Who's the Remnant of the Divine Court?

"Divine Court?"

Han Muye looked at the Endless Divine Venerable and said softly, "Why didn't you mention the Immortal World?"

The Immortal World!

Flames appeared in the Endless Heavenly Venerate's eyes, and the flames seemed to be about to burn Han Muye's body the next moment.

The cold and hot intertwined like a heavy hammer striking Han Muye's soul again and again.

However, the power of ice and fire could not break through the green immortal light around Han Muye.

Just like what the Divine Emperor had said back then, immortals were immortals.

"Who are you?" The Endless Divine Venerable was filled with killing intent.

Han Muye did not answer, but raised his hands.

He slowly put his hands together and pressed down on the endless Divine Venerable.

A faint spiritual light turned into a handprint that seemed to envelop the endless Divine Venerable.

Looking at the handprint, the Endless Divine Venerable was stunned.