Inside Falling Flower Pavilion

There was originally a peach blossom forest outside Grand Village Town.

Every time the peach blossoms bloomed, the scenic beauty of the 10-mile stretch of forest was unforgettable.

However, this was not the season for peach blossoms to bloom.

As such, there were only five miles of branches left, and it seemed rather lonely.

In the midst of the peach blossom trees was a pavilion called Falling Flower Pavilion.

Watching the peach blossoms fall while reflecting on the annals of the human world was quite interesting.

Su Mo followed the young man towards the Falling Flower Pavilion.

Even before arriving, he could already hear the distant sound of zither music, heroic and vigorous like the sound of mountain rocks.

Further ahead, he saw a middle-aged man sitting in a pavilion, playing the zither with his head lowered.

A zither and a cauldron of incense!

Three strands of long whiskers fluttered in the wind, free and unrestrained.

That young man signaled for Su Mo to wait for a while before he took his leave.

Su Mo smiled and did not interrupt the middle-aged man's playing. He just listened quietly.

After a while, the music ended.

The middle-aged man reached out his hand to stop the zither strings. Amidst the faint smoke from the incense burner, he looked up at Su Mo and smiled.

"Young Hero, you've already arrived? This old man took advantage of the zither to vent the emotions in my heart. I was lost in my emotions for a moment and neglected you."

"No, no."

Su Mo waved his hand. "This junior benefitted from listening to an exquisite heavenly tune."


The middle-aged man had a faint look of joy on his face. "Young Hero, are you actually a soulmate? I wonder what is so wonderful about this song?"


Su Mo thought for a moment and said sincerely, "It's nice."


The middle-aged man was stunned. He did not expect Su Mo's answer to be so straightforward and shallow.

After a moment of shock, he burst into laughter.

"Young Hero is an interesting person. You are several times more interesting than ordinary people. Come, have a seat."

He extended his hand to lead the way. Su Mo cupped his fists before entering the Falling Flower Pavilion and sitting opposite the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man reached out and poured a cup of tea for Su Mo. "It's not considered good tea, but it's superior in its novelty. Some time ago, an old friend came from the extreme north of the Eastern World. The north is cold, so tea leaves are not abundant. However, there's a mutated plant called Snow Red. The colder the weather and the colder the ground, the more exuberant it grows. Some local people used the method of making tea in the Eastern World to brew it, and it's surprisingly good. Young Hero, please give it a try."

Su Mo took the teacup and smiled. "May I know Senior's name?"

"Haha, it's my fault."

The middle-aged man smiled gently. "My surname is Xu. In my early years, I learned a few tricks from my predecessor, Yu Yin. I also once ventured into the martial world. The people of the martial world gave me the title, 'Mountain Shifting Bandit.' However, the affairs of the martial world were too pressing. After a few years, I became mentally and physically haggard. I decided to go into seclusion in the mountain forest and enjoy a good life."

"So you're Mountain Shifting Palm, Senior Xu. It's an honor to meet you."

Su Mo quickly cupped his fists.

Of course, Su Mo didn't believe a single word that this person said.

He had never heard of the name 'Mountain Shifting Palm.'

Although it could be said that he, Su Mo, was ignorant and could not recognize a Daoist spiritual master if he met one, this person was definitely not the kind of person who would live in seclusion and enjoy riches.

Otherwise, why would he go to such lengths for a brocade box?

The middle-aged man surnamed Xu smiled and said, "You're too polite. How could my humble name be worthy of others' admiration?"

Although he said that, his face was full of joy, as if he was truly happy from Su Mo's praise.

Su Mo could not help but admire him when he observed his expression. He clearly had another way of doing things, but the way he spoke, his mannerisms, and even the tiny movements at the end of his fingers were perfect.

It could be said that he was flawless.

If Su Mo had not seen him and a few others appear in the forest, he might have really believed this person's words.

From this, it could be seen that the treacherous nature of the martial world lay in the human heart. The treachery in the hearts of people was the evil of the martial world.

"Perhaps it's because I've never truly seen the vastness of the world when I was young. Over the years, I've felt regret every time I think about it. That's why I'm especially fond of young heroes that roam the world. That's why I've taken the liberty to invite Young Hero over for a chat. I hope you won't blame me. I'll first apologize to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and bowed. His attitude was upright and sincere.

Su Mo helped him up. "Senior is too polite."

The corners of the middle-aged man's eyes twitched slightly, then he smiled and said, "It's good that Young Hero doesn't blame me. Come, have some tea."

Su Mo raised his teacup and was about to drink when he paused. "Speaking of which, there's something that I'm really confused about. I would like to ask Senior for an explanation."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"My whereabouts are not considered secretive, but I've never told anyone about my arrival. Not only does Senior know my surname is Su, but even my clothes and appearance fit your description. I wonder who told you about me?"

Su Mo put down his teacup and raised his head to look at the middle-aged man. There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

The middle-aged man surnamed Xu wasn't surprised at all. He smiled lightly and said, "I know Young Hero is curious about this, but…"

He muttered to himself and raised his teacup.

Su Mo only smiled without saying anything.


The middle-aged man surnamed Xu lightly sighed. "Very well. Since Young Hero insists on asking, then it's not that I can't say anything… it's because a day ago, in the forest, I personally witnessed Young Hero's divine might!"


Is this the true intention!?

Su Mo's expression changed. He heard the middle-aged man with the surname Xu laugh softly.

"Young Hero, your physical strength is astonishing and you are also cautious enough. Just your thinking alone surpasses those who have just entered the martial world. However, it's about time now. Young Hero, do you feel that your body is a little weak?"

Su Mo frowned slightly and his expression darkened. "That's impossible. I didn't drink the tea at all."

"Hahaha, it's not wrong to be cautious about the things that enter your mouth. However, there are so many experts in the martial world with millions of magical powers. How can it be just something in a cup?"

He pointed at the incense burner beside the zither and said with a smile, "This incense burner—does Young Hero enjoy it?"


Su Mo grinned. "Poison in the incense? But you're safe and sound?"

"Naturally, I took the antidote in advance."

The middle-aged man surnamed Xu stood up, feeling pleased with himself for a moment. "Hu Piaopiao said that she had many tricks up her sleeve, but Chef Zhou was one step ahead. Although I don't know how you passed Chef Zhou's test, since you've come to this Grand Village Town, you can't escape my grasp. Kid, your physical strength is truly shocking. Against you, even I am not confident."

"I can only use this method to make you surrender."

"Right now, you are a fish on the chopping block. If you do not wish to die, you'd best listen to whatever this old man says."

"… I see. You're also here for the brocade box?"

Su Mo let out a bitter laugh. "I knew it. How could there be such a good thing as a pie falling from the sky? Someone paid for my food and lodgings for no reason. It turned out that he had other motives… Now, I'm already resigned to my fate. However, before I die, there's something that I don't understand. May I ask what exactly is inside that brocade box?"