I Said I Would Fight Five, So I Will Fight Five (1)

"Hmm? It's this little fellow again…"

He Wushuang's mouth twitched when he saw Little Linglong running over from outside. He had an ominous feeling.

Was it his imagination? Why did this little fellow give him the feeling that she could win?

The little loli, who had been underestimated since the beginning, had already arrived at the peak in the blink of an eye. If this continued, the Dao discussion at Yun Ding this year might really be snatched away by this little fellow. That would be too embarrassing.

It was said that this generation had many geniuses. It was a golden age. As for them, they were praised to the skies. They were the Heavenly Saint and the Jade-Lake Saintess. Turning around, the experts on the Dao discussion on Mount Yun Ding was beaten down by a little loli.

That would be extremely embarrassing.

"Fairy, why do I have an ominous feeling…"