Who's the Remnant of the Divine Court? (2)

If that was the case, there would definitely be trouble in the end.

"Someone colluded with forces outside the dam and almost attacked the Immortal Source World.

"Someone is preparing to quietly open the seal and return to the Immortal Ascension Platform.

"Hehe, all of this seems to be a joke.

"We were the ones who sealed the Immortal Ascension Platform. Now, we're the ones who have to open it."

The Endless Divine Venerable shook his head and said disappointedly, "I left the Upper Three Heavens because I didn't want to see these people arguing endlessly."

When Han Muye left the Endless Sea, he probably had some understanding of the situation in the cultivation world.

Outside the dam were the remnants of the Divine Court. They had been thinking of ways to rebuild the Divine Court.

Although the power in the dam was chaotic, it was not that there were no hidden forces.