The Great Black Tortoise Cache!

"You're quite smart. You know there's no point in putting up a stubborn resistance. But don't worry, as long as you listen to me, I may not kill you."

That person smiled lightly. "As for the thing in the brocade box, hmph, it's fine to tell you, but what do you want to exchange it for?"


Su Mo was stunned. "Now that I'm in such a state, what can I do?"

But at the next moment, he was enlightened. "You want my martial arts?"

In the forest, this person had seen Su Mo break the blade with two fingers. He swung his hand and broke a blade. After piercing a person's neck, he could still pierce through three trees.

This strength was truly shocking.

He was tempted and wanted to take this martial art for himself, but it was only natural for him to do that.

This was also why he used poison only to make Su Mo lose the ability to retaliate and not kill him to silence him.

"Talking to smart people is a pleasure."

That person sat down again and raised his teacup. "Actually, this tea is not poisonous."

After saying that, he took a sip and said, "Then, do you agree or not?"

"Do I still have a reason to refuse now?"

Su Mo sighed. "I don't expect you to spare my life. I just want to die quickly."

"Hahaha, if it weren't for the fact that our standpoints are different, with your temperament, I would've wanted to befriend you."

The person paused for a moment before saying, "The thing in the box is called Mysterious Principles Clasp."


Su Mo thought about it carefully. There was definitely no record of this in the letters.

At that moment, he was confused. The confusion on his face was completely genuine.

"You're young and inexperienced. Naturally, you've never heard of this thing."

That person said indifferently, "But you should have heard of the Great Black Tortoise Cache!"

Su Mo frowned slightly. "Isn't that just a legend?"

A few hundred years ago, the world was different from now. There was a dynasty called Xuan!

The Great Xuan Dynasty was powerful and relied on its own strength to suppress the rest of the world. Everything under the heavens belonged to the royal family, and the leaders of the land were the royal subjects!

Even the most unruly martial arts practitioners and the most powerful martial arts sects had to bow down to this royal power.

It was said that when the monarch, Xuan Tianzi unified the world in the past, he once led seven expeditions and traveled through the martial world to gather all the martial arts. For this, he had built a huge arsenal. Not only did it contain countless secret manuals of divine arts, but it also contained countless rare treasures. It could be said to be the number one treasury in the world!

However, there had never been an undefeated expert in this world, nor had there ever been an eternal dynasty!

Even someone as powerful as a great profound practitioner would eventually fall one day.

In just one night, the royal power collapsed. Some people said that this was karma coming full circle in the martial world, but the collapse opened up several hundred years of conflict in the martial world.

Over the past few hundred years, heroes of the martial world had risen up, seceded, and set up independent territories. There were endless disputes.

There had never been another dynasty that ruled over the world.

Because of this, the world was flourishing with martial arts, but the scholars were depressed.

This was also the reason why Li Yishu smiled bitterly and sighed when Su Mo wished him a bright future.

Many legends had been passed down.

The most popular topic was the Great Black Tortoise Cache!

It wasn't just because of its legendary origins, but also because of its history. There was even a saying that went like this: 'Those who obtained great profound strength would be able to rule the world!'

At that moment, there were indeed quite a number of people who heard about it.

It was a pity that after going forward and setting off one bloody storm after another, everything ended in failure.

Not only did no one get their hands on the Great Black Tortoise Cache and the rare artifacts inside, but even the existence of the treasury was questionable.

As time passed, many people simply treated this thing as a legend in the martial world.

He did not expect that this brocade box had something to do with this matter.

This explained why the young man with the saber was adamant on killing him that day…

The matter was incredibly important. If anyone were to find out about it, they would have to exterminate the person without leaving any trace.

Otherwise, it would be extremely troublesome.

"Legends… Legends are not baseless. How can there be wind from an empty cave?"

The middle-aged man who introduced himself as Xu smiled. "Alright, it's enough that you know this. Now, it's your turn."

"You want to cheat me of my martial arts just by talking about the Great Black Tortoise Cache?"

Su Mo's mouth twitched. "Isn't this a little too easy?"

"Mm? This old man originally thought that you're a smart person, but now it seems that I've overestimated you… Although most of what I said just now was a lie, there was one thing that wasn't a lie. This old man really does possess a palm technique called Mountain Shifting Palm."

"Although I can't really overturn the mountain with my hands, crushing your bones is a piece of cake!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly struck out with his palm, and it carried a fierce gale as it shot towards Su Mo's shoulder.

At this point, he still had no intention of killing anyone. After all, once Su Mo died, his martial arts would be lost.

He wanted to find the legendary Great Black Tortoise Cache. Needless to say, the journey was tough. If he had the help of a divine technique, it would definitely be much easier.

As for Su Mo?

How could a fish on the chopping board reverse his fortunes?

Unexpectedly, Su Mo, who had been lying limply on the stone table, suddenly smiled and stood up.

Similarly, he thrust out his palm. Before the opponent could react, both their palms had already collided fiercely.

There was a loud bang which stunned the middle-aged man. He felt a strong internal force that he couldn't control charging into his meridians with an unreasonable momentum. It crushed through his meridians, and wherever it passed, his meridians were broken!

In just a breath of time, all the meridians in his body had been severed.

Then, his entire body flew backwards like a sack of rags. He flew 30 feet straight. After landing, he did not use up all his remaining strength. He rolled and rolled for another 10 feet before stopping under the obstruction of a peach tree.

As for the peach tree, it was shaking non-stop, as if it had suffered a great shock.

Su Mo looked at his palm and shook his head gently.

"I overestimated you…"

In the forest, he broke the blade with two fingers and swung it with a terrifying force.

However, the other party did not know that this was the result of Su Mo's deliberate control.

And now, without knowing the depth of the other party's martial arts, Su Mo had used 30% of his strength, but he did not expect that he would still beat the other party into pulp.

More or less, he had overestimated the other party and underestimated himself.

His Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique, which was at the perfected stage of the 13th level, might not be as strong as his internal energy, but there were definitely not many who could match him.

The person in front of him was obviously incomparable to him.

30% internal force was enough to reduce him to a dead dog.

  1. In Daoism, the Black Tortoise is the God of the north sky.