Are You a Remnant of the Divine Court? (2)

The spiritual light transformed into a light screen that enveloped the entire Prime Minister's residence.

Now the people in the Imperial City were already used to Han Muye being in seclusion. The emperor and the councilor were in charge of everything in the Heavenly Mystic World.

Wasn't what Prime Minister Han wanted to do was to seclude himself for cultivation and accumulate wealth through various means?

Did the Prime Minister really have to deal with national affairs?

Certain complex or contentious national affairs were best left to those who were skilled at handling such matters, such as councilors or other experts in diplomacy and negotiation.

Although Minister Han, who possessed immense strength and was a descended immortal, was leading others in various schemes to accumulate wealth, there was nothing inherently wrong with that.


On the Scattered Stars Island, in the Six Stalwart Pavilion.