Title: Sword Dao Banished Immortal (2)

They had all seen Han Muye's sword strike just now.

Very strong.

So what?

Could the demons of the Southern Wasteland really be blocked by a sword?

He was just a small sword cultivator, not the number one sword cultivator in the Western Frontier, Master Tu Sun.




The demons charging at Han Muye were all powerful and fast.

"Nineteen, be careful!"

Below, someone shouted.

Several figures rushed over to meet the big demon.

These people were all elites of the Fengshou Mountain.

Han Muye had seen these people more than once from the swords he had sent back to the Sword Pavilion.

Many of these people even had their own names.

For example, Li San's sword was floating.

Luo Xiaoyu should be the one who was releasing the cold spiritual light.

Even Lu Ten had the title of Tiger General.

Han Muye looked ahead and raised his Green Destiny Sword.