Title: Sword Dao Banished Immortal

Huang Six glared at Gao Xiaoxuan. Before he could speak, there was a rumble in the distance.

Endless demonic light covered the entire Fengshou Mountain.

The vast and solemn blood-colored halo made people tremble.

The spiritual light and sword light that belonged to human cultivators slowly disappeared.


The Fengshou Mountain position had completely fallen.

"The sects of the Western Frontier will retreat to Cloud Nest Ridge."

Voices rolled through the void.

Rays of spiritual light gathered in the direction of Cloud Nest Ridge.

The surging demonic aura followed closely behind.

It was an almost murderous pursuit.

Han Muye's body moved, and he rushed forward 10,000 feet.

The sword marks on the ground below were still there.

The retreating cultivators passed by Han Muye with fear on their faces.