of their wealth.

That was why the teahouses and wine taverns that were opened in this type of desolate place were often extremely dangerous.

If he was not careful, he would fall into the hands of brigands and become a fat sheep on their chopping board.

Even though Su Mo knew that danger lurked, he chose to proceed. However, when he arrived in front of the teahouse, he knew that he had guessed wrongly.

He was not wrong about the beginning; he was wrong about the ending!

The teahouse was not big and a few tables were scattered around.

A corpse was lying on the counter. A knife had pierced through his neck!

Not only did the blade pierce through his neck, but it also pierced through the counter top, causing blood to drip onto the ground.

The corpse's eyes were wide open, maintaining the fear in the person's eyes before he met his death.

Su Mo knew this person… He was one of the people who had been spying on him!

Su Mo did not guess wrongly in regard to this.

This person had set up such a teahouse here and waited for him to come so that he could lure him into his trap.

However, he had guessed wrongly about the ending.

He had already thought of several ways to deal with the situation, but he did not expect that none of them would be used.

Because he had never imagined that someone would be killed in advance!

Who did it?

Su Mo stood on the spot and fell into deep thought.

After a moment of silence, he walked around the corpse and went to the back of the teahouse.

There were two more corpses here.

However, compared to the one outside, the two corpses looked much more dignified.

They had been murdered but were placed neatly side by side.

Based on the appearance of the corpses, the time of death was earlier than the one outside.

The killings were not committed by the same person… So they were the original owners of this teahouse?

Su Mo drew a conclusion in his heart and resolved a question.

I thought that I was ahead of them, but this person went ahead of me again. Coincidentally, there was a teahouse by this mountain path, so after killing the owners, he took over the place, quietly waiting for me to show up.

I knew it. Even if you have great magical power, how can you create something out of nothing in a short period of time and build such a teahouse?

However, for some unknown reason, someone came to create trouble and actually killed him at the counter.

Interesting. Who did this? Even if you don't leave your name, you should at least leave a diary entry, right?

He shook his head slightly. For a moment, he did not know what was going on. He had a few guesses in his heart. However, it was useless to say anything more.

After walking around the teahouse and finding no clues, Su Mo decided to ignore the matter and continued on his way!

There were many things in the martial world that couldn't be explained clearly.

As the saying went, one should face the fearful with no fears and the fear would disappear!

No matter who did this and what reason they had, if they were targeting him, they would eventually appear.

It was not wise to mess up in such a short time!

After leaving the teahouse, he continued on his way to Chicken's Crow Pass Station. The sky was about to turn dark.

Su Mo didn't want to travel at night. He couldn't find a place like a rundown temple to rest at this moment, so he found a suitable place to start a fire.

He heated up the pancake in his luggage and ate it with water.

"When I pass through the town tomorrow, I have to buy a roasted chicken no matter what. This pancake I eat every day is really tasteless."

As he spoke, he sniffed, and the fragrance of meat entered his nose along with the night wind.

Su Mo was stunned. Is my wish coming true? Why do I smell the fragrance of meat at the mention of roasted chicken?

A moment later, someone staggered out from the darkness.

Under the illumination of the flames, one could tell that this person was not young.

His hair was messy and his clothes were ragged. There was a huge red wine gourd hanging at his waist, and he was walking unsteadily.

He held a wooden rod in his left hand and a roasted chicken in his right. He nibbled on it as he walked. When he arrived in front of the fire, he didn't even look at Su Mo before sitting down.

He casually placed the roasted chicken aside and removed the red wine gourd from his waist. The smell of alcohol instantly wafted out from it.

The man raised his head and gulped down the wine. Then, he let out a long sigh. "Good wine!"

After saying that, he glanced at Su Mo.

"Would you dare to drink it?"