Let Me Show You What Lightning Technique Is

Yaya was speechless at Bai Junlin's mysterious confidence. How should she put it? Although this second uncle was usually quite unreliable, he treated her quite well. Seeing that he was about to be beaten up, she really couldn't bear it.

"Sigh, I'd better pretend not to see it." She secretly covered her eyes. Yaya no longer planned to watch the cruel scene next. She felt bad.

"Hehe… Big Brother, feel free to come at me. Let me make it clear first. We're only playing with lightning techniques today. We're not allowed to use sabers or swords." Bai Junlin walked out proudly and said with incomparable confidence, as if he could already see himself defeating his brother and returning to his peak.

It wasn't easy for him to encounter an opportunity to torture Ye Qiu. How could he miss it? He would show his might later. If he won this battle, he would brag to everyone he met in the future. Have you heard of the Heaven Mending Deity? Yes Qiu? He's my defeated opponent.