God Slaying Sword Immortal Behind Han Muye (2)

Fortunately, he always had a backup plan in everything he did.

He raised his hand, and a golden token appeared in his palm.

The golden light on the token flickered and transformed into a golden gate.

On top of the gate, golden light interwove into immortal patterns. The immortal patterns were dim, but no one could look at them directly. Every immortal pattern seemed to be alive and kept moving.

Behind the gate was a continuous illusory palace.

"God Slaying Hall!" Golden Immortal Ye Ming's expression changed as he retreated hurriedly.

But at this moment, a long sword flew out from the school courtyard.

The greenish-black longsword was simple and unadorned, but the vast power emitted by the sword light made people completely unable to control their blood, qi, and soul.

With a flash, the sword light broke through the fire tornado that was suppressing Han Muye.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Golden Immortal Ye Ming.