Chance Encounter

Ten Miles Pavilion!

Ten miles south of Ten Miles Pavilion was Sunset City.

Initially, this Ten Miles Pavilion was just a pavilion. In this era where horses and carriages were the means of transportation, when friends came from afar, the host would personally escort them for ten miles when they visited and when they left. It was not hard to appreciate the importance that the host attached to the reception of the guests.

That was why there was this pavilion.

People sat in the pavilion and then parted ways. They did not know how long it would be for them to meet again.

However, someone soon found a way to make money.

After all, whether it was sending off or welcoming, it was inevitable that people would drink a cup of tea or a pot of wine when they arrived.

Those who had the means would bring the drinks themselves. However, if they didn't have the means or felt that it was burdensome, what should they do?

After some people realized this, they decided to set up a wine shop next to the Ten Miles Pavilion.

There were also merchants passing by and martial artists taking a rest. The business of Ten Miles Pavilion was getting better and better.

Su Mo was currently sitting in a teahouse in the Ten Miles Pavilion.

There were quite a number of customers in the teahouse. Some were traveling merchants who were resting while others were lone travelers.

They would either hug each other and chat loudly, or the loners would bury their heads and drink tea alone.

Su Mo had a hectic journey and finally returned after half a month.

Seeing the Ten Miles Pavilion, he felt like he had already reached home. It would not be too late to return after drinking a cup of tea and resting his feet.

Originally, the agreed time with Uncle Fu was half a month. Now, it took half a month just to return from the Chicken Crow Station. With this delay, Uncle Fu will probably be worried.

Su Mo took a sip of tea and let out a long breath. Although Yu Lingxin was indeed involved in this matter, regardless of the grudges between Yu Lingxin and that organization, at least this trip and that selfless contribution by the man surnamed Xu, I have earned more than 400 taels of silver. I can get Uncle Fu to buy some things for me later. The escort agency is now empty. There are many things to do.

Let's not talk about the distance. I should at least buy a good horse. Otherwise, I can only rely on my two legs to travel…

In the future, after the escort company has grown, we can still recruit more people.

When the time comes, the carriages and apparels are all expenses.

These 400 plus taels are truly just a drop in the bucket.

Su Mo calculated in his heart and suddenly felt that the 400 taels in his hands were no longer pleasant.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared.

Other than the 400 taels of silver, the Seven Injuries Fist was another gain.

This was an extremely dangerous martial art.

The human body was divided into five elements. The heart was fire, the lungs were metal, the liver was wood, the kidneys were water, and the spleen was earth.

With the aid of Yin and Yang qi, one could cultivate Seven Injuries Fist and injure all seven vital points.

He would hurt himself first before hurting others!

However, Su Mo had the perfection stage of the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique protecting his body, so the Seven Injuries Fist could not injure him.

Besides, he had already attained the greater mastery of the Seven Injuries Fist. If he practiced it diligently, not only would he not hurt himself, but it would also benefit his five organs.

In the rainy night, that black-clothed man used the edge of his blade to oppress people, wanting to capture Su Mo and make Yu Lingxin hold back from taking action.

Regardless of whether this action was useful or not, it gave Su Mo a chance to show what he had learned.

However, he did not expect that the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique's internal energy, coupled with the power of the Seven Injuries Fist, would be able to crush that person to pieces on the spot.

The Seven Injuries Fist is too dangerous. Unless it's a life and death battle, it's best to use it as little as possible.

Those escorting people in the martial world rely on 70% favor and 30% martial arts. In the future, we still have to build good relationships.

I have no reputation now, and the reputation built by my ancestors has been completely destroyed… But even if we spar, we can still build our friendships.

It's true that my Seven Injuries Fist can be used as I please, and it's not powerful enough to take a person's life. But after all, the force of the punch is fierce and directly attacks the internal organs. It's a bit aggressive.

Su Mo laughed bitterly. When he looked up, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

There were several fast horses galloping in the distance, and they were heading towards the Ten Miles Pavilion.

Su Mo frowned slightly but relaxed again.

I am being jittery. Hearing the sound of horse hooves does not mean that trouble has arrived.

Yu Lingxin needs to act in secret, or else her plan of revenge will be destroyed. Therefore, I've to keep my mouth shut, and she must also keep her mouth shut.

That night, she couldn't kill me. If I killed her, I'd bring all the trouble onto myself.

Therefore, to a certain extent, I can only leave if I don't want to attract trouble. If she doesn't want to cause trouble, she can only let me go. We have indeed settled this matter.

But for now, surely trouble will not come to me just because I stopped here for tea, right?

Thinking of this, he felt at ease.

However, when the horses approached, Su Mo regretted not leaving earlier.

It's the Iron Blood Escort Company!

Before the horses arrived, he already saw the flag.

The two big words 'Iron Blood' instantly caused the teahouse guests to discuss among themselves.

"One of the three major escort companies in Sunset City!"

"The Iron Blood Dragon Spear, Yang Yizhi, is truly an incredible individual. He single-handedly built his own family business. Now that the Iron Blood flag has been raised, who in the martial world wouldn't give him some face?"

"Yang Yizhi's martial arts are indeed impressive, but it's a pity that his foresight is bad…"

"Why do you say that?"

"Yang Yizhi doesn't have a son. He only has a daughter, and he treats her like the apple of his eye. This young lady from the Yang family is also capable. Not only is she good-looking, but her martial arts skills are also very mature at such a young age. She can be considered to have inherited 70% of Yang Yizhi's true skills…."

"Unfortunately, her betrothed is not a good person…"

"Shh, be quiet. He's here."

At this point, he did not dare to finish his sentence, because the horses were already in front of him.

The leader was a woman. She was very young and beautiful, but she carried a silver spear on her back that did not match her looks. She reined her horse to a stop and flipped down, looking valiant and heroic.

"Uncle Wang, Uncle Li, it has been a tough trip. Now that we're at our doorstep, let's dismount and have some tea."

The woman turned around and spoke to the people behind her.

"Listen to Young Madam Escort."

With that said, everyone dismounted and entered the tea house.

At that moment, everyone looked over.

Only Su Mo was about to stuff his head into his pants.

Unexpectedly, he stood out from the crowd.

The woman in the lead scanned the teahouse, looking for an empty seat, and she immediately saw Su Mo.

Focusing her attention, she immediately shouted.

"Su Mo!!!"

Su Mo's mouth twitched. If you recognized me, so be it. Why are you shouting so loudly?

Sure enough, when they heard the name Su Mo, some people immediately stuck their heads out and looked around. There were even some people who were muttering softly.

"So he's Su Mo?"

"Who is Su Mo? Which family's young hero? Why have I never heard of him?"

"Keep your voice down. Be careful not to get into trouble with your words… But he's not some young hero. He's… that bad guy."

Ever since Su Mo obtained the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Technique, his ears and eyes were sharp. As a result, even though the person who was speaking lowered his voice, he still heard it clearly. He couldn't help but glare angrily at the person who spoke.

In the end, the woman had already taken three steps forward and ruthlessly patted Su Mo's shoulder. A huge force came over it, and at the same time, there was a refreshing laughter.

"Why are you here? Recently, I've been very happy to hear that you've been training hard. However, why haven't you been practicing properly today? Have you returned to your old ways and gone to that brothel again?"