Beginning to Impart Cultivation

"Brother, I'm not playing anymore. Help!" On the wasteland, a Bai Ze fled in panic and was continuously struck by lightning. The scene was extremely comical.

This scene lasted for an unknown period of time. It was only after Bai Junlin was struck until his entire body was pitch-black and he lay on the ground with a lifeless expression that Ye Qiu finally had enough fun and slowly removed the lightning clouds.

"Hehe, who asked you to be so arrogant? Do you know what a lightning technique is now?" Ye Qiu slowly descended from the sky with an abnormally calm expression. He tried his best to suppress his laughter.

"Master, look at what you've done to Second Uncle. His entire body is charred." Yaya tried her best to hold back her laughter and couldn't help but complain. She found it funny when she thought of Bai Junlin's confident expression just now.