Uncle Fu

For an escort master to wander from place to place, he must know the ropes.

One of them was not to wash his face.

The reason was that if he frequently washed his face and was exposed to the wind and sun, his skin would crack and get damaged. He would shed his skin in summer, and when the cold winter wind blew, it would be like knife cutting his face.

Therefore, not washing his face was actually a form of protection for the escort master.

So when should he wash his face? Naturally, it was after he returned home.

This rule at the Purple Sun Escort Company was like a ritual.

After the escort mission was done, he went home to wash his face. However, this was the first major event.

Su Mo looked at Uncle Fu, who was full of smiles, and smiled. He removed his outerwear, washed his face with his hands, and carefully wiped away the frost on his face.

Uncle Fu waited on him from the side until Su Mo finished washing his face. Then, he left with the basin of water and splashed it out.

It was as if he had shaken off all the hardships he had gone through.

Bathing and eating!

I'll have to have a good meal.

The stir-fried tender meat slices, the exquisite crystal pork shank, and the enticing green vegetables were served together on the table.

On top of that, Uncle Fu's specialty was the soup dumplings, a total of five trays.

So that Su Mo could eat heartily.

On the other hand, Uncle Fu had always emphasized the rules, so he never ate at the same table as Su Mo.

While Su Mo was eating, Uncle Fu was waiting on him.

Although Su Mo had told Uncle Fu more than once that the two of them were the only ones left in the escort company, there was really no need to abide by this rule.

However, Uncle Fu just wouldn't allow it. No matter what Su Mo said, it was useless.

When the old man was anxious, he would act shamelessly and sit on the ground with snot and tears on his face, and said that he had let down the Su family's ancestors.

In the end, Su Mo could only relent.

The soup dumplings were delicious. While Su Mo was enjoying himself, he did not forget to mention that he met Yang Xiaoyun at Ten Miles Pavilion.

"Oh, it's the eldest daughter of the Yang Family."

Uncle Fu's eyes lit up. "Speaking of which, Young Master, you're already at the age to get married. Miss Yang is even more outstanding and elegant. She's really a good match for Young Master. Why don't I go to the Iron Blood Escort Company in place of Young Master in a while and meet with Old Master Yang to bring up your marriage arrangement?"

Su Mo was just gulping down a mouthful of tea when he almost spat it out.

He immediately waved his hand. "Uncle Fu, please stay here. You can't do this!"

"Young Master, what do you mean by that?"

Uncle Fu shook his head. "The marriage between the two of you was decided when Old Master was still alive. At that time, Old Master Yang was very happy. Even though Old Master passed away, this marriage would still be there. If Yang Yizhi dares to go back on his words, would he ever be able to face anyone? If that's the case, then don't look at how old Uncle Fu is. If this old bag of bones lies at the entrance of Iron Blood Escort Company, I think Yang Yizhi will have a headache for three days."

Su Mo did not know whether to laugh or cry. He did not know what this old man had experienced when he was young.

At his age, he was obstinate and would not listen to anyone. Like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, he cared about nothing.

Besides, Su Mo knew Uncle Fu well.

This old man could really do such a thing.

Immediately, he said, "I'm not saying that this marriage doesn't count, nor am I saying that the Yang family is going back on their word. Let's not talk about anything else. In the past few years, the people who went to the Iron Blood Escort Company to seek a marriage alliance almost broke the iron gate of their family, but I haven't seen Uncle Yang agreeing, right?"

"Mn, that's true. Consider Yang Yizhi to be trustworthy."

Uncle Fu nodded. "You have to know that when he was still young, he and Master were friends who had gone through life and death together. Many times, Master had carried Yang Yizhi out from the pile of dead people in the martial world. If he dared to go back on his word, even if Uncle Fu died, he would turn into a vengeful spirit and blow his backbone."


Su Mo could only nod repeatedly. "Of course, of course."

"Young Master, when do you think it's appropriate for us to bring this matter up?"

However, Uncle Fu did not stop there. Instead, he looked at Su Mo. "This matter can't be left unsolved. While my old bones are still not completely useless, if you can help the Su family expand, I can still help to take care of Young Master Xiaoxiao. Don't look at me like this. I was the one who brought you up when you were young. Madam said that I'm better at taking care of children than her."

He had digressed a lot from the main topic.

Su Mo had no choice but to respond, "Uncle Fu, it is indeed not the right time to bring this up. My actions in the past two years have been ridiculous, and it has been spread all over Sunset City. Although I have been thinking hard and learnt my lessons painfully these past two years and have changed from the past. But I need to slowly turn around my reputation. Uncle Yang's side probably has a lot of prejudice against me. Even though it was because of the promise from the past that this engagement has not been destroyed."

"But if we bring it up now, I'm afraid it will be hard for him to agree…"

As he spoke up to this point, he saw that Uncle Fu was about to get anxious again. He immediately said, "However, everything has already developed in a good direction. When the escort company opens its doors to do business, my reputation will slowly turn around. When we bring the escort company to greater heights and achieve success and fame, how will Uncle Yang be able to refuse?"

"All these years, he must have been waiting for me to change for the better after rejecting so many people who came to seek a marriage alliance."

When Uncle Fu heard this, he finally calmed down a little. After pondering for a while, he nodded and said, "Young Master, you've indeed grown up. What you said makes sense. Then… we'll do as you say?"

"Okay, let's do that."

Su Mo let out a sigh of relief after dealing with it. He would think about the future later.

Uncle Fu smiled and said, "Although that is what you said, if Young Master is free, you should go to the Iron Blood Escort Company."

"… Got it."

Su Mo nodded slightly. "I promised Yang Xiaoyun that I would visit the Iron Blood Escort Company when I'm free."

"That's good. That's good."

Uncle Fu nodded repeatedly. "I know that Young Master is prioritizing martial arts now, but the Eldest Young Lady of the Yang Family is also an expert in this field. To be disconnected from reality and act only subjectively is ultimately not a long-term path. You youngsters interact more and learn from each other more. This is exactly what that sentence means… What is that saying? Moving forward bravely and forcefully? Who knows what good stories might spread in the martial world in the future…"

As the old man spoke, he began to imagine the future.

In his mind, he might have already thought of Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun making a name for themselves in the martial world…

Su Mo secretly heaved a sigh of relief. However, when he thought about it, he had a headache.

Fortunately, Yang Yizhi's attitude is still unclear. There's no need to worry too much about this.

He did not think too much about it and returned to his room after eating his fill.

This trip was really tough. Although his internal strength was profound and his body was not tired, his mind was tired. He threw himself on the bed and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.