Yang Xiaoyun

She was clearly a woman, but when she spoke, she had the demeanor of Yang Yizhi, the Iron Blood Dragon Spear.

There was a hint of gentleness in her eyes, but there was also an innate aura of authority.

The corners of Su Mo's mouth twitched. He felt that he was really unlucky today.

Why did I have to meet this woman…

The woman's name was Yang Xiaoyun.

She was two years older than Su Mo.

When they knew each other from a young age, the Iron Blood Escort Company had not reached its current status. The Purple Sun Escort Company had not declined either.

Yang Xiaoyun's father and Su Mo's father were sworn brothers.

It was a common saying. A marriage between them would cement their ties.

Therefore, Su Mo had a fiancee from a young age, Yang Xiaoyun.

However… regarding this marriage, be it before Su Mo transmigrated or after he transmigrated, he was rather against it.

The main reason was that Yang Xiaoyun was not as gentle and considerate as other women. She did not like to put on makeup but loved to carry arms.

She did not possess any feminine skills like needlework, nor gentleness and consideration.

At the mention of sabers, swords, spears, and halberds, her eyes would light up.

Ever since she was young, she had been the queen of children on the streets. Her small white fists made many children bow down to her and 'willingly' offered up their candied hawthorn.

Then, Yang Xiaoyun and Su Mo would share their food and eat heartily.

Of course, between them, it was not always harmonious and friendly.

As she was two years older than Su Mo and his fiancee, Yang Xiaoyun felt that she had the duty to take care of her useless future husband.

Therefore, ever since they were young, Yang Xiaoyun had been more concerned than Su Mo's parents about supervising his martial arts practice.

But there was a time when Su Mo was disobedient, and Yang Xiaoyun really hit him…

This also caused Su Mo to be fearful of Yang Xiaoyun, and he practically fled at the sight of her.

In the end, the Su family declined and Father Su died tragically in the martial world. Mother Su died of depression and the huge escort company collapsed.

This naturally had a huge impact on their marriage.

On top of that, that bastard Su Mo from before was an unfilial descendant from head to toe. Not only did he not work hard for his family, he even degraded himself to the point of constantly ruining his family background.

Yang Yizhi did not want his daughter to interact with this unworthy brat.

This was in accord with Su Mo's wishes. Every day, he would have a happy time at the brothel.

In the end, when the Iron Maiden heard of this, she went straight to the brothel, dragged him out, and beat him up.

There was a huge commotion.

There was no one in the entire Sunset City who didn't know that the Iron Maiden had beaten up her husband in a fit of rage. If one already had the best, he would not pay attention to other choices. For a time, it became a joke that was relished till now.

As for Su Mo, he made use of this opportunity to spread his name far and wide. However, his reputation was naturally not very good.

Later on, they heard that Yang Xiaoyun had also been scolded by Yang Yizhi because of this incident. This was the first time that the father and daughter got so angry with each other.

Even Su Mo did not know the details. After that incident, the two of them rarely met.

After Su Mo transmigrated here, he lived in seclusion and rarely interacted with others.

Unexpectedly, they met again at this moment.

To be asked in front of others if his old habit had surfaced and he again visited the brothel… Su Mo felt that he was somewhat embarrassed.

Just as he was at a loss for an answer, Yang Xiaoyun sat down and looked up at him. "Sit."


Su Mo could only follow the good advice and occasionally looked up at the other escorts from the Iron Blood Escort Company.

Everyone nodded at him.

It could not be said that they respected him. Even if they did, it was on account of Su Mo's father. However, it was not necessarily true that they looked down on him. Even if they did, they didn't have to show it on their face and make their mistress unhappy?

Those who were here, even if their martial arts were mediocre, were at least no longer greenhorns who showed their anger on their faces and often died early.

"How have you been?"

After sitting down, Yang Xiaoyun looked at Su Mo and lowered her voice. Her expression was filled with concern.

"I'm good, I'm well."

"Well, that's good."

Yang Xiaoyun nodded. With an older sister cum motherly expression, she said, "I haven't been at home these days. In recent years, my father has left many things in the escort company for me to handle. I often run around, so I didn't show much concern for you. Don't blame me."

"No, no!"

Su Mo shook his head firmly.


Yang Xiaoyun pondered for a moment and did not know what to say. She simply slammed the table and said, "Waiter, serve the tea!"

The waiter of the teahouse had long prepared the tea. Upon hearing that, he hurriedly carried the tray and served the large cups of tea.

Yang Xiaoyun seemed to have thought of something during this period of time. She smiled and said, "I heard that you have changed a lot in recent years. It's a good thing that you don't frequent the brothel and are working hard in the martial arts. The martial world is filled with trials and tribulations. You will inevitably be able to carry the banner of the Purple Sun Escort Company in the future. In the end, you have to learn more and practice more diligently."

"Your family was well-educated. The martial arts of the Purple Sun Sect are not to be underestimated. Although in the past ten years, there have been few disciples who entered the martial world, it is still a famous name."

"Now that it's in your hands, don't let this famous name be covered in dust."

Although he felt that the two of them were acting a little strange, these words were invaluable advice. Su Mo was not someone who did not know what was good for him. He immediately nodded solemnly.

"Of course."

This surprised Yang Xiaoyun. The way she looked at Su Mo was different. It was as if some light had emerged from the dead silence.

She could not help but smile. "You are indeed different. I knew it. Uncle Su was a hero. You, Su Mo, will never be an ordinary person."

"Yes. If you have time, you can visit my house."

"When Uncle Su was still around, our families often interacted. I don't know why, but many things changed overnight."

"The people are still the same people, the city is still the same city. Everything looks the same, yet everything is different."

"I believe my father will be happy if you visit him often, right?"

Su Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had an impression of Yang Yizhi.

He was unsmiling and a person of few words. After the Su family's incident, he only appeared once in the mourning hall. After that, he never stepped into the Su family's main gate again.

Everyone said that Yang Yizhi didn't want to have anything to do with the Su Family.

He also restricted Yang Xiaoyun and Su Mo's interactions.

There were even some matchmakers who came to the Yangs' house to ask for Yang Xiaoyun's hand in marriage…

Strangely, Yang Yizhi didn't agree to any.

As for the engagement between Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun, he did not mention it at all.

This had confused many people.

Upon hearing Yang Xiaoyun's words, Su Mo did not know how to reply and could only deal with it for the time being. "When I'm free, I'll naturally visit you."

"Then it's settled. I won't be going out for a while. Come to the escort company and I'll personally supervise your martial arts."
