Speak Properly, Or I'll Beat You To Death (3)


Su Lijie immediately felt guilty. He hurriedly put down the sword in his hand, grinned, and raised his hands in surrender. "Little Fairy, I was wrong. Please forgive me this time."

As he apologized, Su Lijie retreated. He watched as Little Linglong revealed a strange smile, rubbed her little fists, and walked over step by step.

That was it.

"I only have one request. Don't hit my face. Is that okay?" Su Lijie had already given up resisting. His final prayer was also so humble.

Little Linglong gave him a reassuring look. In an instant, a hammer was raised. The huge hammer that emitted lightning blasted towards Su Lijie's face.

Su Lijie felt his vision go black and his head buzz. With a bang, he was sent flying hundreds of meters.

"How dare you ambush me? I'll beat you to death…" Little Linglong was furious. She carried the hammer and rose from the ground, fiercely rushing towards the Nine Heavens before ruthlessly smashing down.