
After handing over the invitation card, Su Mo stood quietly in front of the door and waited.

When he raised his eyes, he saw the big Iron Blood Flag moving along with the wind.

The words on the plaque were written with vigorous touches and fascinating strokes.

This was the Iron Blood Escort Company!

It had been seven days since Su Mo returned to the Purple Sun Escort Company in Sunset City.

These seven days, Su Mo once again lived a peaceful life where he did not step out of his house.

Every morning, he would wake up early to practice martial arts. After breakfast, he would go to the study room to read books.

After two hours, he continued practicing martial arts until lunch.

He took a nap in the afternoon and then continued to repeat what he did in the morning.

He lived a simple and dull life.

However, he was quite happy with himself and did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.